"You keep talking, I'm listening."

In the end, Lu Yan's attitude seemed very casual.

Mainly, he didn't have too many expectations. Since he couldn't communicate in depth, it probably meant something ordinary.

Lu Yan's attitude seems to make the tribe stele feel a bit embarrassing.

It hesitated for a while before continuing: "You seem to have mastered many kinds of rule abilities. Let me remind you, if you want to go to the end, don't pursue the power of rules too much."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Yan was a little strange.

It is really unreasonable to say that it is a stone tablet of the human race.

In his opinion, if it involves the ability in the field of rules, even if it is weak, it cannot be so weak.

If you can choose, there is no reason to give up such a powerful ability?

It's a pity that the Terran stele didn't give an answer.

"I've said enough, Human Race, do you have anything else to do?"

Lu Yan looked at the pure black stone tablet in front of him, obviously not satisfied with this exchange.

But there is no way.

Sighing lightly, he said, "It's nothing, just tell me your name."

"Don't you know my name?"

"speak out."

Hearing Lu Yan's words.

The Terran stele obviously doesn't seem to have changed, but somehow it makes people feel a little serious.

"Then you remember, my name..."


next moment.

The frenzied power suddenly erupted centered on the human stele.

Lu Yan didn't know when a pure black giant sword suddenly appeared in Lu Yan's hand.

The riotous spiritual pressure fluctuations in the entire underground training ground rushed into the pure black giant sword in Lu Yan's hand like an organized army.

The storm-like fluctuation lasted for dozens of seconds before stopping.

The underground training ground returned to calm again.

The consciousness of the human stele was realized, and it also became a god-turning body again.

The difference is that the original pure black giant sword in Lu Yan's hand has undergone considerable changes.

The pure black giant sword, which was originally similar to the human stele, now swells even more.

If it weren't for the protruding hilt at the end, it would look as if Lu Yan was holding the human stele in his hand.

The moment Lu Yan mastered the swastika.

The notification sound of the reincarnation system will sound at the right time.

【Ding! 】

[Final Ring Mission: Mastering the Swastika Solution] (Completed)
【Is it coming back? 】

Lu Yan first habitually wanted to refuse.

But he thought about it.

It seems that there is nothing interesting to stay in the world of death.

Whether in the world of souls or in this world, he has visited when he controlled the body of Ishida Uryu.

Aizen has also been chopped off by him with a sword, and the original plot is obviously impossible to happen again.

As for Juhabach's Invisible Empire, although the members of the Star Cross Knights used some powers of rules, such as omniscience and omnipotence, world harmony and so on.

Even though Lu Yan had a little interest in them, it was still a long time before they appeared.

At this time period, Juhabach's strength is estimated to have not fully recovered.

Lu Yan can't just stay in this world doing nothing for so long, can he?
He reached out and stroked his chin.

He simply didn't bother to say hello to Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, and chose to return directly.

In the Urahara store.

Everyone silently felt the huge fluctuations coming from the ground one after another.

Ichigo even felt a little terrified: "Hey, hey, clog hat, won't this really collapse?!"

"It's no use worrying."

Kisuke Urahara shook his folding fan lightly, as if an old god was there.

Yoichi comforted Ichigo and said, "It is indeed dangerous to turn into a divine body, but due to the different temperament of the Zanpakuto, everyone's test is different. Just like your test, it actually makes you lose weight in countless Zanpakuto. , find the real one."

"If you really want to talk about the intensity of the battle, it shouldn't be too high."

Perhaps Yeyi's consolation had worked, or perhaps the vibration had stopped.

Ichigo has calmed down a lot.

Kisuke Urahara stared up at the ceiling, and said thoughtfully, "It seems to be over."

"Yeah, it's all quiet."

"Then go down and see what's going on."


【Ding! 】

【Mission completed, start returning. 】

【Mission Completion Degree: S】

[Task Difficulty Rating: B]

[Story rewriting degree: S]

[World Exploration Degree: A]

[World Difficulty Factor: B]

[Overall evaluation of the mission: Excellent]

[The effect of the title of sin and natural disaster is not strengthened]

[Purple extra rewards have been prepared, please draw the host. 】

[Task reincarnation currency reward: [-] points]

[Samsara Stele Ranking Reward Distribution: Task Clearing Symbol × 1, Reincarnation Coin Reward: [-] points. 】

Lu Yan opened his eyes.

This return is not rushed, and there is no usual dizziness, nor does it feel like a world away.

It's as if I was distracted for a while during class, and then suddenly came back to it.

The full strength in his body made him not feel tired at all.

I stretched, but in the end, I accidentally collapsed the sofa.

He glanced at the situation below him, his eyelids twitched.

He almost forgot that the reincarnation experience this time is not physical entry.

Even if the body shaped by the reincarnation system to adapt to the current world is his own, it is still not as good as his original body after all.

It's just because I just returned to my original body, I didn't control the strength for a while.

There is no way, with Lu Yan's current physical fitness, if he doesn't control his strength, probably there is no furniture in this world that can withstand his making.

As for the fact that the evaluation of this mission was only excellent, Lu Yan didn't care much.

He didn't take the task too seriously, and he did it more easily.

What's more, the biggest gain for him from this time's experience mission is to master another human clan's clan-suppressing skill.

It is already a surprise that the task evaluation can be mixed to the level of almost perfect.

He conveniently clicked on the red dot on the reincarnation interface.

【Ding! 】

[Excellent grade prize pool has been allocated. 】

[Please start drawing your extra rewards. 】

Looking at the purple turntable that appeared in front of his eyes, Lu Yan even felt a little strange.

Thinking about it carefully, since he became a reincarnation until now, he has either been a golden turntable or a town-level turntable.

This is the first time I have encountered such a purple-level prize pool.

Of course, novelty is novelty.

After all, it's only an excellent-level thing, and Lu Yan didn't expect to get anything good.

Confirm the draw at hand.

【Ding! 】

【Extraction is complete! 】

[Acquired Ability: Equal Sexuality Meditation Idea]

Lu Yan decisively clicked on the ability introduction.

[Equality wisdom meditation idea: see the nature clearly, look inside the original mind. 】

(Live physically and mentally, change water and raise fish)

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