The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 900 Stealth Movement

"Am I not clear enough? If you want to save Kuchiki-san, count me in."

Ishida Uryu stood up from the bed.

It seems that it is a bit strange to say this, Yulong added.

"What's more, I really want those death gods to learn about the pros and cons of Quincy."

Lu Yan in the conscious space was still sitting cross-legged leisurely, not intending to stop Yulong at all.

Anyway, as long as you enter the Soul Soul Realm, you will definitely have no shortage of fighting opportunities.

Hearing Uryu's words, Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes lit up.

He had witnessed the terrifying battle scene with his own eyes last night.

From Ichigo's point of view, if Uryu is with him, maybe he can really save Rukia.

"Clog hat, quickly tell me the way to go to the soul world."

Although Kisuke Urahara was a little surprised by Uryu's decision, he still stretched out a finger and shook it twice.

"Of course I will tell you, but there is one condition. Starting today, I will learn how to fight with me for ten days."

"What? Do you still want to practice? I don't have such leisure time."

Ichigo took two steps towards Urahara Kisuke, and continued: "We don't know when Rukia will be executed there. Instead of doing these things, we should hurry up and rescue Rukia!"

"Don't worry, starting today, I will train you for ten days, and it will take seven days to open the door to the world of souls..."

Urahara Kisuke walked to the window with his hands behind his back, slightly raised his head and looked out the window.

"As long as you really want to save Ms. Kuchiki, there is enough time. Then, Mr. Kurosaki, what is your answer?"

Kurosaki Ichigo took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"That's not a matter of course."


On the roof of the house adjacent to the Urahara store.

Several figures appeared one after another, all wearing black outfits, with only a pair of eyes leaking out.

They watched the Urahara store cautiously, and one of the leaders said in a low voice.

"Everyone, stay vigilant. The target has defeated the captain of the Sixth Division head-on. It is extremely dangerous. I am waiting for this trip only to determine the target's situation, and there is no need to do anything."

"According to the intelligence, the target is the grandson of the Quincy Ishida Munezuru, who is extremely hostile to Shinigami, please do not reveal your identity."



at this time.

Inside the Urahara store, the black cat named Yoruichi suddenly pricked up its ears.

Then he walked over and tugged Urahara Kisuke's trouser leg, and said, "Someone is coming from Soul World."

Kurosaki Ichigo just agreed to practice, and he was still a little excited.

After hearing the words Soul Soul Realm, he couldn't calm down even more.

"Are there people from the soul world? Where are they?"

Kisuke Urahara knocked him down with a fan.

Looking at Ishida Uryu, he said, "If you're maneuvering secretly, it's probably because of you."

Yulong was taken aback.

It was not surprising that Lu Yan stayed in the consciousness space.

After all, a captain-level God of Reaper was severely injured in this world, and it would be unreasonable for the Soul Society to ignore it.

But this is directly a covert mobile takeover, which seems to be a bit too much.

By the way, Seireitei does not only have the violent department of Goutei [-]th Division, but also ghosts and secret maneuvers that are independent of Goutei [-]th Division.

And the so-called criminal army is the first unit of secret maneuvering.

It can be seen from the name that this organization is an execution force mainly focused on investigation and assassination.

Ishida Uryu sensed it with his eyes closed, but he didn't feel any other spiritual pressure.

"where are they?"

A clerk wearing a pu-shaped apron and a mustache walked into the room.

"Leave this matter to me."

"Mr. Tie Zhai, please wait a moment."

Kisuke Urahara stopped the tall clerk with his mouth.

He turned his head to look at Ishida Uryu, and explained: "Mr. Ishida, for some reason, the people in our store are not suitable for being exposed to the attention of the Soul Society, so this matter can only be resolved by yourself."

Ishida Uryu nodded, expressing his understanding.

After all, from his point of view, these secretly and mobile people came to this world because Bai Zai was seriously injured.

He should have figured it out himself.

After making this decision, he did not continue to stay in the store.

Enduring the pain in his body, he got up and said goodbye.

Seeing this, Kurosaki Ichigo immediately planned to face it with Uryuu.

But Kisuke Urahara stopped him.

"There is no time to waste now, come with me."

After speaking, he dragged Ichigo to the back room.

During this period, he secretly gave the black cat a look.

Ye Yi understood, walked gracefully, and followed behind Yulong silently.

In fact, Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi are not completely unarmed.

What they wanted more was to observe what was going on in Yulong's situation.

The main reason is that the power that Yulong erupted last night was too exaggerated, and although the injuries he suffered were a little eye-catching, they did not cause any irreversible damage to his body.

For such a powerful Quincy Master, no matter how you think about it, you need to focus on it.

the other side.

Uryu put on his own clothes and walked out of Urahara's store cautiously.

The imagined attack never materialized.

But he didn't let his guard down.

As he walked towards home, he called Lu Yan silently in his heart.

"Mr. Law? Are you there?"

Lu Yan responded: "Are you worried that the secret maneuver will make a move?"

"Well, my current physical condition is a bit too bad..."

In fact, Ishida Uryu's personality is relatively independent.

No matter what he encounters, he will choose to solve it by himself.

However, this was all before Lu Yan appeared.

After Lu Yan appeared, even Yulong had been silently admonishing himself not to rely on the second personality for everything.

The second personality is really delicious.

Powerful and reliable.

Any problem, any opponent, can be easily solved as long as the second personality controls the body.

This kind of power can easily lead to dependence.

Ishida Uryu is just a 15-year-old high school student.

Even if his mind is relatively firm because of his family relationship, when encountering troubles, he will inevitably think of Lu Yan at the first time.

Lu Yan also noticed this point.

But he didn't remind Yulong what he meant. This kind of dependence made it easier for him to increase the progress of the task.

"Let me switch the control of my body first, so as not to get injured at the beginning like last night."

After Ishida Uryu said this, he took the initiative to switch.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yan regained control of his body.

He could feel several peeping eyes nearby, but he wasn't nervous either.

The main reason is that he didn't feel the killing intent from these peeping eyes at all.

And he also noticed that not far behind, the black cat followed him closely.

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