Bai Zai was still retreating quickly, but after hearing Lu Yan's words, his heart tightened.

"Although I prefer close combat, the Quincy is long-range."

Lu Yan looked at Bai Zai who quickly distanced himself with a funny face, and the huge sword in his hand gradually bent into a long bow.

Take a bow and shoot an arrow!
Its movements are done in one go, just like an old shooter who has been immersed in this way for decades.

A spiritual arrow shot out like lightning, the speed was so fast that it exceeded the time of nerve reaction.

Even though Bai Zai tried his best to dodge, he was still missed by the arrow.

Bai Zai spat out a mouthful of blood in the air before falling back to the ground.

He wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Facing the Quincy Division, increasing the combat distance is the most stupid choice.

"Don't you understand?"

Lu Yan drew the bow again, aiming at Bai Zai's position: "Then I'll give you more strength."

Green steam gushed out from his body, and his originally fair complexion turned red.

That is to say, Ishida Yulong's body couldn't bear the pressure of the gate of death at all, otherwise Lu Yan wouldn't even have to open the Eucharist.

Seeing this, Bai Zai's hair suddenly stood up, a little unbelievable.

It is completely incomprehensible why Lu Yan's strength can be improved again.

But although he was shocked in his heart, he remained calm on his face.

"Since you want to see it."

Byakuya placed the Zanpakutō with only the handle in his hand in front of him, and the scattered cherry blossoms gathered and re-condensed into the shape of the Zanpakutō: "Then I will show you."


He let go of the Zanpakuto in his hand, and the blade stood straight down, sinking into the ripples on the ground and disappearing.

"Let's scatter, Qianben Sakura Jingyan."

next moment.

Ripples appeared on the ground on both sides of him standing, and countless huge blades rose up.

Immediately afterwards, those huge blades fluttered and scattered, turning into cherry blossom petals all over the sky.

In fact, these cherry blossoms are made of tiny sharp blades invisible to the naked eye, which refract light when flying, forming an appearance similar to withered cherry blossoms.

The number of small sharp blades of Senbenzakura after Swastika is at least hundreds of millions of times more than that of Satoshi.

Seeing such a spectacular scene of cherry blossoms flying all over the sky, the corner of Lu Yan's mouth curled up.


After he shot an arrow, he finished his next sentence: "It's just good-looking."

The spirit arrows shot pierced through the entire Qianbenzakura's defense line.

It was like a missile suddenly exploded on the street.

The berserk Lingzi fluctuated unabated, and it continued on the road for several kilometers before gradually stopping. Almost the entire Karakura Town was illuminated by the dazzling bright blue light.

Lu Yan was not surprised by this result.

Senbon Sakura's Zanpakuto is only suitable for cutting grass.

A large number is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.

Both attack and defense are too scattered, and it is extremely difficult to face opponents of the same level or even stronger.

The fluctuations of the spirit particles dissipated, and the smoke and dust fell.

Vision became clear again.

The captain Haori on Bai Zai's body flew to nowhere, and even the death costume was in tatters.

The whole person was lying on the ground, dying.

After seeing Byakuya's tragic state, both Renji and Rukia's pupils were shocked.

"Brother Byakuya!"

"team leader!"

In their impression, no matter what happened to Bai Zai, he always looked calm and breezy.

It is completely unimaginable that even after using the swastika, they were still defeated by Lu Yan.

Even if the captain-level Reaper can only exert one-fifth of his power in this world due to the limited spiritual seal, there shouldn't even be room for retaliation.

Lu Yan was planning to go over to see Bai Zai's situation.

As a result, the whole body suddenly started to bleed, like a fountain.

In the blink of an eye.

The ground on which he stood was covered with blood.

Uncontrollably withdrew from the state of the Holy Body and the Eight-door Dunjia Formation.

Lu Yan's eyelids twitched.

It went smoothly, and I almost took this body as my original self.

With Ishida Uryu's current physical strength, no matter how much he maintains the balance of his internal strength, it is impossible for him to persist for too long.

Decisively and Yulong switch body control.

As soon as Yulong, who was stunned in the consciousness space, regained control of his body, he "plopped" and fell to the ground on the spot.

The whole person fainted from the pain.

With such a situation suddenly appearing, it is impossible for Ichigo and Renji to continue fighting.

Renji and Rukia hurried over to check on Byakuya's situation.

And Ichigo covered his shoulders and limped to the side of Uryu.

After confirming that Byakuya was seriously injured, but still alive, both Rukia and Renji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Bring the captain back to Soul Soul Realm as soon as possible."

Renji stood up and inserted the Shewei pill into the void, turning it ninety degrees.

"Open the door!"

Then, a partition sliding door full of classical charm appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Just as Rukia was about to take Byakuya and leave, suddenly, as if he remembered something, he held the Shewei Wan tightly, turned and walked towards the unconscious Uryuu.

"What do you want to do?"

Ichigo endured his injuries and stood in front of Renji.

"Little devil, don't stop me, or I will kill you right now."

Renji's face suddenly darkened: "This Quincy injured Captain Baizai, I have to bring him back to the Soul Realm."

"What if I don't let it go."

Ichigo raised Zanpakutō unceremoniously.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again.

Rukia hurriedly stopped it.

Renji also knew that Byakuya's injury could not be delayed, so he gave Ichigo a vicious look, and together with Rukia, he took Byakuya and left through the world-transmitting gate.

After they left, the partition sliding door that appeared out of thin air disappeared without a sound.

Ichigo turned around and looked at Uryu who was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely.

Fortunately at this time.

Kisuke Urahara appeared at the end of the street wearing clogs.

"Leave it to me, well, you'd better come too."

Kisuke Urahara felt a little complicated at this moment.

According to his vision, at this time he should come to take away the seriously injured Ichigo, and then officially start the journey of Ichigo's cheating.

As a result, Lu Yan suddenly appeared, and his plan was aborted.

Kisuke Urahara suddenly laughed at himself.

"Well, it's normal for accidents to happen occasionally."


The next day.


Ishida Uryu let out a scream and woke up.

He looked around and found that he was sitting on the tatami, not in his own home.

The memory of last night came flooding back, and he pressed his head.

"Am I already dead?"

"Mr. Ishida, you are still alive."

With a slightly cynical voice, Kisuke Urahara came in from outside the house wearing clogs.

He looked at Yulong, who was pale due to excessive blood loss, and spread the folding fan to cover his chin.

"Mr. Yulong, I'm curious what's going on with you, can I trouble you to clarify?"

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