There is still some time before Daxu crosses the border.

Before that, Lu Yan continued to stay in the consciousness space with peace of mind, quietly waiting for the time to come.

And Ishida Uryu himself did not notice Lu Yan's existence at all.

Go home and lie on the bed thinking about how to deal with Kurosaki Ichigo.

By the way, Ishida Uryu is actually in the same class as Kurosaki Ichigo.

But because Kurosaki Ichigo rarely paid attention to the classmates in the class, so Ichigo didn't recognize Ishida Uryu in the first place.

But as soon as he arrives at school tomorrow, Ichigo will definitely notice him.

Ishida Uryu just looked at the ceiling of the room, while thinking about how to deal with it, and gradually fell asleep.

The next day.

As the school bell rang.

Youthful boys and girls leave school with bags on their backs.

Ishida Uryu was walking home alone.

With his keenness, he can naturally find that Kurosaki Ichigo has been observing him secretly since he arrived at school in the morning.

Walking to an unoccupied step, he said without looking back.

"Do you want to follow me all the way to my house..."

"Ichigo Kurosaki."

Ishida Uryu turned around slowly, staring at Kurosaki Ichigo who was hiding in the corner.

Realized that he had been found.

Ichigo didn't mean to hide either.

Putting the backpack on his shoulders, he walked out from the corner generously: "Tch, you noticed it, since when?"

"I discovered it from the beginning of the morning, that's because your Reiatsu is running around like a monkey, even an idiot can find it."

Ishida Uryu's tone sounded unceremonious.

In fact, with Yulong's hatred for the god of death, it is impossible to expect him to have a good face.

"Who is the best between you and me, I will let you know."

He helped his mirror frame, and continued to say indifferently: "This world doesn't need a god of death at all!"

"Let's fight it out, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Hearing this, Kurosaki Ichigo blinked vigorously.

"You say it's a duel? Me and you? That's ridiculous!"

Speaking of the latter, Kurosaki Ichigo raised his voice a bit: "Although I don't know what enmity you have with Shinigami, it has nothing to do with me..."

Before Kurosaki Ichigo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Uryu's cold voice.

"Do you want to run away?"


In a pure white space of consciousness.

Lu Yan rested his chin on one hand, watching the external development as if he was there.

You know, all the senses of Ishida Yulong are no different from Lu Yan's own experience.

Even he could feel how violent Yulong's repressed mood swings were when he gave Ichigo the gauntlet.

It is worth mentioning that Quincy and Reaper have similar responsibilities.

They are all trying to eliminate emptiness and maintain the stability of this world.

Facing Xu, the god of death will use Zanpakuto to cut off Xu's mask and extradite him to the world of corpses and souls.

Facing Xu, Quincy would directly shoot Xu with an arrow, causing the group of spirit particles to dissipate between heaven and earth.

Having said that, we need to understand a concept first.

In the world view of the God of Death, all voids are transformed from spirits.

And the number of spirits in the world is limited.

Xu who was wiped out by the Quincy will lose the chance of reincarnation and dissipate in the world.

Over time, there will be fewer and fewer spirits in the world.

Therefore, the gods of death do not approve of the actions of the Quincy Masters, thinking that they are destabilizing the world.

But the Quincy think that Reaper's approach is too weak.

After all, Xu feeds on human souls. As human beings, Quincy will naturally want to avenge their friends and relatives who were eaten by Xu. Therefore, facing Xu, Quincy will choose to kill them completely.

In fact, if you really want to say, the two are just different concepts.

But among the contradictions in the world, only ideas are the most difficult to balance.

The war between Reaper and Quincy broke out naturally.

The results of the war are obvious.

The last remaining Quincy, the grandfather of Ishida Uryu, was also closely supervised by the gods of death.

More than ten years ago, the young Ishida Uryu watched helplessly as his grandfather was besieged and killed by the ghosts under the deliberate manipulation of the god of death.

Such a tragic experience has cultivated Ishida Uryu's strong hatred for the god of death.

Even though he was only facing an agent Shinigami like Kurosaki Ichigo at this time, to Ishida Uryu, it seemed to mark the beginning of his revenge against the Shinigami.

Under the provocation of Ishida Uryu, Kurosaki Ichigo easily agreed to the appointment.

He took out the Yihun Pill from a bear doll and ate it, forcing the soul out of the body.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who has turned into a spirit body, is wearing a standard Siba outfit, with an exaggerated Zanpakuto on his back.

The Shiba suit is a standard Shinigami work uniform, the whole body is black, and the style is somewhat similar to a kendo kimono.

His physical body is controlled by the artificial soul in Yihun Pill, squatting behind his spiritual body.

After Kurosaki Ichigo entered the state of death, he seemed to become a little more confident.

Looking at Ishida Uryu, he said, "Tell me in detail, the rules of this duel?"

Ishida Uryu still had an indifferent expression that strangers should not enter.

He took a coin-shaped object from his left breast pocket.

"Use this to decide the outcome."

Kurosaki Ichigo has just become Shinigami not long ago, so he knows nothing about many things.

Opening his mouth slightly, he asked in surprise, "What is that?"

"As long as the bait used by Xu is crushed, Xu will be attracted. Within 24 hours, the person who knocks down the most Xu wins."

After listening to Ishida Uryu's explanation, Ichigo's expression suddenly became ugly.

Clenching his fists: "Bastard, how can we put people in the city in danger because of our duel!"

"There's no need to worry about others, I will kill everyone who gathers here, and leave no one behind!"

After speaking, he crushed the bait in his hand into powder.

I have to say that the bait of Yulong works really well.

Almost the moment he crushed it.

People who have reached a certain level of spiritual body will hear a lot of empty roars.

In the sky above Karakura Town, one after another deep voids appeared, and a large number of voids poured into the world from these passages.

Ordinary people can neither hear nor see these falsehoods.

But voids are physical and can easily cause damage to humans and structures.

Although Ishida Uryu felt that the number of people appearing this time was a bit unexpected, he remained calm on the surface.

The spiritual particles in his hand gathered to form a bright blue longbow.

Draw the longbow fully and shoot an arrow.

Pierce a nearly ten-meter-long void.

"Take the next one first."

What Ishida Uryu didn't know was that this time because of someone's intervention, the situation was no longer something he could handle.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that Ishida Uryu has entered a dangerous environment, do you want to communicate with No.1? 】

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