The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 883 Open Pendulum

Dragon Kingdom reincarnation space.

The familiar dizziness appeared after the teleportation.

It is probably because of the greatly improved perception ability in the state of old age, which caused this dizziness and even made Lu Yan feel a little nauseous.

Shaking his head vigorously, he shook the disgusting dizziness out of his head.

During this period, the noisy and noisy voices had poured into Lu Yan's ears.

He stood on the teleportation point, with white lights flickering around him from time to time, and the reincarnated people were teleported into the reincarnation space.

The buildings are arranged in an orderly manner at the sight, and the reincarnated people walk through the neat streets.

After such a long period of development, the reincarnation space has been extremely well built by the reincarnation people.

Although these buildings built by reincarnations do not have any special functions, this does not affect everyone's enthusiasm for infrastructure construction.

Especially when the reincarnation space and the real world are connected, the enthusiasm for construction is even higher.

And because of the division competition, there are several special buildings in the reincarnation space of Longguo.

The most popular one is the reincarnated trade union hall.

The reincarnation team created in it can get some pretty good results. For Lu Yan, this kind of gain is indeed better than nothing.

But if you don't want something in vain, not many people will refuse it.

More than [-]% of low-level reincarnations will find a reincarnation team to join them.

Most of the reincarnation squads also choose to assemble at the end of this training mission.

It's not about doing anything, just confirming which unlucky people in the team died in the experience world.

In fact, the current round of training missions just ended is the busiest time of the week in Samsara Space.

By the way, the buff effect of the reincarnation team is still random.

This also led to teams with strong buffs attracting more low-level reincarnations.

Well, a team of more than 1 people is really surprising.

Watching a tour group of grandpas and aunts pass by the teleportation point under the leadership of the tour guide, Lu Yan followed silently.

I don't know whether improving the physical fitness will improve the life expectancy.

At least in Lu Yan's eyes, he really hasn't seen many old-fashioned reincarnators.

His image with white beard and hair is still a bit awkward among a group of young people.

The teleportation point is an area with a huge flow of people in the samsara space.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of ordinary people who find sideways or act as intermediaries.

As soon as Lu Yan walked out of the teleportation point slowly, a few men in suits and ties, who almost had the word "professional" written on their faces, greeted them.

"This old man is very unfamiliar. It must be the first time he has entered the reincarnation space?"

"Hello, old man, you can call me Xiao Li. Although I am not a reincarnation person, my understanding of the reincarnation space is no worse than that of some senior reincarnation users. I only need ten reincarnation coins, and I can act as your tour guide." .”

"Look at me, old man. I know all kinds of conscientious shops in the reincarnation space. You can ask me if you need anything. I only need nine reincarnation coins."

These professionals sell themselves quite hard.

Lu Yan didn't say a word, and they all went on and on.

In fact, Lu Yan also knew about those shops.

Since the appearance of Samsara Space, it is no longer just a few catering shops.

Setting up street stalls also requires industrial upgrading.

If it is just an individual setting up a stall, not only is it inefficient, but it is also difficult to obtain the desired results.

But if you sell things that are useless to you to Samsara Mall, the price is too low.

Therefore, a family of fixed shops came into being.

They will purchase various equipment items and even abilities at a higher price than the mall's recovery.

However, find a way to sell it at a high price to those who need it.

In addition, due to the strange abilities and equipment of the reincarnation, there will naturally be some strange shops that are difficult to reproduce.
For example, shops with functions such as alchemy, fortune-telling, and enchanting equipment,
Faced with a large number of shops, if you search for them like a headless chicken, it is an exaggeration to say that you are looking for a needle in a haystack.

If you can spend a few samsara coins to save time, I believe most samsara users will not mind this.

But Lu Yan was not in a hurry.

He didn't hire any boys, but wandered aimlessly by himself.

If you find an interesting store, go in and have a look.

It is worth mentioning that because the official reincarnation department has not carried out too strict supervision on this kind of behavior of opening a store in the reincarnation space.

So most of the shops are quite introverted.

Bear the brunt of the store name.

The name of the store with a few words is basically invisible.

What is it all about.

【Extraordinary food shop that enhances strength, life and intelligence】

[Defensive capabilities and defensive equipment against modern thermal weapons dimensionality reduction attack shop]

[The most accessible and cost-effective equipment store in the whole space]

The whole street is full of such dense shop names, for fear that others will not know what the main shop of their own shop is.

Although this naming method is hardcore and exaggerated, it is very practical.

Even Lu Yan would occasionally pick a shop and go in for a stroll.

However, it's just a stroll.

If you have money, you will naturally spend it, but you also have to pay attention to making the best use of it.

It's not that you can't afford it.

It is because these things are of no use to him.

Presumably, these shops mainly focus on low-level reincarnation groups.

Suddenly, Lu Yan saw a shop called [Kaibai] at a glance.

The painting style of the whole store is completely different from the surrounding stores.

Those shops of others use neon lights and gemstones to make their own shops stand out.

This shop is called Kaibai, not to mention the installation of lighting, there are not even lights in the shop.

Thanks to the samsara space, there is no difference between day and night, otherwise I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to see this store.

Lu Yan walked into the shop curiously.

A woman who looked about 30 years old was lying on a tattered rattan chair.

She still held a lighted lady's cigarette in her hand, and she puffed out the clouds with her legs crossed.

Standing at the door of the store, Lu Yan somehow felt that this guy's bad posture was exactly the same as his own.

He smiled kindly and asked, "Why didn't you turn on the lights in this store?"

The shopkeeper gave him a sideways look.

Dangling a cigarette, he said faintly: "It's too embarrassing to hide and shake the generator."

After saying this, she took the initiative to sit up straight.

He said with a little displeasure: "Old man, if you like something in the store, just look at it."

"But don't touch it, just take a look. You can't afford the things in my store."

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