It is tens of kilometers away from the city of Milagas.

Dozens of blond-haired and blue-eyed reincarnation squatted secretly on a small slope.

The dozens of reincarnations present all set their eyes on the floating monitoring screen in front of them.

What is displayed on the surveillance screen is Milligas City.

The millions of giant beasts in the picture look like a large area of ​​black crows, rushing towards the position where the main battle army of the blood clan is stationed like a tide.

"God, which side of the reincarnation made this noise?"

A blond woman with smoky makeup is covering her mouth, exaggerating her emotions.

The bald black man squatting next to the woman with smoky makeup curled his lips, took out a half-lit cigar from his trouser pocket, put it in his mouth, and said vaguely.

"It is estimated to be another tentative attack."

Their team has been squatting on this hillside for some time.

During the period, I saw a lot of reincarnators trying to test the strength of the blood clan's defense line, but they were all summoned objects, and they were pushed flat by the blood clan without any waves turning up.

Although the movement caused by this wave is a bit loud, judging from the individual strength of those giant beasts, it is obvious that they may not necessarily threaten the blood race's main battle army.

If it is not too unlucky, under the suppression of the huge racial cloud, there will be no casualties in the blood race.

The bearded man in a leather jacket sneered: "If you want to fight, you can fight, if you don't fight, you just give up the mission. I really don't know what these bosses are struggling with?"

Calling the boss, but there is no respect in the tone, but full of ridicule.

In fact, ten teams of reincarnators is a simple and crude statement.

To be precise, after the reincarnators arrived at the old blood star and confirmed their safety, they pulled up their own teams and left the main force for action.

From the beginning to the end, there were only two or three teams with more than a few hundred reincarnators.

The team of reincarnators squatting on the hillside has dozens of people, and they are not weak at all.

Of course, it must be a lot worse than those real large reincarnation organizations.

This is normal, not all teams of reincarnations can gather hundreds or thousands of reincarnations like Longguo and America.

Most of them are mixed with reincarnated people from their own country, forming small teams of a few or dozens of people.

So teams of reincarnations like theirs generally have the idea of ​​fighting three shots if they have any dates, and pick up the cheap ones if they can be picked up, and run away if they can't be picked up.

The most important thing is that the reincarnation team with this idea is actually the most common.

This also led to the fact that even though most of the reincarnated people on the old blood star had secretly gathered around the city of Milligas, none of them launched a formal attack.

They can follow behind and shout when the large reincarnated forces attack.

It is still too difficult for these small teams of reincarnations to launch a general attack.

When these reincarnations talked, the millions of giant beasts outside the city of Milligas had been destroyed.

There were only two or three main battle legions who shot the whole process. After the race cloud pressure passed, a few salvos would finish it off.

These giant beasts created by unknown reincarnations were dealt with before they even rushed to the defense line of the main battle army. Summons of this level really could not pose any threat to the defense line of the blood race.

This scene also fell into the eyes of Lu Yan and the others who arrived.

Kuangfeng didn't have the nerve to lead the people over, but went to meet Yun Changge and the others first.

The reincarnated people of the Dragon Kingdom gathered together, and nearly 2000 people have gathered so far.

The invisibility space created by a certain branch leader made so many reincarnated people not far from Milligas City, but they were not noticed by the blood race.

"Have you decided when to do it?"

As soon as Kuang Feng walked over, he asked straight to the point.

"Not in a hurry."

Teacher Da Luo stuck out his chubby belly, and said with a smile: "We haven't arrived yet."

There are more than 3000 reincarnations of the Dragon Kingdom in this plundering mission. Even if losses are unavoidable during this period, it is not to say that there are less than 2000 people left.


Suddenly someone forcibly broke into the invisible space.

Many reincarnated people from the Dragon Kingdom turned their heads and looked at the past. There were four people in this group of uninvited guests, and the leader was Erchaus.

Since the Dragon Kingdom's reincarnation team had been plotted against before, the first thing most people suspected was the American reincarnation headed by Erchaus.

Therefore, many people's expressions suddenly changed, and they all emitted a murderous intent.

Being stared at by so many high-level reincarnators at once, even Erchaus unconsciously felt his heart skip a beat.

Fortunately, he quickly adjusted, spread out his hands to show that he was not malicious, and said with a smile: "Oh, buddy, you didn't misunderstand something, did you?"

Yun Changge stepped out of the crowd with a calm expression, and came to Erkaos.

He watched Erchaus and the others without speaking, obviously intending to ask Erchaus to explain their purpose.

Although Yun Changge's attitude was impolite, Erchaus didn't care.

He glanced at Lu Yan who was standing in the corner indiscriminately, and then said: "Then let me just say it, if we want to occupy this planetary node, we must cooperate."

"Everyone should be able to see how exaggerated the power of the blood race is, no offense is meant..."

Erkao paused for a moment, and then continued: "Obviously, it is very difficult for any of us to capture this city."

Yun Changge said flatly, "I can't trust you guys."

That's what he said, but since he has spoken, it means there is still more to talk about.

In fact, there is no way.

I have to admit that the defensive power invested by the blood race at this planetary node is too thick.

The reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom just pressed them all regardless of losses, and I am afraid that there is not much possibility of occupying them.

There are more than 1000 reincarnations in the United States. Compared with the reincarnations of the Dragon Kingdom in terms of number, it is indeed a lot worse, but it is also the strongest team except the Dragon Kingdom camp.

After all, these two camps combined accounted for half of the entire plundering mission.

Unless you plan to give up the plundering mission.

Otherwise, no matter from which point of view, cooperation is the best choice.

"In terms of plundering missions, our goals should be the same, right?"

Erchaus smiled and said, "Let's do this, the reincarnated people from the United States will be responsible for the main attack."

Yun Changge narrowed his eyes slightly.

Quest rewards are indeed distributed according to contributions, but Erchaus is so frank, which makes him feel a little weird.

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