Chapter 873 Worry
In the chamber of the Special Affairs Bureau headquarters.

A group of senior officials of the Special Affairs Bureau stared at the satellite image displayed on the screen, all showing expressions of horror.

These two guys who suddenly appeared in the sky above City Y, no one in the top management of the Special Affairs Bureau would not know.

Sequence 15, the child in red and Sequence 11, the giant eyeball.

Both of these are extremely powerful and weird in the front sequence.

This is so anomalous.

In their cognition, there will be no other weirdness in the powerful and weird activity area.

It's like there is no other weird existence in the range of activities of Siren Head.

It was also for this reason that when they learned that Scholar Bai Lian and the slender ghost had appeared in a hotel, they sent a group of people to investigate.

But now.

They saw the city Y where Gayako was located, and suddenly there were two strange people with such a high sequence.

This means that many of their weird intelligences are wrong.

A high-level person swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and murmured dryly: "Is there actually a connection between the weirdness?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the meeting hall became more and more heavy.

Indeed, powerful eerie have self-awareness.

But having a sense of self and having an organizational structure are two entirely different concepts.

Talk about a conspiracy theory.

With the power of a strange crushing level, how can human beings survive?
Or in other words, what are these weird things up to?
Seeing that these high-level officials have become more or less negative.

The old man in military uniform slapped the desk hard twice.

He yelled loudly like an angry old lion.

"Look at what you look like now? Even if those things really have a conspiracy? Are you waiting to die?!"

"Use air support immediately."

"Let Mr. Lu know that he is not fighting Weird alone!"


City Y.

Lu Yan stood on a messy street, watching the strangeness in the sky.

He recognized the child in red, but he still couldn't figure out what the huge eyeball was.

Originally, he was also ready to directly solve the new weirdness together.

But after hearing what the kid in red said, he abruptly stopped his plan to attack.

It wasn't that Lu Yan was afraid of not being able to beat him or anything else.

He just felt that instead of looking for them one by one like this, the efficiency is really not good.

As the saying goes, one sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also herded.

It's better to let these weirdnesses gather by themselves.

This is more convenient for him.

Lu Yan didn't make a move immediately, and the huge eyeball in the sky and the child in red naturally wouldn't attack him hastily.

After all, the purpose of their trip was to save Kayako from Lu Yan.

Besides, the kid in red had fought against Lu Yan.

Although it doesn't know how Lu Yan did it, it knows that Lu Yan can really use his fists to cause damage to Weird.

It really didn't dare to fight Lu Yan again before gathering enough strength.

That gigantic eyeball seemed to think so too.

He didn't even make a tentative move, and directly opened a black gap in midair, and he was about to get into the gap and leave this place.

No one could be seen within a few kilometers around. Under such a terrifying movement, the residents all hid in their houses and dared not come out.

At most, there are a few brave ones observing the situation here through the windows.

Seeing this, Lu Yan frowned slightly.

He really intends to gather all these powerful monsters.

This does not mean that the children in red can escape from him so easily.

No matter how bad it is, one or two have to be left behind.

He moved his feet, and under the terrifying reaction force, the whole person rose up from the ground and shot towards the strange direction.

But the kid in red didn't seem to notice Lu Yan's movements, he dragged Gayako, who was still in a state of madness, with the hemp rope around his neck, and walked into the gap calmly.

According to Lu Yan's forward speed, before he rushed over, he would definitely be able to stop the remaining giant eyeballs.

Yet at this moment.

The huge eyeball suddenly shifted its gaze to Lu Yan.

next moment.

Lu Yan suddenly felt that his perception of time was confused.

His forward speed has not changed, and the distance between him and the giant eyeball has not increased.

But suddenly it was never in time, and it became too late.

This kind of change gave him the feeling that time passed slowly when he was a child, but time suddenly speeded up after he was 20 years old.

Being able to realize that there seems to be something wrong, but why can't be found.

This kind of confused perception is simply maddening.

When Lu Yan arrived at the original position of the huge eyeball, the gap had already shrunk, and the air was calm again.

Such a situation made him frown uncontrollably.

"Is it the manipulation of perception, or is it related to time?"

Lu Yan couldn't tell.

It's okay if it's a distortion of perception, but if it involves time, it's a little troublesome.


It should be time.

There is only one huge eyeball, and it is related to time.

He probably guessed what this huge eyeball was.

Thanks to the strange sequence given by the Special Affairs Bureau, they are not arranged according to combat power, otherwise, with the power of this huge eyeball, I am afraid that they may not be able to compete for the top three positions.

Whoosh~ whoosh~
Two streamlined jet fighters flew across the sky of Y City with ear-piercing buzzing sounds.

They were originally planning to come to support Lu Yan.

Unfortunately, halfway through the flight, I was told that Wei Yi had left.

You can only show your head and say that you have been here before.

Lu Yan understood that this was the Bureau of Special Affairs showing kindness to him.

But to him, the goodwill of the Special Affairs Bureau, and even the goodwill of all human beings in this world of experience, is actually meaningless.

If this is a game that regards humans and weirdness as two camps, then it can only be said that the game designer is balancing with his feet.

He even suspected that all human beings combined might not be able to solve any of the top [-] weirdnesses in the sequence.

If you want to learn the truth from Wei Wei's mouth, you can only rely on yourself.

But if the weirdness really gathers to a certain number...

Lu Yan returned to the ground.

After restraining his breath, he pressed his temple with a slight headache.

He wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to beat him.

But the abilities of these strange existences are too troublesome.

If a swarm of bees swarms up, how many can he solve at the same time?
The weirdness of this experience world was originally a terrifying image of the real world.

The ability to control and weaken aspects is definitely not lacking.

A bunch of powerful negative states all of a sudden, even Lu Yan finds it very difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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