The warehouse door is open.

There were dead bodies at the door.

Kuangfeng could recognize that these were all reincarnated people who were in charge of moving the shields from the warehouse.

Indeed, the reincarnated people sent to do this kind of hard work are not top-level.

But even the weaker reincarnations are still at the top of the reincarnation combat power list.

What's more, there are hundreds of people here.

But now, all these reincarnated people died, not even a single one was left alive.

It's scary.

Even if it is blocked due to abilities and equipment, it cannot exert its full strength.

It is also an exaggeration that so many high-level reincarnations were killed quietly.

The reason why Gale was able to make the judgment that all of them died was because all the corpses of these reincarnations were shriveled to varying degrees.

If it is a bit exaggerated, it is already in the shape of skin and bones.

There were still crackling sounds coming from the warehouse.

It's as if they didn't know that the squall had come.

However, the opponent was able to kill such a reincarnated person, and the two of them didn't calm down, so it was obviously impossible not to hear them.

In other words, the other party just didn't care about someone coming.

Xiang Mingxue stuck out his tongue and licked his somewhat dry lips, and his lifeless eyes gradually lit up.

"It's quite interesting."

Before he finished speaking, he walked towards the warehouse door.

It was impossible for Kuangfeng to turn around and run away at this time, and followed Xiang Mingxue.

Since the door is not closed, the situation in the warehouse can be seen at a glance.

I saw that in the huge warehouse, there were fragments of the shield all over the floor.

A large number of humanoid creatures are destroying the shield.

Some directly picked up the boxes full of shielding devices and threw them to the ground, and then stomped on them with their feet.

These humanoid creatures look very similar to humans, the difference is that their eyes are blood red, and there are two conspicuous fangs in their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Feng Feng was a little flustered.

Shouldn't they be the ones who plunder the blood race's resource planet?
Why are they the reincarnations who were the first to suffer.

And the hundreds of thousands of jammers piled up in this warehouse are probably almost destroyed, right?
At least until now, Gust has not seen many intact storage boxes.

Gale took a deep breath.

He clenched and loosened his fists several times before he calmed down a little.

"Old Xiang, these are vampires. It seems that these guys have already mixed in before we got on the battleship."

When he was just teleported to Blood Guard II, Kuangfeng had been searching for Lu Yan with his sight.

He knew that after all the reincarnations entered the battleship, the hatch was closed directly, and it was impossible for these blood races to sneak in from behind.

"if it is like this……"

Xiang Mingxue said in a low voice, "I'm afraid this plundering mission will be troublesome."

Because this means that the blood race is ready for the reincarnation to appear.

When they arrive according to the original plan, they are afraid that they will encounter a rather harsh encirclement and suppression.

Kuangfeng waved his hand.

Since these blood races treat them as if they don't exist, he doesn't mind calling a bunch of people to get rid of these blood races.

"Go, go back and inform the others."

The voice just fell.


A violent explosion suddenly appeared above the two of them.

The milky white ceiling burst on the spot.

Fragmented unknown alloys and various mechanical circuits fell like a torrential rain.

For a moment, Kuang Feng and Xiang Mingxue's sight was blocked, and they had to find a direction to rush out first.

Two more explosions sounded one after another.

The entire passageway trembled endlessly.

Fortunately, whether it is Xiang Mingxue or Guafeng, their physical fitness is not weak.

In such an environment, it is not too difficult for them to maintain a standing posture.

After the shaking subsided, Kuangfeng realized that there had been a distance between himself and Xiang Mingxue.

Two slender vampires stood between them.

The direction of departure was also blocked by several blood races.

In the warehouse on one side, those blood races gradually came out of the gate.

"whispering sound."

Seeing this, Xiang Mingxue patted the dust off his body without changing his face.

"The reincarnation system sends out reincarnations of this level?"

One of the vampires showed his two fangs and said with a smirk, "Let's get rid of these poor guys first."

The voice did not fall.

The vampire raised his right hand, and the five exaggerated nails shone fiercely.

The strong sense of crisis that suddenly flooded into his heart made Xiang Mingxue's pupils shrink suddenly.

I saw that blood race instantly crossed the distance between himself and Xiang Mingxue, raised his right paw together, and struck directly at Xiang Mingxue's chest like a sharp spear.

Although abilities and equipment are in a banned state.

However, Xiang Mingxue's physical fitness was not compromised in the slightest. He raised his hand and precisely grabbed the lower part of the opponent's paw.

It's a pity that the opponent's strength obviously exceeded his expectations, and he couldn't grab it at all.

Had to retreat again and quickly opened up the distance.

Even if Xiang Mingxue reacted quickly, his right hand became a bloody mess.

The vampire did not pursue, but stood still.

He said dissatisfiedly, "Why don't you let me kill you obediently?"

Xiang Mingxue narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked deliberately: "Hehe, because there is too much movement, must we be killed as soon as possible?"

"No, no, you misunderstood."

The vampire didn't seem to care about telling Ming Xue his words: "You don't think that we are the only ones in this operation, do you?"

"Calculating the time, the higher-ups should have already started."

Another blood clan who stood in front of the gust of wind also said confidently.

This is not a lie.


The interior of the battleship at this time.

There are already stumps and broken arms everywhere.

A large number of reincarnations distributed on various floors were killed by the blood clan that suddenly appeared.

In the case of being unable to use abilities and equipment, most reincarnators can only rely on their own physical fitness to fight hard.

In front of these elite blood races, they are as fragile as babies.

Center Hall.

Compared with the time of gathering and discussion, it is indeed much deserted, but it can also be regarded as the place with the largest number of reincarnations besides the rest area.

Of course the vampires who attacked would not let go.

In fact, before the blood race appeared.

Some reincarnated people with sharper perceptions have already realized that something is wrong.

As the smell of blood gradually permeated, more and more reincarnations became secretly vigilant.

A tall vampire walked into the central hall from the passage, followed by a whole team of vampires.

The tall vampire held a bleeding head in his hands.

Tossed aside by him like trash.

"Yo, there are quite a lot of them."

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