"Am I wrong?"

The child in red looked at the old man in military uniform who was blown up by the blast in the distance and was hanging on the telegraph pole.

He said disdainfully: "Apart from your appearance, where do you look like a human being?"

"Even if I'm not human, I'm even less likely to be weird. Isn't it normal not to help you?"

Lu Yan glanced at the child in red, and said it as a matter of course.

Having said that, he punched out from the air again, blowing up a strange monster that had recovered a little.

"There's no point in arguing about it. You'd better tell me something I don't know."

It was obvious that the kid in red was very unwilling.

However, an iron box was taken out from under the skirt.

There is no rust, but the pitted surface looks like it has been squeezed into a cuboid shape.

"Everything you want to know is here."

Lu Yan frowned and took the iron box over.

After getting it, you can feel that the weight of this box is unexpectedly light.

There is a lock on the box, which can be picked with a wire.

The obvious act of locking the box is more symbolic than practical.

"Have you all seen it?"

"No one has seen it."

The kid in red answered quickly, and it didn't seem like he was lying.

Lu Yan nodded. He didn't bother to find the wire to unlock the lock. With a little force on his arm, he pulled the lock off.

Box opens.

There is nothing special inside.

There is only one note, no wonder the box is so light.

Lu Yan took out the note and just glanced at it.

It made him frown subconsciously.

[Hahaha, Lao Lu, you deserve it. 】

In Lu Yan's opinion, the familiar tone at the beginning of the note should never appear in this world of experience.

He continued to look down with doubts.

[If you can see this, it proves that you have already dealt with all those gadgets. Sure enough, these gadgets alone still can’t solve you. 】

【Actually, based on what I know about you, I really didn't expect you to come to this experience world so late, and you actually practiced reincarnation honestly before that?This is not like you. 】

[If you were not as strong as you are when you came to this world, relying on these gadgets, you might be able to trap you in this world forever, which is really a pity. 】

【Hey, I guess you really want to know who I am right now? 】

"not at all."

Lu Yan silently replied in his heart.

[It's okay to tell you, I'm Duan Jianhui! 】

【As a reward for you to see this note, I will tell you one more thing for free. This note is the disharmony factor mentioned in this training mission. If you destroy the note, the mission will be completed. 】

[You don't need to thank me, Jie Jie Jie Jie hiccup...]

After reading it, Lu Yan crumpled the note into a ball and held it in his hand, his eyes flickered with thoughtfulness.

This note was indeed written in Duan Jianhui's tone.

But the person who wrote this note is absolutely impossible to be Duan Jianhui.

If that salted fish is really a mastermind behind the scenes, Lu Yan would dare to kick Peng Zhi's head as a ball.

Aside from the fact that this note is a disharmonious factor, the content on the note probably doesn't have much credibility.

His first reaction was that the note was written by that psychopath Yu Wulin.

But in many places, it doesn't match up at all.

That neuropathy is indeed very strong, but there are many people who are stronger than him. How can he affect the operation of the reincarnation system?

What's more, in terms of time, before the birth of the reincarnation system, I'm afraid even the neurotic ancestor hadn't been born yet.

There are too few clues to speculate at all.

Lu Yan turned to look at the child in red, and said, "Is there anything else?"

The kid in red shook his head.

It seemed that such an answer was a bit perfunctory, and it added: "What we know is known from the beginning of birth. As for how we know it, we don't know."

Hearing the tongue-twister answer from the kid in red, Lu Yan pinched the bridge of his nose with some headaches.

Fortunately, he still barely understood what it meant.

Only in this way, the clues will be completely broken.

He played with the ball of paper in his hand, and finally decided not to think about it anymore.

If there really is such an existence that wants to target him, it will appear sooner or later.

Lu Yan casually threw the ball of paper onto the strange body covered in flames. When the ball of paper was reduced to ashes, the notification sound of the reincarnation system sounded immediately.

【Ding. 】

【Clear disharmonious factors (completed)】

【Is it coming back? 】

Lu Yan did not leave in a hurry, but first asked the child in red: "If I leave, will you continue to kill people?"

The child in red shook his head like a rattle: "No, absolutely not!"

"Then if there is something weird and wants to continue killing people, please help me deal with it."

"Don't worry, boss, take care of me."

Lu Yan patted its head approvingly, silently said "return" in his heart, and disappeared in place in an instant.

2 minutes passed.

The kid in red looked around and confirmed that Lu Yan had really left.

Only then did he turn his head to look at the old man in military uniform hanging on the telegraph pole, with a cruel grin on his face.


【Ding. 】

【Mission completed, start returning. 】

【Mission Completion Degree: S】

[World destruction degree: B]

[World Exploration Degree: C]

[Task time: S]

[World Difficulty Factor: S]

[Overall evaluation of the task: perfect]

[The effect of the title of sin and natural disaster is strengthened. 】

[Extra rewards have been prepared, please host to draw. 】

[Task reincarnation currency reward: [-] points]

[Samsara Stele Ranking Reward Distribution: Task Clearing Symbol × 1, Reincarnation Coin Reward: [-] points. 】

[Note: The host should not disclose the task content of this world experience]

Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

He has seen a lot of mission settlements, but this is the first time he has seen the reincarnation system specially add a note after the mission settlement.

Can't tell?

So what did he want to reveal?
Dare to forcibly send him to experience the world, dare not let other reincarnation know about it?
Lu Yan decisively picked up the phone on the coffee table, clicked on the forum and started editing text.

During this period, he couldn't help but glanced at Duan Jianhui who was sleeping soundly.

Could it be this product?
Although he is at least ninety-nine percent sure, he is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

He walked lightly to Duan Jianhui's bedside.

at this time.

A carefree voice sounded from the balcony.


Lu Yan's eyelids twitched and he turned around.

Looking at Yu Wulin who didn't know when he appeared on the balcony and opened his hands like a fool.

Silently removed Yu Wulin from the list of suspects.

"You should know it's late at night, right?"

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