The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 918 Final Ring Mission

Chapter 918 Final Ring Mission
Lu Yan could feel that the other party seemed to be delaying time intentionally, perhaps waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

But in fact, in a short period of time, it is really impossible for reinforcements to appear.

Because in the current Goutei [-]th division headquarters, it has been caught in an astonishing riot.

Gotei thirteen divisions, the captain of the fifth division, the body of Aizen Soyousuke, was stabbed on the high wall of the headquarters with Zanpakuto.

This was only discovered by a deputy captain because of a high-level meeting early in the morning, otherwise I don't know how long it will hang on the wall.

You must know that the accidental death of a captain-level god of death is extremely rare in the history of the world of corpses and souls.

I have never seen such a severe travel accident this time, and no captain-level figures have died yet.

Under such a vicious incident, even if the Technology Development Bureau sent a request for reinforcements, there would not be enough people to deal with it.

Regarding this matter, Lu Yan did not know about it, but he was also happy to relax.

It's no fun to entangle with some miscellaneous fish death gods. The most urgent thing is to reshape your body first.

After Lu Yan took two black balls, one big and one small, he handed them over to the reincarnation system.

Then he greeted Ah Jin and the members of the Technology Development Bureau, then turned and left.

Of course, he didn't go very far.

I just found a remote warehouse to ensure that I will not be disturbed in a short time.

As for the fact that the progress bar of the task has not reached [-]%, this is not a problem.

After all, Lu Yan can now actively choose to switch the control of his body. After switching several times, the progress bar of the task will rise steadily.

It's just that Ishida Ulong in the conscious space was a little confused, almost thinking that Lu Yan was teasing him.

Just when Ishida Uryu was about to ask, the frequent switching of body control has stopped.

Yulong raised his hand tentatively, only to realize that he is now controlling his body.

"Take out the righteous soul and righteous skeleton in your pocket."

Lu Yan's voice sounded.

Yulong froze for a moment, then took out two black balls, one large and one small, from his pocket.

The smaller one is Yihun Pill, which stores the nascent soul that has not yet been reformed in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the Yike is not stored in that big ball.

To be precise, that whole meatball is a complete skeleton.

Need to inject spiritual pressure, make it expand, and then transform into a human form.

Lu Yan didn't let Yulong pinch it too finely, anyway, as long as there is a soul living in it, it will automatically become the appearance of the soul it belongs to.

Yulong put two balls, one big and one small, on a storage box, and then carefully injected the spiritual pressure.

The black sphere, which was originally the size of a fist, swelled up visibly with the naked eye, and gradually turned into a human shape.

Then he put the Yihun pill in Yiku's mouth.

After doing all this, Yulong took two steps back and said, "Mr. Lu, what should we do next?"

Lu Yan didn't answer his question, and the translucent body broke away from Ishida Uryu's consciousness space.

That transparent state is the same as when Lu Yanlai first came to this world of experience.

He took a look at his increasingly transparent body, knowing that this was a sign that his consciousness was about to dissipate.

Without too much hesitation, he directly reached out to touch the righteous soul and righteous skeleton that had been transformed by the reincarnation system.

At the moment of contact, the notification sound of the reincarnation system sounded immediately.

【Ding! 】

[Final ring task: become the god of death and master the swastika]

【Time limit: none】


[1: The body reshaped by the reincarnation system has the qualifications to become a god of death, but the specific effect is determined by the reincarnation itself. 】

After the series of prompts came to an end, Lu Yan hadn't waited for Lu Yan to browse carefully.

He just felt a trance, and his whole body seemed to become light.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few seconds, maybe a few hours.

Lu Yan suddenly seemed to feel the weight of his body, and he opened his eyes a little uncomfortable.

It felt like a toddler's unfamiliarity and novelty.

Fortunately, this feeling is fleeting.

He shook his hand and touched his head again.

Realizing that he has withdrawn from his old state, other than that, he doesn't feel any difference between his current body and his original one.

As for the reincarnation system saying that this body has the qualifications of a god of death, Lu Yan was not too surprised.

After all, as stated in the mission introduction at the beginning, what is being reshaped is a body that adapts to the current world.

What makes him a little curious is, can his current body be resurrected in full condition?
This time, he didn't directly twist his head off, but just tentatively stretched out his hand and pressed it on his left arm, exerting a sudden force.


There was a crisp bone breaking sound.

For ordinary people, it can be called heart-piercing pain, but Lu Yan didn't even change his face.

He tugged on his naturally drooping left arm, not waiting for the self-healing effect to appear.

I can feel that my other abilities obtained from the reincarnation system can be used.

That is to say, only his original resurrection ability is not.

"So the reason for immortality is in my body or in my soul?"

Lu Yan frowned, thoughtful.

He still doesn't understand what his resurrection ability is.

Turning his head and glanced out the window, a bright moon was already hanging high.

When I arrived at this warehouse, it was not yet fully bright.


Ishida Uryu, who was dozing off under the shelf, slowly woke up.

He glanced around in a daze, and when he saw Lu Yan, he jumped up from the ground in shock.

Noticing that Lu Yan didn't intend to make a move, he forcibly suppressed his stress reaction.

Yulong stared at him, and asked with some uncertainty: " are... Mr. Law?"

From the beginning, his image in Yulong's eyes was a kind old man with white beard and hair.

Suddenly seeing Lu Yan's original appearance, Yulong really couldn't accept it for a while.


A habitual and kind smile appeared on Lu Yan's face.

A young man is full of the temperament of an old man, this familiar yet unfamiliar smile makes the corners of Yulong's mouth twitch.

Yulong took a deep breath and forced himself to accept this fact.

"Mr. Lu...Forget it, I'll call you Li."

"It will be all right."

Lu Yan was quite indifferent about the address, and then added: "How long did it take me to reshape my body?"

"This is the second day."

Upon hearing this question, Yulong seemed to think of something, and quickly said: "I heard from the passer-by chatting that Rukia's execution date has been advanced, and it should be tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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