Chapter 992 Time
Uranus' mobility is indeed very efficient.

Lu Yan didn't wait too long when he saw the sky tear open suddenly.

A pitch-black passage spanned through it.

The dark breath emanating from it undoubtedly came from the handwriting of the abyss.

With the passage opened with the permission of Uranus, Tartarus can easily convey his power to the earth.

And the drop point of this abyssal power is the Earth Temple where Gaia is located.

When the passage opened by the abyss is in the sky, it doesn't look too big.

But in fact, the diameter of this passage is also a full kilometer.

It is completely enough to cover the Temple of the Earth, and even include the six giants who gathered together by the way.

The power of the abyss was too dark, causing the entire passage to be completely dark, making it impossible for people to see clearly what happened inside.

At most, one could only hear the huge howls of the cyclops and the hundred-armed giant, echoing in the abyss passage.

Lu Yan felt a little disappointed.

But there is no plan to forcefully break into the abyss passage just to watch the excitement.

Slowly turned around and walked towards the beach.

the other side.

Gaia in the Earth God Temple is different from Lu Yan who is so relaxed.

She obviously couldn't stand Uranus' actions.

The deprivation of her reproductive rights made her extremely angry.

Even the ground began to erupt lava like a volcano, and the hot magma spread directly from the cracks in the ground, making Lu Yan change from walking to flying.

This mass of fiery lava manifests the wrath of Gaia, the Mother Earth.

But neither Uranus nor Tartarus, the god of the abyss who helped, they didn't care about Gaia's thoughts.

Throughout the day, the earth was in such a state of turbulent boiling.

It wasn't until night fell that the restlessness of the earth subsided.

After all the six giants were stuffed back into Gaia's body, Uranus didn't even bother to leave any backhands on Gaia, and returned to the sky without any scruples.

During this period, the twelve Titan gods on the earth didn't even have the guts to join in the fun.

For tens of thousands of years, Uranus has suppressed these twelve Titan gods without interruption, and the fear of the Father God has long been engraved in their blood.

Whenever the god of the sky descends on the earth, these twelve titan gods will only prostrate on the earth and tremble, begging for the protection and blessing of the mother god of the earth.

Under such a premise, even if they could feel the anger of the Mother Earth, they would not dare to help.

And this is just because they don't want Uranus' anger to cause them irreparable pain.

Lu Yan is actually very aware of this.

However, when he was flying in the air and saw two Titan Gods lying on the ground, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of disdain for these Titan Gods.

The magma had already spread to them, but they didn't even dare to move for fear of attracting Uranus' attention.

How cowardly is this?
Of course, not all Titan Gods dared to think of rebellion.

When Lu Yan was about to reach the coast, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a male god wearing a big red shawl, standing on the ground.

The youngest and weakest Titan God among the Twelve Titan Gods...

The god of time, Cronus—stands up uncharacteristically, looking up in the direction of the Earth Temple.

Cronus obviously also noticed Lu Yan.

He bowed slightly and saluted Lu Yan: "Cronus, the god of time, has met Lord Lore."

Originally, when Lu Yan encountered such a situation, he continued to fly as if nothing had happened.

But when he heard the name Kronos, he was stunned for a long time.

If he remembered correctly.

The god of time, Cronus, will become the second generation of god kings in Greek mythology.

To be honest, compared with the other god kings, the presence of this god king is indeed somewhat low.

He is most famous for giving birth to a son named Zeus.

Perhaps due to preconceived influence, Lu Yan's impression of Cronus was just a well-behaved god-king.

But when he saw Cronus with his own eyes, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

In this era, it is not yet time to play tricks.

At least with Lu Yan's experience, he can easily sense Kronos' hidden ambitions.

But on second thought, this is actually normal.

The God of Time is the youngest among the twelve Titan Gods, and has been tortured by Uranus for the shortest time. Naturally, he is not as afraid of Uranus as the other Titan Gods.

But correspondingly, His hatred of Uranus, the father god, cannot be as deep as other Titan gods.

But in the end, it was He who took the lead in attacking Uranus.

If it weren't for his growing ambition, he wouldn't be able to take the risk to reach this level.

Later, His strong desire to control his children also proved this point.

"Master Luoer...what's wrong?"

Kronos looked at Lu Yan's thoughtful look, and asked again tentatively.

Lu Yan broke away from his complicated thoughts, and he looked at the young Cronus with a little playfulness.

For some reason, Kronos felt an inexplicable fear.

Under Lu Yan's gaze, he trembled all over and knelt on the ground involuntarily.

As a god who has mastered the power of time, Kronos seems to be able to understand how incredible Lu Yan is.

Lu Yan looked at the God of Time trembling like a quail below, a bit bored and even disappointed flashed in his eyes.

He suddenly realized that he was paying too much attention to these so-called gods.

Probably because the first thing he saw was Chaos, which caused his judgment of these gods to be biased towards the real gods.

But in fact, there is only Chaos who really deserves the title of god.

Looking at the rest of the gods in Greek mythology, no matter how powerful they are, their essence is that humanity is greater than divinity, and even animality is greater than divinity.

Just when Kronos was at a loss, Lu Yan's voice sounded faintly.

"You will become the second generation of God King, you don't need to kneel to me."

The voice was calmer and indifferent than usual, but Cronus had never met Lu Yan before, so he didn't feel much strange.

It's just that when he heard Lu Yan say that he would become the second generation of God King, he really felt a strong desire inexplicably.

He raised his head with some trepidation: "Will you help me?"

"No help needed."

At this time, Lu Yan looked at the God of Time, as if he was looking at a bug: "This is a preordained thing."

(End of this chapter)

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