The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 902 The Soul World

"Hey, Mr. Kurosaki, you're really on time, not bad."

Urahara Kisuke greeted Kurosaki Ichigo with a smile.

However, Ichigo was not in the mood to pay attention to this guy, but instead focused on the strong man over two meters tall.

In fact, Chadu Yasutora only looks very old, but his actual age is only 15 years old, and he is also a classmate and close friend of Ichigo.

Before Ichigo became an agent of death, he was basically playing with this buddy.

That's why Ichigo looked so surprised when he suddenly saw Chadu at the Urahara store.

"Why are you here?"

Hearing Ichigo's question, Chadu stood up.

He replied quite naturally: "I want to help you save Kuchiki Rukia, and I will go too."

"Wait... what?!"

Not only did Ichigo not understand, but he was even more confused.

"And me."

A girl with long brown hair and a slightly hot figure came out of the Urahara store.

Inoue Orihime, she is also a classmate of Ichigo.

"Inoue, hey...wait...what?! What's going on?"

Ichigo turned into a capitalized stupefaction.

He always thought that this time, only he and Ishida Uryu went to Soul Soul Realm to rescue Rukia.

Suddenly, two acquaintances came out and said they wanted to go together, which even made Ichigo doubt whether they were going to save lives or go on vacation.

"What an insensitive fellow."

Ye Yi stepped out of the roof with graceful catwalks.

"Boy, don't say that you haven't discovered the powerful spiritual power contained in the two of them. During your practice, they also carried out this hard practice. Hurry up and say thank you and bow."

Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed hard.

His eyes flicked back and forth between Chadu Taitora and Inoue Orihime.

It was still hard for him to imagine that these two good friends also possessed great power.

But the fact is in front of you, you have to believe it.

Ichigo took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

He turned his head to look at Kisuke Urahara, and asked, "Has Ishida not come yet?"

"What, didn't you notice me?"

Ishida Uryu came out from around the corner.

Casually sneered: "With this guy who can't even feel the spiritual pressure, can you really save Kuchiki-san?"


Ichigo subconsciously wanted to refute.

However, it was interrupted by Kisuke Urahara clapping his hands.

"Okay, okay, stop here, no matter what, let's go into the house."

Hearing this, Ichigo also became serious.

Everyone present walked into the Urahara store one after another.

By the way.

Under the Urahara store, a huge space was actually dug out by the clerk of Tiezhai.

Kurosaki Ichigo also practiced in this place for nearly half a month.

Everyone descended to the ground along the simple shaft ladder.

Didn't make everyone wait too long.

Urahara Kisuke snapped his fingers towards an open space.

A zigzag-shaped object made of stone blocks appeared in the open space.

"Come on, this is the world-transmitting gate that connects to the Soul Realm."

In fact, if it was just for Kurosaki Ichigo to enter Soul Soul Realm, there would be no need to prepare for seven days at all.

The reason why it took so long is to add a spirit sub-conversion machine above the world-transmitting gate, and then combine it with the cover to fix it.

The purpose of doing this is to allow Ishida Uryu and other humans to successfully enter.

As we all know, the world of corpses and souls is a world of souls, and to enter, one must transform into a soul.

But the only one who can act in the form of a soul is Kurosaki Ichigo who is the god of death.

In order to allow Yulong and the others to enter, they must use a spirit subconverter to transform their physical bodies into a spirit substate.

There is no need for the soul to leave the body, so it will not have any impact on the combat effectiveness.

Kisuke Urahara and Mr. Tetsusai squatted on both sides of the world-transmitting gate, injecting Reiatsu at the same time.

"Are you ready? The moment the door opens, you rush in."

The gap between the soul world and the present world is called the broken world, and it is the only way to travel between the two worlds.

There are Kuliu and Kutu once in seven days.

If you stay in it for too long, you won't be able to leave.

Kurosaki Ichigo hummed.

Four people and one cat stood in front of the crossing gate.

The next moment, the world-transmitting gate lit up with a dazzling light.

In the blink of an eye, the group disappeared in place.


Serious Garden.

A siren sounded in the area where the Gotei [-]th Division was located.

"There has been a distorted reaction in the western suburbs, and a warning order has been issued from No. [-] to No. [-]. Repeat..."

With the sound of the alarm.

The gods of death who are on patrol are not surprised but happy.

Because they have the power to easily suppress the entire soul world, for most Death Gods, their lives are actually quite boring.

Encountering this kind of sudden incident, it is more like a seasoning that appears in the boring.

Many gods of death wanted to express themselves in such an emergency.

the other side.

Kurosaki Ichigo and his team struggled to escape from Kudu's pursuit.

It fell from the sky and crashed into Liuhun Street.

The smoke dissipated.

Everyone began to look at the surrounding environment.

The eye-catching buildings are all in the style of the Edo period of the island country.

Compared with the present world, it is full of primitive simplicity and decay.

Kurosaki Ichigo has entered the state of death, with a huge blade like a kitchen knife on his back, without lines and guards.

And there is no scabbard, just stretch the bandage around the blade.

Although Lu Yan was in the consciousness space, he also noticed this.

Obviously, Ichigo still awakened his power of death, and no longer used Rukia's power of death to fight as before.

"This... is this the Soul Soul Realm?"

Ichigo looked at the deserted street, slightly surprised.

"Yes, this is the place commonly known as Ruhun Street. It is the place where the souls led to the world of corpses and souls first lived. It is located on the outskirts of Seireitei where the god of death lives. Where the soul lives."

Ye Yi conscientiously carried out the task of popularizing science to everyone.

The painting styles of Seireitei and Ruukon Street are too different.

One side is dilapidated like a slum, and the other side is like a palace, even the ground is laid with a marble-like floor.

But before she continued to explain, Ichigo was already running towards Seireitei alone.

In fact, the place where they descended was less than 300 meters away from the area of ​​Seiling Court.

Ichigo can tell where Seireitei is without asking Yoruichi.

Just when Ichigo was about to enter the Seireitei area.

Thick stone walls fell from the sky.

boom! ! !
The tall and dense stone walls, like a fence, enclose the Seiling Court.

"The guy who wants to pass the Seirei Gate without a court certificate, I finally have something to do..."

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