Chapter 878 Night falls
It's not that the physical strength of the old man in military uniform doesn't support him to run this distance again.

The main reason is that there is a child in red standing on the only way between the two buildings.

It stared blankly at the old man in military uniform and the two guards behind him, completely ignoring the two black muzzles.

The old man in military uniform looked extremely ugly.

At this time, he noticed that there was a cold and sharp atmosphere everywhere in the headquarters area of ​​the Special Affairs Bureau.

The smell of depression has become so strong that an ordinary person can feel it, so one can imagine how weird it is this time.

A thin layer of sweat dripped from the forehead of the old man in military uniform in an instant, and he clenched his fist subconsciously.

No one wants to die if given a choice.

But facing this red-clothed kid who was extremely terrifying in the intelligence of the Special Affairs Bureau, let alone there are only three of them here, even if there are ten times more people, it is impossible to deal with it.

As their only hope, Lu Yan couldn't be notified now.

The old man in military uniform took a deep breath. He didn't want to sit still, so he pretended to be relaxed and said to the two guards beside him.

"It's a pity that I forgot to ask you two boys what their names are."

"No matter what the result is, wait until this battle is over before asking."


When it came to the latter, the old man had almost turned into a roaring state.

Before he finished speaking, he quickly took out a pistol and aimed at the child in red to shoot.

He knew very well that with just him and the two guards, he couldn't even delay the time in front of the kid in red.

He had to believe that Lu Yan would catch up!

You don't need a reason to believe, you have to believe.

Many journalists who were lucky enough to be alive in the building had already noticed the situation downstairs.

With a flexible mind, he turned his head and asked about Lu Yan's room number.

The more courageous ones set up the camera equipment and started the live broadcast.

It doesn't even need an official push, under such a shocking event.

The people spontaneously began to forward the notice to each other, and soon more and more people poured into the live broadcast room.


Lu Yan, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

He did temporarily lose his perception, but that didn't mean he couldn't feel anything.

Don't forget, his physical fitness is already inhuman.

Even if the sound insulation effect of this room is excellent, it is impossible to completely isolate all the volume.

The insignificant gunshots reached his ears, making him frown.

He got up and opened the curtains, and looked down through the bulletproof glass window.

Just in time, I saw the child in red playing with the heads of two guards and walking up to the old man in military uniform.

"Did the weirdos come in such a hurry?"

Lu Yan was a little surprised, but then he changed his mind and smiled: "But that's fine."

He didn't intend to take the elevator downstairs, so he just kicked it out.

The glass that met the bulletproof standard was easily smashed by him with one kick.

Then leap forward...

From the perspective of the old man in military uniform and the reporters below, he heard a loud explosion-like noise first.

The next moment, Lu Yan fell from the sky like a hero, smashing the asphalt concrete road below into a circle of dense cracks.

The corner of his mouth was smiling, and when he got up slowly, under the sunlight, a large number of glittering glass shards fell down around Lu Yan.

Such a shocking scene was conveyed to the eyes of all the audience in the live broadcast room through the camera.

For some reason, just seeing such a scene, the people watching the live broadcast unconsciously clenched their fists.

As if...they could really win?
The reporters on the scene were shocked by what they saw with their own eyes, which was far more intense than what they saw through the screen.

I no longer worry about whether making a sound will attract the attention of the child in red.

Many reporters couldn't help but roared.

"Mr. Lu, you must win!"

"Come on!"

The old man in military uniform sat slumped on the ground, staring at Lu Yan's back like this, and fell into a daze.

Of course, Lu Yan didn't care how these people would react.

He patted the shards of glass left on his shoulder, then walked unhurriedly in front of the child in red, and said with a light smile.

"Guess, can you escape from me this time?"

This was already the third time Lu Yan had seen the child in red.

The strange one who was able to escape from him twice, the kid in red was the first one.

The child in red was still expressionless.

Under the traction of the hemp rope hanging around his neck, his feet were suspended in the air, keeping him at eye-level with Lu Yan.

Say it in a tone of fact.

"This time, it will be you who escapes."

Hearing this, Lu Yan shook his head.

"I never run away."

This is also true.

But the more important point is that he doesn't run because he doesn't have any ability to run.

His short legs left him with only two options for fighting people.

Either be beaten to death by yourself, or beat yourself to death several times, and then be beaten to death by yourself.

The kid in red smiled contemptuously.

"You have no idea what you're going to face."

Before Lu Yan could speak.

His body trembled involuntarily.

A cold and dead breath kept pouring into his body, as if someone reached out and pinched his heart.

The sky next to the building twisted, and then a crack hundreds of meters long was torn.

Various ear-piercing roars came from the gap.

The huge eyeball that had appeared in City Y before descended from the crack to the headquarters of the Special Affairs Bureau.

The coldness of Lu Yan's hands and feet gradually faded away, and he was a little unsure whether the aura just now was the ability used by a strange animal, or it was emitted naturally.

"I heard that human beings rank the eyeballs in sequence 11?"

The kid in red was probably still a child at heart, and he didn't hide the sarcasm in his tone: "I think you must be wondering why we choose to attack during the day?"

Although no matter it is day or night, human beings cannot deal with those powerful monsters.

But Weird generally prefers it and plays it better, and it has to be night.

"Because there is no difference..."

Before the child in red could finish speaking, the huge eyeball closed.

The next moment, the sky suddenly changed!

From morning to night without any pause, and the scope, is the whole world!
Seeing this scene, Lu Yan pursed his lips.

"With one eye of the candle dragon, it is regarded as day, and it sleeps as night."

The identity of that giant eyeball was exactly as he had guessed, it was the Candle Dragon's Eye that was in charge of the sun and the moon.

He turned his head to look at the dumbfounded old man in military uniform, and said jokingly, "Could the intelligence of your Special Affairs Bureau be even more wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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