Yes, the current Lu Yan actually has this kind of control ability.

Because this transparent barrier that restricts the actions of the Duke of Hell is not an energy barrier.

This is Suotian, which Lu Yan has obtained for a long time, but has hardly used much.

The original normal effect is to isolate the target from external forces to a certain extent.

This ability actually requires a strong imagination to play well.

After all, what is an external force?
Unowned energy free between heaven and earth?This kind of racial cloud that gathered an entire legion?Or is it some of its own power that is not perfectly controlled?

Neither is right.

In fact, for the judgment of external force, it is necessary to find a reference object.

An ordinary person holds a pistol, and the pistol is obviously an external force, but what about the gun itself?

Humans are just a device for it to exert its power, because the power to fire belongs to the gun itself, but it cannot be exerted by the gun itself.

Looking at it this way, the answer is actually quite obvious.

The more the ability of Suotian is given to creative users, the more unexpected effects it can produce.

Moreover, the original effect of this ability is not weak, plus it has the unparalleled boost.

As a result, the Duke of Mo He didn't even have time to react and adjust when Lu Yan's fist landed on his head.

He just felt as if he was fixed at the origin by some invisible force, and he didn't even think about how he was attacked.

Maybe give him a little time, he can react.

Unfortunately, Lu Yan did not give him this chance.

With just one punch, this powerful man among the blood clan was blown up on the spot.

Only a large piece of blood spilled from midair.

By the way, the survivability of the blood race is not weak, and compared with many star races, it has an advantage.

Not to mention a blood race like the Duke of Hell.

But still the same.

Who told him to face Lu Yan.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Lu Yan's current strength, he is enough to threaten anyone.

The seemingly ordinary punch contained a variety of opposing but inexplicably harmonious terrifying forces inside.

Wrath of wronged souls, humiliation, blood for blood, etc...

Not to mention thick and thin,
But under the perfect harmony, it does have a shocking power.

After a long time, these reincarnated people who finally saw Lu Yan's attack again, after witnessing this scene with their own eyes, were all stunned with shock.

Many reincarnators even felt in a trance that they and Lu Yan were not bound to the same system.

How can there be such a big gap? !

Maybe it was too much consumption, or maybe it was some other reason, even Yun Changge, who had always been indifferent, became a little short of breath.

What kind of power the Duke of the Prison possessed, Yun Changge, who had fought indirectly, knew better than the other reincarnations present.

An opponent he was not sure about, but he couldn't even pass a move in front of Lu Yan.

Since when did the gap become so large?
Although the reincarnated people were extremely shocked, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the blood warriors of the Prison Legion couldn't accept it!
Even after fighting fiercely with the reincarnations of the Dragon Kingdom for so long, aside from the sudden death of the Duke of the Last Prison, the loss of this main battle army is actually less than [-]%.

It still retains a considerable amount of power.

And because of the death of their revered duke, the entire Doom Legion completely fell into a state of rage.

They began to bite the reincarnation around them no matter the cost.

And those blood warriors who didn't have reincarnation around them and couldn't vent their anger immediately turned their murderous eyes on Lu Yan, bursting out their blood madly.

This led to the obvious loss of the Duke of the Last Hell, the commander of the legion.

On the contrary, the racial cloud covering the entire main battle army became more and more intense, as if it was about to condense into substance.

All the reincarnations present seemed to be able to smell blood just by looking at it like this.

However, even with such a terrifying power, it couldn't bring Lu Yan the slightest pressure.

No matter how strong the overall power is, if there is no candidate for unification, it will still be a mess after all.

Lu Yan didn't even attack any blood warrior alone, but attacked the entire main battle army without any scruples.

Even if he threw a punch casually, the huge force of the naturally generated punch was creepy.

Every time, these blood warriors need to unite and mobilize the racial energy to resist, so that they can barely cope.

There is no way, the Duke of Hell has absolute authority in this main battle army.

Under his leadership, the Last Prison Legion can display its full strength.

But the strongest point is also the weakest point.

After the death of the Duke of Hell in battle, there wasn't any blood general with enough weight in the legion to stand up.

Under such circumstances, no matter how angry these blood warriors were, there was no way to change the situation.

The scene looks like an adult beating up a group of children.

Obviously, even just Lu Yan is enough to easily destroy this main battle army.

What's more, the blood warriors didn't just need to deal with Lu Yan.

Those teams of reincarnators who stood out and surrounded were not vegetarians either.

Yun Changge quickly adjusted his mentality, and began to kill all directions with a long sword in his hand.

Constantly receiving such impacts, the casualties of the Last Prison Legion began to rise sharply.

After the casualties soared to a certain level, the organizational structure of the Doom Prison Legion began to have problems, and the entire legion unconsciously became a state of fighting on its own.

The strongest evidence is that the racial cloud that originally covered the entire legion has weakened visible to the naked eye.

At this point, it is only a matter of time before the entire army of the Doom Prison Army is wiped out.

Lu Yanling stood in mid-air, looking down at the scuffle below, and waved his hands casually.

There is no need for him to do it anymore.

Until now, many blood warriors have gradually calmed down and began to think about how to survive.

Even though there were still many blood warriors who wanted to fight, they were suppressed by reincarnators who were stronger than them.

With one sword and one sword, Yun Changge slashed a bloody path through the Doom Prison Army.

When he looked back, he also saw the change.

So he didn't continue to do it, but tiptoed.

The whole thing flew up into the air and came to Lu Yan's side.

He looked at Lu Yan with a complicated expression, and said proactively, "Thank you this time."

Speaking of which, he still remembers the first time he fought Lu Yan, it was an appointment in the ring.

At that time, he thought he was a lucky guy, and he was able to save face for Lu Yan.
Who knew that such a huge gap would be opened up now.

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