Chapter 955 The Gap
"You can almost understand the gap between us."

The young man looked at Lu Yan, and added in a calm tone: "I'm also a little curious about you, please explain it to me."

It sounds very polite, but in fact the young man didn't mean to wait for Lu Yan's answer.

The toes tapped the ground twice casually.

The heavy pressure suddenly applied to Lu Yan's whole body.

That terrifying power made Lu Yan feel like he was an ordinary person, as if he was being suppressed by a mountain.

Dodging seriously is like not existing.

Lu Yan didn't have any room to resist, and he didn't know what power the opponent was using.

I don't even know where those forces emerged from, as if they were rejected by the world, and were inexplicably targeted by all the forces in the world.

The whole person was directly squeezed by the heavy forces emerging from all directions and exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

After doing all this, the boy did not stop, but fixed the space.

Carefully observe what happens next in that space.

After a long time, nothing happened in that space.

The large blood mist that exploded also gradually sprinkled on the ground.

Thinking that his attack had killed Lu Yan, the young man was a little disappointed.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave...

"What are you looking at?"

Lu Yan's flat voice sounded behind the boy.

He is not fixed to be resurrected in place, but will be resurrected in a safe place.

So when the boy controlled that space, the place of resurrection was moved outside this space.

The boy turned his head in the direction of the voice.

The sudden change did not make him panic, but was a little more pleasantly surprised.

"It's amazing. I should have killed you. What's going on with you?"

"Who knows."

Lu Yan's eyes had gradually become indifferent.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had encountered such a dangerous guy.

After killing himself twice in a row, the hidden violence factor in his heart is gradually recovering.

He shook his hands casually, looked at his hands, and said without raising his head: "You will reduce my strength, and it will prove that my attack can hurt you, and that's enough."

Hearing this, the young man raised his eyebrows slightly: "I just don't want my clothes to be stained with dust."

Lu Yan raised his head with a wanton smile on his face.

"It's okay, I'll try it myself."


On the plain thousands of kilometers away from the town.

Yun Changge held the long sword and was looking in the direction where Lu Yan was.

Behind him, there are still a large number of reincarnators from the Dragon Kingdom.

Their team is basically reincarnation with an official background, and they have done a good job of banning them.

During this time, two planetary nodes have already been occupied.

Originally planned to go to the next planetary node.

As a result, they walked halfway, and felt the destructive power fluctuations coming from afar.

At the most exaggerated time, the entire planet was shaking violently.

Such a change made them all have to be cautious.

For the time being, it is impossible to determine which party's personnel broke out the power.

But thinking about it, the reincarnation at this stage shouldn't have such terrifying power, right?
"Is it the Tyrannosaurus God boss?"

Teacher Da Luo walked up to Yun Changge with a chubby figure.


Yun Changge frowned.

It has been a long time since the division match.

After such a long time, Lu Yan's breath has also changed a lot, and it is difficult to judge it accurately.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the previous movement was caused by Lu Yan or not.

Combined with the news that the reincarnation system temporarily lifted the ability ban, it can be logically judged that the difficulty of this plundering mission is estimated to be far greater than imagined.

"Then shall we go and have a look?"

Teacher Da Luo's tone seemed a little worried.

Yun Changge shook his head: "Continue to implement the original plan."

It's frustrating, but that's the way it is.

If that was the power erupted by the strong blood clan, then they would have thrown themselves into a trap in the past.

If it was Lu Yan, then if they were opponents who couldn't even be dealt with by the current strongest reincarnation, they probably wouldn't be of much use even in the past.

"Hope everything goes well..."

Except for the reincarnated team from Longguo who didn't go, the rest of the reincarnated team also didn't plan to watch the fun.

Anyway, most of the reincarnators in my family are in the same team, and it's over after each sweeps the door.

Of course, it wasn't that there were no troops rushing towards Lu Yan.

the other side.

It was only a few hundred miles away from the place where Lu Yan and the young man fought.

A chariot slowly passed by on the wasteland. The Duke of Flores stood on the chariot, followed by a large number of main battle legions of blood races.

During the march, there were not many sounds from the beginning to the end, but that chilling and cold aura overwhelmed the surrounding fields.

They also felt the power fluctuations that erupted in the distance.

However, none of the blood race showed a look of fear.

After all, the soldiers of these main battle legions are the strongest force of the blood race against the foreign race. As the strongest line of defense, they have no qualifications or necessity to be afraid.

What's more, their average combat power is not low.

Under the racial cloud, even with the previous power, it is not impossible for them to solve.

Feel the weakening of power fluctuations in the distance, worrying that the target will run away.

The Duke of Flores waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Send the order and speed up the march."

There are many Earl-level blood races in the main battle legion, but there are also relatively weak first-line blood races in the legion. In order to maintain the whole, the marching speed seems to be relatively slow.

But after all, they are all considered strong, and the speed of travel is actually not much slower.

The distance of hundreds of kilometers is only ten minutes to them.


"Are you trying to provoke me on purpose?"

The boy still had a peaceful expression, and he didn't even take his hands out of his pockets.

"I didn't mean it that way."

Lu Yan twisted his neck, wisps of white-gray halo flowed from the back of his left hand: "I just want to kill you."

After a slight buzzing.

These spilled gray lights gradually flowed to his body, making him exude a deep and strong breath of death.

The smell of decay began to spread in all directions centered on Lu Yan.

From time to time, a group of gray-white mist fell on the ground aside, causing a large area of ​​the ground to appear corrosive like water vapor.

At this moment, Lu Yan completely turned into a corpse.

No matter how you look at it, you will feel that this person will disappear with the wind in the next moment.

Lu Yan moved stiffly and walked towards the boy...

(End of this chapter)

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