Although the Lingling Court is only in the shape of a palace, its area is a bit exaggerated.

The whole is arranged in a circle with huge streets, and it takes about forty days for ordinary spirits to walk around Seireitei.

This has also led to the fact that even if there are thousands of death gods in the entire Seiling Court, it is impossible to take care of every corner.

Moreover, because the rule of the four nobles over the soul world is too decadent, the scope of functions of the Goutei Thirteenth Division has not been optimized.

Therefore, the thirteenth division of Goutei has a relationship that does not govern each other.

Generally, there will be no message exchange.

The situation shown is that each team will only guard within its own defensive range.

There will be a large gap between defense zones.

Let alone Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, there are only a few people in total, even if there are more, it is impossible to be caught in a while.

Based on this situation, Lu Yan was very relieved to let Ichigo and the others have fun in the Seiring Court.

As for why he insisted on staying here?
In addition to giving Ichigo and the others a break, the main reason is that he is interested in Ichimaru Gin and Aizen Soyousuke behind him.

"Ah, Mister Quincy is really not afraid at all."

Ichimaru Gin put away his Zanpakutō with a smile.

He doesn't plan to make another shot.

From his point of view, there are already a large number of Reapers arriving at this meeting, even if most of them are miscellaneous fish that can't even solve it, delaying time to prevent Lu Yan from escaping can still be done.

After all, this is the center of the soul world.

As long as there is a little delay, a real boss-level god of death will rush to solve these travel disasters.

By the way, if any soul comes to the corpse soul world without the guidance of the god of death, the god of death will think that it will bring disaster, and it will be collectively referred to as travel disaster.

The gods of death who were present at the scene automatically gathered into two camps, obviously two different teams.

They are the third team as a support team, and the No.11 team that is responsible for the first-line offense.

What's interesting is that the defensive teams in the Baidaomen area are actually not these two.

The Shinigami, the leader of the third division, is a man with yellow hair, the left side of which covers his left eye.

He is Kira Izuru.

The vice-captain of the third team.

"Ah, it's Captain Ichimaru Gin."

"Have Captain Ichimaru Gin fought against Luka?"

After the Shinigami of the third team arrived at the scene, he was not in a hurry to make a move, but greeted Ichimaru silver immediately.

On the other hand, the No.11 team with a huge number of people is different.

Their captain and vice-captain are not there.

There are only Kazukaku Madarame in the third seat and Yumi Ayasegawa in the fifth seat, and these two have absolutely no intention of maintaining order.

As a battle-crazed fan team, there is no need for order, as in the past.

"This credit will be accepted by our [-]th team!"

"Everyone get ready!"


A large number of the [-]th squad, dressed in Shiba costumes and holding Zanpakuto, rushed towards Lu Yan's position like a black tide.

All are scrambling to be the first, without the slightest idea of ​​backing down.

Even the corner of Madarame in the third seat insisted that they stand still and watch, but no one listened at all.

Madaramu was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped up, fearing that his subordinates would rob him of his head, he hurriedly rushed towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was not surprised by this.

But he didn't intend to waste time with these miscellaneous fish gods of death.

The gigantic sword purely condensed from spiritual particles swept across under his control.

After flying the gods of death closest to him, they turned back into the shape of a longbow.

Draw the bow and shoot!
This time, he didn't just shoot a spiritual arrow.

But thousands!

Numerous spiritual arrows shot towards the crowd like a storm.

The lethality of such spiritual arrows is indeed weakened inevitably, but there are too many of them.

It is just right to deal with these gods of death who use crowd tactics.

Facing the rain of arrows that was as dense as a wall, the gods of death in the front row fell down one after another like harvesting wheat.

However, they still roared and rushed forward.

As a member of the [-]th team, even if all the players around him were dead, they would probably not choose to run away.

Seeing such a scene, Ishida Uryu in the consciousness space was startled.

If he wasn't afraid that his sudden utterance would affect Lu Yan's battle, he would have wanted Lu Yan to run away long ago.

Anyway, the time of delay is enough, they have already run away without seeing Kurosaki Ichigo.

But Lu Yan didn't intend to run away so easily.

The main reason is that the environment in the soul world is different from the real world.

Although the content of spiritual particles in this world is not low, it is impossible to compare with this world of corpses and souls which is purely composed of spiritual particles.

How exaggerated is the spirit seed content in the soul world?
Even the rags in Liuhun Street are purely made of spirit particles.

You know, the fighting method of the Quincy Master is to extract the spirit particles in the surrounding air.

Compared with the real world, the Quincy can exert more terrifying power in the world of corpses and souls.

So while Lu Yan was shooting the rain of arrows, he could also find time to shoot a hard arrow in the direction of Ichimaru Gin.

And don't feel any pressure.

Ichimaru Gin didn't even make a move.

Vice-captain Ji Liang took the first shot and drew out his Zanpakuto to help him block Lu Yan's Lingzi arrow.

Seeing this, Lu Yan showed a kind smile on his face.

"Are you in such a hurry to execute the plan?"

The longbow in his hand condensed into the shape of a giant sword again.

The spiritual pressure condensed under his feet, and Lu Yan directly used the flying feet that were close to teleportation.

Most of the time, what restricts him is not lack of ability, but Yulong's physical limitations.

With the speed at which Lu Yan burst out suddenly, probably only Ichimaru Gin could barely react to so many people in the audience.

Facing Lu Yan who was approaching him in the blink of an eye, Ichimaru Gin had to draw out Zanpakuto and fight him again.

Ichimaru Gin had a headache, he didn't understand why the Quincy was pestering him like crazy.

Aizen Soyousuke's plan has come to an end, now is not the time for him to reveal his strength.

There was another violent metal collision sound.

This time they didn't hit it off.

Instead, they maintained a stalemate confrontation posture.

"Mr. Quenching Master, do you want to give up your last chance to escape?"

Ichimaru Gin still squinted his eyes, but his tone was less playful.

Lu Yan did not discuss this issue.

Instead, he asked kindly, "Can you open your eyes?"

"It seems that you are really crazy."

Ichimaru Gin's tone turned cold: "Shoot him! Sharpshooter!"

Since he had already made the decision to kill Lu Yan, he naturally planned to make a quick decision.

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