She is Jianxiu

Chapter 165 Chapter 164

Chapter 165 Chapter one hundred sixty-four

The blood behind him was really deep, so Zhao Chun took another elixir from the armband and put it in his mouth, sat cross-legged on the ground, and adjusted his breath to recover.

It didn't hurt the inside, but the flesh was cut open, so it wasn't a serious injury.

After the whole body was full of energy, the blood of the younger generation was already as clean as before. She jumped up from the ground and pinched the dust removal formula. If she hadn't looked back at the leafless forest, there would be new traces on the trees. , as if born out of thin air.

However, within a few breaths, the leafless dry forest in front of Zhao Chun suddenly disappeared, leaving only a flat road, and the stele on the way turned into a thick and thin tree stump surrounded by two people after a while.

That's right, she confirmed what she thought in her heart, and nodded slightly.

The Yixuan Sword Sect probably wouldn't really cause the monks to suffer damage here. If she ran out of energy when she crossed the forest and couldn't resist the sharp awn, the checkpoints here should also disappear completely, keeping her life safe.

But if that's the case, Zhao Chun will be counted as a failure to pass the level, and he won't be able to get to where he is standing now.

Wuye Kulin has an estimate of the sword repairer's combat power, so the test is not the state of the sword, she only needs to recall what is the most useful when passing through the forest, and she can know what kind of ability the sword repairer needs in this level—— will.

This is related to the monk's Taoism, but it is not exactly the same thing.

If it is said that the heart is the heart to the Tao, the will of the sword is to pursue the perseverance and determination of the sword.

As the saying goes, the more powerful a swordsman is, the stronger his swordsmanship will be. However, after pointing out the essence, the truth should be that the stronger the swordsmanship will be, the stronger the swordsmanship will be. Then the strength is superior.

Therefore, many famous sword cultivators have already revealed their strong sword will when their cultivation base is still relatively low.

Zhao Chun thought about it, put the black sword back into the scabbard, followed what the crow-tailed tiger had said, and continued to walk inward.

After passing through the leafless dry forest, the road ahead became much smoother, until a green mound appeared in front of it. In front of the mound, there was no stele of the owner of the tomb, but behind the mound was a stone wall surrounded by green vines. At the foot, there is a small gap that can be passed by one person, Zhao Chun should know that this is the place of opportunity that the crowtail tiger said.

She recalled that the crow-tailed tiger had said that the heart-revealing jade worn on his body could enter the small gap, but he didn't know how to use it as proof.

He took off the black jade around his waist and held it in his hand, and walked slowly towards the green mound, but before he passed the green mound, he heard a few soft sounds from the black jade in his hand, and it turned into a few petals of broken jade, and there was a The dark black mysterious light flew out and shot towards the green mound.

After the black light escaped into the green tomb, there was no change immediately. When Zhao Chun felt doubts, he saw the vines covered in front of the small gap in the stone wall retreating to the surroundings, completely revealing the deep gap.

Zhao Chun paused, bowed his hands to salute the green tomb, then jumped up the stone wall and escaped into the small gap.

Before stepping in, she felt a slight movement in her heart, and suddenly bent her body and touched the surrounding vines lightly. The feeling from her fingertips was only hard and cold. It seemed that these vines were undoubtedly a technique to prevent monks from entering the small gap.

Like most cliff caves, there is a strong damp atmosphere in the small gap, and the stone walls on both sides are uneven. I don't know what kind of stone it is, but it can block nine out of ten of the outside world's sword will, making Zhao Chun escape. I have to suppress it, and I feel very comfortable all over my body.

With true energy, she could walk much faster, and in less than a moment, she saw a little light shining in front of her.

The exit is coming!
She jumped out of the small gap and looked around, but there was no one else here except her.

The corridor in front of you is spacious, not as narrow as a small gap. The two walls are carved and painted. At a glance, they are not portraits or narratives, but swords of different shapes, not signed. The intervals between them are not fixed, as if the sculptor carved them randomly.

Zhao Chun watched as he walked, and saw countless swords, until he reached the end, the carvings and paintings were all interrupted, and several long swords were only half engraved.

At the end of the corridor, there was a stone door. Before she put her hand on it, the stone door opened to both sides by itself.

Behind the door is another world. Walking down the stone ladder, you can see the carved beams and painted buildings in the circular stone wall. The caves and pavilions are made of lacquered white spirit wood. Looking down, you can see the cold pool. There are thousands of jade seats, half of which have monks sitting cross-legged .

In addition, there are quite a few monks coming and going to this place. Some people go up to the jade seat in the cold pool, and some leave from it, and then enter the caves and pavilions on all sides, and their figures disappear.

The opening and closing of the stone gate was not much, and apart from Zhao Chun, there were not a few similar stone gates around, so her entry did not attract the attention of others.

The cold pond is surrounded by stone edges. If you look closely, there are small statues of crow-tailed tigers holding lotus flowers in their mouths. About in the middle, you can see a huge stone carving of crow-tailed tigers, roaring upright, waving pens on its abdomen. Just three characters - Wujianchi!

Zhao Chun focused on the past, and a golden light shot out from the stone tiger's eyes immediately, and the origin of this place also appeared in her mind.

Wujian Pool, the Forest of Leftover Swords, and the Tomb of Heroes, these are the three major sites of Wanren Mountain, the last two are on the top of the mountain, and only with a warrant from the master can one enter. Although Wujian Pool is the only one on the mountainside However, it is rarely open to outsiders. If a disciple of his sect wants to enter it, he must pass through a forest of manifest swords.

Zhao Chun nodded slightly, showing the sword forest, this should be the name of the leafless dry forest in the Yixuan sword sect.

Continue reading, and know that the Wujian Pool is not filled with water, but the accumulation of swordsmanship accumulated by the ancestors of swordsmanship for thousands of years, which was condensed into this cold pool of Enlightenment Sword by Yixuan Sword Sect with profound secret techniques, for offering The younger disciples use it.

There are [-] exquisite jade seats built on it, and the sword cultivator sits on it and concentrates in concentration, seeing the phantoms of his ancestors, learning superior swordsmanship moves, and enhancing himself!

She was overjoyed, this Enlightenment Sword Pool was just what she needed right now, and it would be of great help.

However, the message also said that the reason why the accumulation of sword cultivators of the ancestors can last for so long is because of their strong will in the way of swordsmanship. Because of this, Xuying also has extremely high requirements for the will of sword cultivators, and there are many Yixuan disciples Sitting on the Linglong Jade Throne with full expectations, but until the end of the one-year period, he still hasn't figured out a single move.

There are also kendo darlings in the sect who can obtain a complete swordsmanship from Wujianchi. Even if the individual's kendo will is different, the chances will be different.

Visitors from the foreign sect can enter the Enlightenment Sword Pool with the Heart Jade, and get the Linglong Jade Seat to realize the Tao once. When the time limit expires, no matter whether they have realized the moves or not, they must leave the seat, and they must not hinder others from seeking the Tao.

At the same time, it also informs the people from the foreign sect that because the disciples of the Yixuan Sword Sect practice the sword art of this school, the kung fu and sword skills are all inherited, and most of the accumulated accumulation in the Enlightenment Sword Pool is left by the sect itself.

The sword cultivator on the Jade Throne can only comprehend the corresponding moves if the kendo and the phantom of the ancestors are combined. Therefore, it is relatively easier for the disciples of this sect to comprehend the sword moves from the pool of sword comprehension than those of the foreign sect.

Putting this at the front is also a reminder to those from the Outer Sect.

 after the second watch

(End of this chapter)

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