Chapter 949
Speaking of it, due to the large area of ​​the old blood star, even the nearest planetary node to Lu Yan's group of reincarnations is hundreds of kilometers away.

Fortunately, they are all high-level reincarnators, and it will not take much time to run over a distance of several hundred kilometers.

Lu Yan also had no intention of waiting for people to gather together. After the notification was in place, he rushed towards the direction of the planet node.

After all, the only advantage of the blood troops here is their large number.

In terms of the level of combat power, it is not even a threat to these reincarnations of the Seven Realms level.

Most of the reincarnations did not get entangled with these blood troops. After rushing out of the line of defense, they followed Lu Yan.

There are only some reincarnators with unique ideas left who are still frantically mowing grass among the crowd.

For these reincarnations, the commander of the blood clan army has nothing to do.

It is true that after these reincarnations were unblocked, the increase in combat power was outrageous.

It is estimated that there is really no solution for the time being, other than relying on human lives to heap these reincarnations to exhaustion, or delaying until the end of the shielding time.

what is it now?
Just open it up.

Relying on the majesty of the second in command of the Blood Race Security Bureau, Lorgio suppressed the restlessness of his generals.

Anyway, even if these reincarnations are let go, it is impossible to really kill all the multi-blood troops present.

Such a loss of manpower could not even hurt the blood troops.

Lorgio pondered, the main scope of function of his blood security bureau is not to defend against foreign enemies.

For the sake of the same blood clan, it would be good to delay the time for the main battle force.

Lolgio squinted his eyes and looked at the reincarnated people led by Lu Yan who rushed out of the defense line: "I have to admit that the training method of the reincarnation system is very effective."

They are barely high-level vampires who know it well.

A few months ago, these reincarnated people were just ordinary people who were not even worthy of being a family member.

For the senior blood race, this time is just a nap.

"Indeed, compared to the cultivation method of our blood race, the promotion method of the reincarnation is simply evil, but it is indeed fast."

A security officer standing beside Lorgio nodded in agreement.

Even all the races in the starry sky know that reincarnators have such and other disadvantages, but this short-term combat effectiveness is real, which is really an exaggeration.

Seeing a large number of high-level combat powers raised by the reincarnation system in batches, no race can remain indifferent.

It's a pity that since the birth of the reincarnation system, it has never been truly mastered by any race.

at this time.

On the field of melee, a reincarnation suddenly used the ability to kill in a large area.

To be reasonable, in many cases, range damage means that the power is dispersed.

The ability to truly have both attack range and lethality does not exist in a sense.

The energy of the individual is here, and it is difficult to harm the existence of the same level after the power is dispersed.

If it was Lu Yanlai, it would be okay, anyway, these blood troops are weeds to him.

But instead of these ordinary reincarnators from the Seven Realms, no matter how weak these blood troops are, they would not be mowed directly.

Therefore, the purpose of such a sudden large-scale attack is not for killing efficiency, but for running away.

By the way, the effective time of the jammer is only half an hour.

After half an hour, it takes another hour to recharge.

Half an hour has passed by now.

In particular, some of them have opened the shield in advance, and now there are only a few minutes left.

Those reincarnated people who are still trapped in the encirclement of blood troops are not really top iron.

Once their abilities and equipment are banned again, they may die directly in the encirclement.

Therefore, the hundreds of reincarnators who were caught in it gradually realized that the situation was not good, and they moved faster than rabbits when they ran.

"Brother, little brother has 3 minutes left, I'm going to slip away first, please delay for a while, little brother will definitely report later."

A Longguo reincarnation wearing a mask ran towards the weak line of defense without looking back.

"Damn, who are you poor? Do labor and management know you?!"

The burly man wearing only a white vest grabbed the vampire in front of him and threw it vigorously, responding elegantly and easy-going as soon as he opened his mouth.

But halfway through, he also lowered his sense of presence and decisively chose to run away.

In a blink of an eye, he ran to the front of the masked youth.

"Fuck, why are you running so fast, brother?"

"Isn't everyone running?"

The strong man scolded angrily, pointing at the vitals as soon as he opened his mouth.

Such a scenario is not unique.

This is the case for the reincarnated people who are still trapped in the encirclement. Before the shielding time is over, everyone uses their own methods to escape quickly.

While running, he observed the situation of the reincarnated people around him left and right.

Later, I found that everyone was running very calmly, without any dignity of a high-level reincarnation.

And it also showed a level of running far beyond the original combat power.

In fact, this is the intended meaning.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the group of reincarnators brought by Lu Yan, it can be said that there is no hardliner.

After all, they are the type who will immediately find a thigh to hug in the chaos.

Although the orthodox life-seekers had already followed Lu Yan out of the encirclement, but these life-hunters with a bit of death and bullying tended to be more skillful in running.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have died in the reincarnation experience long ago.

Looking at the tacit running posture of those reincarnated people in the field, Lorgio was a little numb.

None of the vampires on the main battleship were left alive, and no news was sent back, so he didn't know the limitations that the reincarnators could shield in this plundering mission.

But that doesn't matter.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

He immediately issued an order to let the blood troops save as many reincarnated lives as possible.

They didn't stop Lu Yan and the others from breaking through, because they didn't want to cause too much damage to the troops of the Blood Race Security Bureau.

But to beat a dog in the water, don't you just need to have hands?
The fighting will of the vampire troops suddenly rose, and those reincarnations who hadn't run out could clearly feel it.

The strength of the confrontation is up!
What more is there to say.

These reincarnations are already running, so this will only make them run faster.

Directly used the trump card of running away.

Some grew wings on their backs and soared into the sky, some ran away and left afterimages, and the more stubborn ones directly used the ability with space rules to start teleporting.

These desperate factions looked at the reincarnation next to them, and they were dumbfounded at each other.

The old man thinks that running is a must, but whose subordinates are you guys? !
(End of this chapter)

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