Chapter 876 is here

"you're right."

Lu Yan nodded.

Seeing that half of the old man in military uniform was going to be buried in the ground, he didn't bother to care about anything.

"I'm going to rest, don't look for me if you have nothing to do."

Even if so many reporters can be arranged, the Special Affairs Bureau has already prepared a room for Lu Yan.

Lu Yan has seen the room, it is very nice.

In addition, there is this old man who has made up a lot of strange things in his head.

Lu Yan's thoughts on watching the sunrise also faded a bit, and he turned and left the rooftop.

The old man in military uniform watched his leaving back for a long time before he sighed.

"Sure enough, it's still under a lot of pressure."

It was dawn.

The reporters at the headquarters of the Secret Service have not yet woken up.

Faced with the news that Weird was about to attack in an all-out way, no one could wait calmly, and most of them didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night.

"Well, I don't know how long this kind of days will be over."

After Zhu Chenghai finished washing, he walked out of the bathroom with a sad face.

He was a front-line reporter for a major news outlet.

Because of his courage, he often ran to the scene of strange disasters to obtain first-hand news without fear of death, so he quickly got mixed up in the middle class.

This is why this press conference was attended by him on behalf of his own media.

However, although he was able to get along so fast by relying on his weirdness, he didn't like his current life.

Because of the weird relationship, he doesn't know when he will be killed by the weirdness. What's the point of his position being so high?
Zhu Chenghai poured a glass of milk and found two pieces of chocolate from his bag.

I plan to deal with breakfast like this.

at this time.

He inadvertently glanced out the window.

The whole person suddenly fell into a sluggish state.

The room he lives in is on the third floor, which is neither high nor low.

You can just see the tarmac not far away.

Zhu Chenghai saw a strange guy in the shape of a human standing on the grass of the tarmac.

The guy was wearing a suit and tie and was about two meters tall.

If it's just that, it's nothing.

What shocked his pupils was that the head part of that strange guy was actually made of many strange materials glued together.

Rugby balls, spoons, flowerpots...

The head of this monster is made up of these things!

Just looking at it like this makes people shudder.


Zhu Chenghai swallowed hard.

Thanks to his courage, he didn't scream or panic.

His mind was spinning rapidly, searching for information about this weird image.

Sequence 99, eye-to-eye weirdo.

Thinking of this weird information, Zhu Chenghai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The underlying logic of this weird operation is actually very simple, that is, when you see it, you can no longer look away.

As long as you look away, it will approach you and kill you.

But there is one thing that everyone sees is not the same monster.

Assuming there are two people present, they can only see the one they see.

In other words, as long as you see this weird looking monster, you must always keep your eyes on it, and you can never look away, and no one else can help you.

It sounds troublesome, but after testing by the Special Affairs Bureau, it was discovered that this weirdness has a fatal flaw.

That is the mirror.

As long as the mirror is placed in front of its eyes, the target it looks at will be replaced by itself, and then enter the mirror.

In the end, smashing the mirror will solve the crisis.

Zhu Chenghai quickly thought of this.

While he was relieved, he didn't have the idea of ​​looking for a mirror in the room to solve it by himself.

Instead, he took out his mobile phone and fumbled on the screen to dial the number of the Secret Service.

Just when Zhu Chenghai was about to make a call, a crow sounded in his ears.

"The crow called? Where did the crow come from in the room?"

Before he could figure it out, an old wooden stick with a strong smell of decay was placed on his shoulder.

"Jie Jie~ Good boy, don't call anyone, let's play again."

Zhu Chenghai only felt horrified, and fear flooded his heart like a tide, and he could even hear his own heartbeat clearly.

Even if you know that the staring monster is below, you will be killed if you look away.

He couldn't help but turn his head away.

Even if you die, you have to die with understanding.

What caught his eyes was a huge figure.

With a height of three to four meters, it is completely on the ceiling.

Its body was made up of a pile of branches and sticks, wearing a tattered and large black robe, and a straw hat on its head, making it impossible to see its face clearly.

Zhu Chenghai opened his mouth, his voice extremely hoarse.

"Sequence 65, scary scarecrow..."

At this moment, he understood.

Where is what a week.

The weird all-out attack started on the first day!

He was trembling all over, obviously wanting to shout hard, but he couldn't make any sound at all.

The staring stranger appeared behind Zhu Chenghai at some point and broke his head off.

Seeing this, the scary scarecrow's eyes flickered twice under the shadow of the straw hat.

Some are dissatisfied with such hasty behavior of staring at the weirdo.

The stranger who looked at each other seemed unable to speak, and disappeared into the room without saying a word.

Return to the lawn again and wait for the "destined person".

boom! boom! boom!
There was a knock on the door.

"Old Zhu, are you still awake?"

Tang Qianhua stood in front of the door dragging his suitcase.

He and Zhu Chenghai were on the road together, the better it was last night, they were on the road together today.

After waiting for a while, it was strange to hear that there was no movement from the room.

In his impression, Zhu Chenghai always got up very early.

The doorknob was turned down, and the door opened slowly.

"Okay, you kid is hiding in the room and not talking, what are you doing..."

The teasing smile on Tang Qianhua's face hadn't faded away before he was killed by the scary scarecrow.

Blood splattered all over the corridor, and with the rising sun, it gave people an extremely contradictory and absurd aesthetic feeling.

The scary scarecrow sneaked out his head and looked left and right in the corridor, then dragged Tang Qianhua's body into the room.

The edge of the wide, shabby black robe split off, turning into a flock of red-eyed crows, and quickly cleaned up the blood in the corridor.

This scene was clearly seen by the staff on duty in the monitoring room.

The two staff members looked at each other.

Without hesitation, he reached out and pressed the button of the alarm.

I saw a flash of white light, and the heads of the two staff were separated instantly.

A man wearing a mask, holding a rusty mountain ax in his hand, stood in front of the corpses of the two staff members.

"whispering sound."

(End of this chapter)

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