"Lol, don't worry."

Gaia said with a smile: "Cronus is a good boy, she is different from you, she dare not go against my wishes."

In fact, when Cronus mastered the authority of the god king, her power had already surpassed the goddess of the earth who was not good at fighting.

In other words, if Cronus insisted on doing something, Gaia would not be able to stop her by herself.

It's just that after Kronos became the king of gods, he has always shown a considerable degree of respect to Gaia, so Gaia didn't care about this at all.

Hearing Gaia's nonchalant words, Lu Yan frowned slightly.


After Lu Yan finished speaking, he didn't have too many conversations with Gaia.


The world at this time has begun to bloom with the brilliance of life.

The ancestor of the giant spirit family, created by the blood and divine power of Uranus, finally settled on a hilly area far away from the ocean after a long migration.

And the fairies who were also derived from the blood and divine power of Uranus.

In the past ten thousand years, the number has changed from two at the beginning to thousands now.

They don't have high requirements for the living environment, and they didn't make a long trek like the giant spirits.

Instead, it is constantly expanding its own residence around the high Otterys Mountain.

The fairies with graceful postures and exquisite appearance even flew with the fragrance of flowers, so the twelve Titans had no objection to the fact that the fairies built a city around Mount Oetrys.

Not only can it add some vitality to the sacred mountain, but also select a few outstanding fairies to serve as maids.

The fairies are also happy, after all, having the protection of the Titans means that they will not be persecuted.

At this time, when the second generation father god Cronus returned to his temple in frustration, he learned a frightening news from these fairies.

Several maids happily surrounded her, chirping.

"Great God King, congratulations, Rhea, the Goddess of Time, has given birth to a healthy baby girl."

"She has a chaste light, as soft as moonlight."

"As long as you see this child, you can feel unparalleled love. She has the power to connect the gods and maintain purity."

The happy picture of Cronus imagined by the fairies did not appear.

Cronus' eyes were even bloodshot at this moment.

She used her somewhat unstable divine power to push away the fairies surrounding her.

Hastily rushed towards his temple.

There will be many titans in the temple, and they all look at this lovely baby girl with joy.

Kronos walked into the temple, knowing that the presence of the gods was inappropriate, so she resisted the attack.

But the way she looked at her child was full of irrepressible coldness.

Cronus, as the father god of the child, shows no sign of celebrating.

The gods probably thought that Cronus couldn't let go of them, so they quickly dispersed.

It's just that Kronos obviously didn't want to maintain the majesty of her god-king. After the gods dispersed, she called out the sharp sickle that she had cut off the whip of Uranus with a gloomy expression. …

This sickle is full of regular power, and it is one of the few weapons in the world that can injure gods.

Cronus held the sickle in one hand and the baby girl in the other,

Taking advantage of the absence of gods present, she slashed down mercilessly.

The holy light on the baby girl protects her from any harm.

Seeing this scene, Cronus had to give up the idea of ​​killing the baby girl himself, and named the child Hestia.

That night, Rhea, the goddess of time, held the baby girl named Hestia in the arms of Cronus.

It was supposed to be an atmosphere of family harmony, but Kronos became more and more uneasy.

Suddenly, she suddenly had an idea.

Back then, Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, gave birth to six giants alone, but was stuffed back into her body by the first generation of god king Uranus.

Then this child should also be able to return to the mother's body.


Return to the body of her father god!
Thinking of this, Kronos looked at the baby girl in Rhea's arms with cold eyes, and snatched Hestia from his wife's arms.

Then, in the terrified eyes of Rhea, the goddess of time.

This god king actually forcibly swallowed his own child...!
She re-sealed the power that came from her blood in her body.

Kronos is like a wild beast at this moment, and the expression on his face that is taken for granted exudes an extremely terrifying taste.

Rhea had completely forgotten that she was still a powerful god at this time.

She's just a mother who lost her child.

She fell numbly from the bed.

Then there was a shrill scream.

The feeling of devouring the offspring to eliminate the threat made Kronos happy again.

Under the sound of Rhea's wailing, Cronus had a peaceful sleep for the first time in a long time.

The supreme god king did not want his future enemies to appear.

For Kronos, eating his own heir is like dressing up as a woman, only zero times and countless times...


In the nameless temple on the coast.

Lu Yan rested his chin on one hand lazily, and yawned casually: "You've been here long enough."

Hearing this, Gaia Dai raised her eyebrows.

He put on a weak appearance very naturally: "Ruthless Lore, are you going to drive me away again?"

Lu Yan: "..."

He didn't criticize Gaia's words, but raised his right hand and spread his palm upwards.

A cloud of blood red, representing the divine power of ruling authority, condensed out of his palm.

Sensing the dangerous breath of blood-red divine power, Gaia's expression froze.

She didn't really believe that Lu Yan would do something to her because of this kind of thing, but she didn't dare to try.

The atmosphere in the temple gradually became a little chilling.

at this time.

A pale and haggard female deity came to the temple.

Gaia was able to recognize that this was her daughter Rhea, the Goddess of Time, one of the Twelve Titans.

But it was precisely because she could recognize it that she was quite surprised.

After all, Rhea is the wife of the current God King Cronus, and it stands to reason that she should be radiant. Why does she look so mentally ill?

The moment she saw Gaia, Rhea couldn't hold back anymore.

She ignored Lu Yan who was sitting on the stone chair, and knelt down in front of Gaia.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down from the corner of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Great Mother Goddess Gaia, please help me..."

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