The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 911 Killing Jizo

Nirvana Mayori patted her own haori slowly to shake off the dust on it.

Then he looked at Ishida Uryu with some surprise.

According to the information he obtained, Ishida Uryu fought fiercely with Ichimaru Gin, and Ichimaru Gin used the swastika to defeat Uryu.

But when Nirvana Yuri experienced it for himself, he found that if there was only this level of attack, he didn't even need to use the swastika.

"You look so angry, it doesn't look like you're letting water out. What's going on with you?"

The more strange the situation is, the more interested Nirvana Yulong is in it: "I really can't wait to study it."

"Then get rid of you as soon as possible."

He pressed his pale palm on the handle of his Zanpakutō, and then slowly pulled it out.

"Open your paws."

"Kitaka kills."

After Nirvana Yuri spoke the liberation language, the Zanpakutō that was originally in shallow form instantly changed from the handle to three spike-like blades, and a slightly blurred shape like a baby's face emerged from the root of the blade.

It looked more like a crooked branch picked up on the ground than a knife.

In a state of rage, Ishida Uryu had no intention of testing out the ability of Nirvana Mayuri Zanpakuto.

I saw him appearing on the top of the wall with flying feet, directly bent his bow and set up an arrow, one after another of Lingzi arrows condescendingly shot towards Nie Yuli.

It was as if one missile after another had exploded in the alley, billowing thick smoke all over the alley.

Yulong didn't care that the commotion would attract the rest of the gods of death, and now he only wanted to avenge his grandfather.

Without the help of Lu Yan's power, the captain-level god of death is simply not something the current Yulong can deal with.

As the smoke obscured his vision, he couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but Yulong continued to shoot spirit arrows one after another.

But in the next moment,
Hearing a "咻", the unscathed Nirvana Yuri appeared beside him, standing on the wall like Uryu.

Suddenly seeing Nie Yuli appearing beside him, Yulong's heart tightened, and he almost stepped on the air and fell off the wall.

But Nirvana Mayori did not take advantage of this opportunity to attack.

Instead, he held Jisha Jizo and stared at him leisurely.

"Interesting, don't you use that kind of power? Or you can't freely control that kind of power? That really disappoints me."

Yulong took a deep breath, barely suppressing the panic in his heart.

Pointing the longbow at Nie Yuli, he scolded: "Don't be too arrogant!"

As he drew the bow again, a spiritual arrow shot out from the longbow.

But he hadn't waited for him to shoot the arrow.

Nirvana Mayuri had already slashed over impatiently.

Whether it is speed, strength or spiritual pressure, they are completely suppressed.

Even if Ishida Uryu reacted, he couldn't dodge it.


Blood splashed out.

A hideous wound was cut on Yulong's body, extending from his left shoulder to his lower abdomen.

It seemed that if he cut deeper, he could be cut in half on the spot.

But even if it's just the current situation, it's enough for Nirvana Mayuri.

He looked at Yulong who was half kneeling in front of him with an extremely ugly face, and explained slowly.

"Ksitigarbha has an excellent original toxin, which will block your actions after being hit, but it's not a low-level toxin that paralyzes you, but cuts off the commands issued by your brain to control your limbs..."

Speaking of this, Nirvana Yuri seemed to want to increase the credibility of his words, and lightly stabbed Yulong into the abdomen, causing Yulong to let out a cry of pain.

After stabbing, he pulled out Jisha Jizo from Yulong's abdomen again.

"So it won't affect your perception of pain."

Due to the pain, a layer of fine beads of sweat dripped uncontrollably from Yulong's forehead.

But his eyes were still red, staring at Nirvana Mayuri, as if he wanted to engrave Nirvana Mayuri's appearance in the depths of his soul forever.

In a pure white space of consciousness.

Lu Yan sat cross-legged calmly.

He can also perceive the external situation.

However, he was not in a hurry to let Yulong switch control of his body.

After all, Lu Yan could clearly feel all Yulong's thoughts, and he also knew the reason why Yulong did this.

There are essentially only two reasons for the Quincy's battle.

One is to fight to protect life, and the other is to fight to protect dignity.

At this time, Yulong was fighting against the captain-level god of death, rather than fighting to regain his grandfather's dignity.

Indeed, if Lu Yan were to intervene, it wouldn't be much trouble if a Nie Yuli spoke.

Just doing this, can it be regarded as Yulong's personal revenge?
"Mr. Li, I'm sorry, please forgive my waywardness..."

The voice of Yulong resounded in the space of consciousness.

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile, "As you wish."

outside world.

Nirvana Mayuri had already put away Kisai Jizo, pulled out a special rope from his body, and was about to take away the research material Ishida Uryu.

at this time.

It stands to reason that Ishida Uryu, who was already unable to move, suddenly raised his head.

"Don't you want to see my strongest strength?"

The spiritual pressure around Yulong's body overflowed like water, and the next moment, he ignored the toxins in his body and stood up abruptly.


Nirvana Mayori put the rope back together: "Connect countless reishi sewn into threads to the immobile parts, making them act like puppets."

"This is a chaotic puppet. It was originally a skill created for Quincy masters whose bodies are too old to move normally but still want to fight Xu. I didn't expect you to use this highest-level fighting spirit at such a young age. technique."

"I'm really more and more interested in you."

Yulong removed the scattered spirit gloves that assisted the cohesive longbow in his hand.

He couldn't enter the state of complete Eucharist on his own, and needed the assistance of equipment.

But everything has gains and losses, if he uses this method, his body will be impacted by violent spirit particles during the battle, and eventually he will completely lose the power of the Quincy.

"Kneel down and apologize sincerely!"

With Yulong roaring.

The violent bright blue spiritual pressure gathered violently, and behind him condensed a wing of spiritual particles that was as bright as white.

Yulong has seen many times when Lu Yan has finished using the holy body, even though this is the first time he has entered this state, he is already proficient as if he had secretly practiced it.

He raised his left hand, and several rays of light refracted from the wings, instantly condensing into a spiritual arrow.

To be honest, the Quincy Master in the state of the Holy Body has the elegance of a long-distance profession.

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