Chapter 994
As the goddess of the earth, what Gaia said is indeed true.

With the position of God King vacant, whoever can get her support and become the next generation of God King is basically a certainty.

However, it was beyond Gaia's expectations.

The fear of these Titan gods for the father god Uranus is engraved in their bones.

After hearing Gaia's proposal, they were all shocked.

They couldn't imagine the terrible consequences of disobeying God the Father, and they instinctively thought that they were weak in front of God the Father.

The six female Titan gods stood trembling on the hall.

Some Titan Gods even covered their ears directly, afraid of hearing the next words.

Fear blinds the titans' eyes and potential.

Although the divine power of Uranus is indeed extremely powerful, if the twelve titan gods can work together to fight against Uranus, it will not be said that they have no resistance.

As the saying goes, the bold starve to death the timid.

The youngest Titan God - Cronus who has mastered the divine right of time.

Desire in His eyes broke through the shackles of fear.

Kronos stepped forward and took the sickle from Gaia's hand.

He turned his head and glanced at these brothers and sisters one by one.

After the atmosphere in the hall gradually became dignified.

He said solemnly: "I have a plan..."



Lu Yan sat on the stone chair and looked in the direction of the Earth Temple.

He could feel the huge and complex divine power over there.

Almost a field was formed, covering the entire Earth Temple.


Uranus is finally getting bored, are you starting to play something new?

Lu Yan thought back, he really didn't realize what was about to happen.

at this time.

The figure of Pontos emerged from the sea.

He bowed to Lu Yan and asked respectfully, "Master Luoer, are you going to stop this?"


"They are going to attack Uranus."

Pontos is not a riddler, he immediately explained: "Gaia, the mother goddess, has notified me, hoping that I will help when the time comes. If you don't want me to intervene, I can pretend that nothing happened."

Listening to Pontos' narration, Lu Yan gradually came to his senses.

He probably guessed what was going on.

I have no intention of stopping this, but I am happy to see it.

You know, Uranus, the god-king, didn't care about the development of the world at all when he was in power, and deliberately suppressed his heirs.

Even after so many years, the whole world has not changed much, and it is so empty and lonely.

Replaced by Cronus, although this guy is not a qualified god king, at least he will not suppress the reproduction of life in the world.

Starting from Kronos, the number of gods of the second and third generations exploded.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan waved his hand towards Pontus and said.

"Don't worry about anything, just do what you want."


The next day.

When Uranus, the god of the sky, descended from the sky to the Temple of the Earth, Gaia had already been waiting in the comfortable greenhouse for a long time.

Her plump and charming figure exudes a holy and mysterious complex atmosphere.

Uranus's eyes lit up. Although he was not bad at ordinary times, he only felt that his wife today was extraordinarily charming.

Under the cover of the Mother Earth Goddess, the hidden twelve Titan Gods fully control memory, feelings, language, rivers, stars and time...

The divine power of the twelve Titan gods is not weak, and they acted at the same time, easily alleviating Uranus' perception of the world.

After tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, Uranus would never have thought that his cowardly children would dare to attack him.

Even if it feels strange, it is only an illusion.

He completely ignored the hidden crisis, strode towards Gaia, and couldn't wait to start sticking with Gaia.

By the way, in order to prevent hurting the partner, the gods will converge their divine power into their bodies when sticking.

It is no exaggeration to say that this state is the weakest.

Take this opportunity.

Cronus came out from a dark corner, and he quietly stepped forward with a sickle,

The closer he was to success, the more nervous he became.

Sweaty hands, swollen feet.

Under normal circumstances, Uranus would definitely notice this state immediately.

But this moment is different.

With the help of the Titans, Uranus can be said to be unconscious.

Kronos approached behind Uranus.

Infuse the turbulent divine power into this extremely sharp sickle, and then swing the knife vigorously.

Everything happens in an instant!
The sudden severe pain made Uranus scream and growl.

Huge divine power gushed out from his body, covering the entire earth temple in an instant.

The sky began to cloud over, with thunder and lightning.

Uranus's body was covered with blood, the blood full of anger and divinity dripped on Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth.

The most powerful blood turned into the Three Furies.

The second-class ones became the ancestors of the giant spirit family and the ancestors of fairies.

The vast and majestic divine power of the sky broke through the divine power field built by the Titans. At this moment, Uranus understood everything.

He knew that he had been betrayed by his own children.

But now he has no intention of punishing these titan gods.

He endured the severe pain and struggled to pick up his own body, so that the right to reproduce could belong to his body again.

When Cronus saw this, he didn't want to fall short like this.

He hastily mobilized his divine power to slow down the time in the Temple of the Earth.

Take Uranus one step ahead and snatch the Whip of Uranus that fell on Gaia.

Then he took the whip of Uranus full of divine power, and rushed to the depths of the sea at high speed.

Uranus wanted to give chase, but was stopped by the rest of the titans.

These titan gods are indeed cowardly, but they all belong to whoever wins and helps.

At this moment, seeing that the work is done, there is no fear, and there is no pressure to stand up and stop Uranus for a short time.

The heavy and violent divine power collided in the Earth Temple, and the terrifying aftermath completely destroyed the temple.

Uranus wanted to catch up again, but it was too late.

the other side,
Cronus has come to the sea.

Throwing the whip of Uranus into the sea, Pontus didn't show up, but just mobilized the waves, secretly adding soft and feminine power to it.

This caused the Whip of Uranus to transform into a feminine goddess.

This goddess was the later goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite.

Well, it is known as Venus.

This scene happened to be seen by Uranus who was chasing him.

He was utterly hopeless.

The birth of Aphrodite meant that she lost her fertility forever.

Uranus let out a desperate and angry roar uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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