"Okay... so good."

Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed hard.

At first, he thought that Ishida Uryu was about the same strength as himself.

Who knew that in the blink of an eye, the big Xu who made him unable to strike was directly beheaded.

Lu Yan fell from the sky, instead of going directly there, he switched back with Ishida Yulong first.

After Yulong regained control of his body, he felt the same power as before, and couldn't help feeling more and more shocked by Lu Yan's performance.

But he also knows that this is not a place for communication.

Looking back at Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, he turned and left silently.

At the moment when the control of the body was switched, Urahara Kisuke looked at Ishida Uryu suspiciously.

The feeling of danger that was like a light on his back before disappeared.

And this change is quite clear, even if it is an illusion, there is no way to convince myself.

He covered his face with a folding fan, only showing his army green eyes.

"Ishida Uryu..."

He was not in a hurry to contact Yulong.

It just untied Rukia's bondage.

Rukia, who had regained her freedom, did not shout either.

After all, she was only limited in her ability to move, and did not lose her senses.

Kurosaki Ichigo was not injured in the face of Oku, which is simply the best news.

In addition, she also watched the scene of Lu Yan beheading Da Xu with his backhand.

This made her feel relieved, but also had a strong feeling of unreality.

Da Xu, even if it is only at the level of Ji Lian, needs the senior seat officer of the [-]th Division and even the Reaper at the level of the vice captain to guarantee the kill.

As a result, in the hands of this young Quincy Master, he was as weak as a baby.

To be fair, if Quincy is so strong, how did Reaper defeat them?

the other side.

Ishida Uryu returns to his empty home.

Lying on the sofa, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

Originally, he planned to talk to Lu Yan when he got home, but when he got home, he was inexplicably resistant.

His father is the dean of Karakura Town General Hospital, so he naturally understands mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and multiple personalities.

It was precisely because of some understanding that he had a little doubt about Lu Yan's second personality.

He silently planned not to let Lu Yan out in the future.

in the space of consciousness.

Of course Lu Yan could also feel Ishida Uryu's thoughts.

Some headaches pressed their temples.

He really didn't care whether the task could be completed or not.

But I have just arrived in this world, and I haven't looked around carefully yet, should I forcibly fail the mission and return to the real world?

Thinking of this, Lu Yan stroked his white beard.

Actively pull the consciousness of Ishida Uryu into the consciousness space.

The outside Yulong was still contemplating, but suddenly felt a pulling force, as if pushing his consciousness out of this body.

After a trance.

Yulong found that he had reappeared in this pure white space of consciousness.

He turned his head to look at Lu Yan who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the consciousness space, a little nervous, and said, "Is this the consciousness space? Can you force me in?!"

"Of course."

Lu Yan smiled and nodded.

Then he didn't wait for Yulong to speak, and said first: "Do you want to become stronger?"

Ishida Yulong originally planned to be brave and tell Lu Yan that he would not let him take over his body in the future.

But upon hearing his words, Yulong became excited immediately.

Fortunately, because of the family relationship, Yulong has been relatively independent since childhood.

He quickly adjusted his mentality.

"What price do I have to pay?"

Lu Yan got up and walked over to touch Yulong's head.

He said kindly: "I don't need anything, have you forgotten, we are all alone."

Yulong's indifferent expression couldn't hold back anymore.

An uncontrollable feeling of grievance welled up in my heart.

Since his grandfather Ishida Zongxian passed away, there is no one who cares about him.

He began to force himself to remain independent and calm, even to the point of being lonely.

Just like people who have been treated indifferently by the world, as long as they have a little warmth, they will feel that this is the most precious thing.

Lu Yan's image of a kind old man with white hair is full of affinity, and he has expressed kindness to Ishida Uryu from the beginning.

While Yulong was moved, he couldn't help but feel guilty about his previous narrow thinking.

Lu Yan knew this well, and immediately struck while the iron was hot.

"After your strength becomes stronger, you will be able to survive when you encounter danger in the future. Although with my help, it is inevitable that sometimes it will be too late."

While the words are encouraging, they also hide a little psychological hint.

Ishida Uryu couldn't help but trust all of this.

He took a deep breath, trying not to behave so embarrassingly.

"Okay, the second person..."

He paused halfway through the conversation, and said, "Do you have a name? I can't keep calling you No. [-], can I?"

Lu Yan smiled and sat down cross-legged again.

"Call me Lil."

Ishida Uryu nodded slightly excitedly.

No matter what, he was only a 15-year-old boy, and his mind couldn't possibly be too deep.

He stretched out his hand to Lu Yan: "Lü, please give me more advice in the future."

That night.

Kurosaki Ichigo's bedroom wardrobe.

Kuchiki Rukia nestled inside, with her hands resting behind her head, the anxiety visible to the naked eye on her face.

Although Daxu had already been beheaded by Lu Yan.

But the news that Daxu crossed the border, and was beheaded by the strange god of death and the Quincy together, must have been passed back to the world of corpses and souls.

As long as the ghost world investigates a little bit, they will know what Rukia has done.

It is a felony for Shinigami to transfer power to humans without permission.

According to the procedures, Xing Jun came to arrest her and bring her to justice.

Just don't know when exactly.

She bit her lip tightly, still unable to sleep.

"Have you stayed in this world for too long..."


The next day.

ding dong~
The school bell rang.

Under the shining of the setting sun, time seems to be elongated and slowed down.

Ishida Uryu was walking home alone.

But he didn't feel lonely, but asked in his heart.

"Mr. Li, do you want to come out for a walk?"

Lu Yan in the conscious space heard this and shook his head amusedly.

Ishida Uryu's behavior is really like being sold and helping count the money.

However, he did not intend to give up such an opportunity.

After taking over his body once, he can see the progress bar of the task go up a bit. After switching a few more times, the task of the second ring can be easily completed.

In the eyes of others, Ishida Uryu just stood in place for a while, and then continued to move forward.

But he didn't know that his current body had been replaced by Lu Yan's control.

Lu Yan showed a smile on his face, and was about to go shopping elsewhere, but suddenly saw Rukia who was alone.

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