The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 960 Encirclement and suppression

Chapter 960 Encirclement and suppression
As soon as Lu Yan flew out, he felt the series of terrifying explosions.

He looked back subconsciously, and he could still see a cloud of mixed mushrooms rising up.

With such an explosion force, Lu Yan could recognize what kind of weapon it was.

By the way, he has always felt that weapons like nuclear bombs are too illegal in this era of gunpowder weapons.

It feels more like when you are climbing the technology tree, you suddenly turn to another branch without paying attention.

The power and attack range of this kind of weapon involving the microscopic level has been increased by several dimensions at once.

"Does that fellow Yu Wulin include nuclear bombs in the empty space?"

Lu Yan had a toothache.

No wonder they had to find a place to consume these weapons and equipment.

He wasn't worried about Yu Wulin's safety at all, but he didn't expect to make such a big commotion.

For such a dangerous guy, the reincarnation system dares to get him into the plundering mission, isn't it afraid that even this resource planet will be gone by then?

The air wave from the nuclear bomb explosion swept across.

Due to the buffer of an extra distance, the remaining impact force is just like a breeze blowing on Lu Yan's face.

After a while, wait until the raging shock waves disappear.

Lu Yan continued to follow his original route.

It has to be said that he is quite conspicuous as he walks through the sky carelessly like this.

After all, the old blood star is the resource planet of blood races, and the number of blood races on the planet is extremely large.

Even if those vampire civilians are very powerful, they can easily see Lu Yan flying in the sky.

For these blood clan civilians, it might be too dangerous to take the initiative to fly into the sky to intercept Lu Yan, and few people would do it, but there is still no psychological pressure to report his whereabouts.

Lu Yan didn't know that his whereabouts were being closely monitored. Of course, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

Due to the condescending relationship, along the way he saw a lot of small towns and settlements of blood clans, as well as some old castles that were full of a sense of age at first glance.

It seems that the news of the reincarnation's invasion has been notified to all the blood races, so most of the blood race civilians gathered spontaneously, or they found a nearby blood race boss to hug their thighs.

Races like the blood race who say they are strong or weak are quite frequently attacked by foreign races.

The blood clan civilians are also used to living in such a state of fighting all the time.

Moreover, for blood races, the blood of alien races, especially the strong alien races, is their favorite.

It is worth mentioning that not all of the old blood stars are blood races.

There are also quite a large number of strong and common people of other races.

They didn't come to travel or do anything else, they just had to follow each other because they became the family members of a certain blood clan.

In this case, the subjective initiative is naturally basically zero.

Therefore, in many cases, the blood clan does not expect the family members to have much effect, and they are used as cannon fodder to consume the vigor of the invaders.

It's just that the number of reincarnations in this plundering mission is not large, and the landing locations are too scattered, which leads to the lack of use for these family members.

Under the blood clan system where all the people are soldiers, those reincarnations who choose to go alone really don't have much room to play.

Basically, as soon as they broke into those ancient castle towns, they were besieged and killed by a large number of blood clan civilians in a blink of an eye.

Of course, such reincarnated people are still in the minority.

So Lu Yan flew in the sky like this for a long time, but he didn't see many battles.

What's worse is that he has already passed two planetary nodes occupied by reincarnations. It seems that out of prudence, no reincarnations stay at the planetary nodes.

All he saw was a scene of people going to the empty buildings, not even a single person, let alone a team of reincarnations.

Although he knew that such a situation was normal, it still made him a little depressed.

On the other side, thousands of miles away from Lu Yan.

The star node in front of me has just been occupied, and the reincarnators of the Dragon Kingdom present are relatively relaxed.

"A message from Erchaus? What's the content?"

Holding the long sword in his arms, Yun Changge sat cross-legged on the earth dam.

Reincarnators have all sorts of weird abilities, and reincarnators like this who can communicate remotely can definitely be found if they want to.

In fact, the team led by Lu Yan also had reincarnators with similar abilities.

It's a pity that the reincarnators in his team are all LYBs, and they won't take the initiative to reveal their hole cards unless they have to.

Teacher Da Luo touched his belly, and said with a smile: "The vibration of this planet before, they have already determined that it was ours."

"Invincible Tyrannosaurus God of War..."

Yun Changge nodded thoughtfully.

This information is quite reasonable: "Why are they telling us this news?"

Although in this plundering mission, all the reincarnations are from the same camp, but the relationship with each other is definitely not friendly.

If there is a chance, neither side will probably mind killing a few of the big guys on the opposite side.

Yun Changge thought for a while, but had no clue.

He simply got up and greeted Teacher Da Luo: "Change to another planetary node. The main battle legion of the blood race has all been dispatched, so don't stay in the same place for too long."

Teacher Da Luo nodded, turned around and wanted someone to inform him of the news.

But at this moment, a middle-aged man with a big back suddenly ran over with a solemn expression.

His name is Wei Xueyuan, and he is the head of Guicheng Branch.

Its combat power may not be ranked among the branch ministers, but its perception ability can be called the strongest.

"Old Wei, why are you in such a hurry..."

Teacher Da Luo was interrupted by Wei Xueyuan before he finished speaking.

"We need to leave as soon as possible, there are a large number of blood clan main battle legions around us."

Wei Xueyuan has an ability similar to a small map of a real-time strategy game. He can see enemy units marked as red dots on the small map.

With just a flash of divine effort, he found dense red dots appearing in all directions on his small map.

Such a situation seems to be planned for a long time.

"Are you surrounded?"

Yun Changge's face remained calm, but his right hand was subconsciously pressed on his sword hilt: "How many are there?"

"It's not clear yet, but what is certain is that the number of blood races is at least [-]."

After reporting the news, Wei Xueyuan didn't continue to make suggestions, but stood still and listened to Yun Changge's next arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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