She is Jianxiu

Chapter 398 Chapter 397 Secret

Chapter 398: Three hundred ninety-seven
The matter involved the secrets of the Three Palaces of Yan Mo, and Su Ying only learned a thing or two from the mouth of the commoner man.

For thousands of years or even longer, the three halls of Yan Mo have been dormant in the left and right Yun'er Great Lakes, all for this purpose.

Going back to the years before the war between Shinto monks and Jiuxiu, when Jiuxiu was still in control of the general situation in this world, Shinto monks had to go into exile everywhere, and their Taoism was also called the way of evil spirits. After the natural disaster, all kinds of chaos emerged, mountains and seas were overturned, and the earth's veins were swaying. The Three Temples of Yan Mo took advantage of the situation, and even the world's Shinto monks fought against Jiuxiu, and finally drove him into the big lake of Mize.

It has been going on for a long time, and many records have been lost, but the matter of offering sacrifices to refining the child and mother to sit on the divine drum has been earnestly ordered by each generation of hall masters. If it is repaired in the future, it will go straight to the Pingding Mountain, and the Shinto monks will be hard to resist. So he destroyed the mother drum in the mountain in one fell swoop, and followed the bad policy of burning jade and stone together!
It's hard for people in Yan Mo's Three Palaces to understand why destroying the mother drum can destroy the jade of the old repair. It's just that every part of today's battle just confirms the omen passed down by the sect-the old repair is restored, and there are strange omens in the sky. The old Bein Swamp demon was no different from standing on the sidelines, no matter how doubtful they were, they had no choice but to believe the rumors:

The old cultivator was ordered by heaven and earth, once he wins the Pingding Mountain, it will be a calamity moment for the world's Shinto monks!

Su Ying recalled the appearance of these three people swearing, and couldn't help laughing in her heart. The son and mother sitting on the god drum is the magic weapon of her heart and soul. If the mother drum is destroyed, the son drum will also die. Because of this, the dantian will be shattered, and both jade and stone will be burned. If the old repair of the Great Lake is jade, will the three of Yan Mo Sandian use her as a stone?
"If it really comes to the moment when there is no turning point, I will tell you to see, what is the jade and broken tiles..."

Staring at the expressions of the masters of the three halls with all kinds of thoughts, Su Ying suddenly felt very bored.

As early as when she entered the crypt, the news came from the Liuren Pagoda. The soul lamps of Wang Yangui and Ma Long flickered for a long time, and finally extinguished and turned into ashes. Bamboo horses are all dead now, and occasionally I feel sad, but there is more loneliness that no one talks about to comfort.

If Wang Yangui returns safely, will she be happy?
Su Ying grinned and shook her head. If he came back from such a wolf's lair and tiger's lair, she would definitely become suspicious and kill him for the Chishen Palace, so letting him die in the Great Lake of Mize seems to be a better way. result.

Whether it's a senior brother or a bamboo horse, she used to love her so much that she couldn't tell whether she was affectionate or heartless.

"Palace Master!" Chanxi, who can follow her into the crypt at this time, only recovers from serious injuries, has a rare flustered expression on her face, and Su Ying can know from it that the situation outside has deteriorated to the point of no return. to what extent.

"The old repair is here!"

The six words hit everyone's hearts hard, not only Su Ying, but even the master of Yan Mo's third hall changed his face.

"The elders of the Liuren Pagoda, all those who were able to fight went out, but I don't know what kind of magic weapon the big ship they control is amazingly strong. The monks are hiding in it, and the elders are powerless, and there are more than [-] people on board. Xuan, when the subordinates came to report, only Elder Yuan and Elder Tingyun were still... still alive..."

Such a tragic situation was expected by Su Ying.

When she fought against the barefoot girl at that time, she felt that the opponent's strength was superior, and it was by no means comparable to ordinary monks. In addition, among the old cultivators, there were also fat Taoists who could devour magical powers, two sword cultivators who used swords to kill enemies, and... made her incomparable. Familiar, Fuxiangzong Fenxuan who controlled the chains to seal the sky.

And Su Ying can also feel that this is not the complete strength of Jiuxiu. Once the opponent really comes out in full force, the Chishen Palace, whose vitality is greatly injured, will not be able to resist it!
"Palace Master Chishen, since the matter has come to this critical point, you should go out to meet the enemy as soon as possible. I also have eighteen cents in the Third Palace of Yan Mo, who can be dispatched by you." The master of the hall stood beside the mother drum, and listening to what he said, there were more than twenty members of the third hall of Yan Mo, who had always been unknown, and their strength was even higher than that of the Chishen Palace!
However, although he said it sincerely, standing beside the mother drum with the masters of the left and right halls, he didn't intend to help him personally: "If I wait for the [-] points Xuanzhu to fight, I can't defeat Jiuxiu..."

The clothed man looked coldly, with a threatening smile on the corner of his mouth: "You can send a message to the three of us, and tell the mother and son to collapse the mountain immediately!"

Naturally, he wasn't afraid that Su Ying would change his mind and refuse to die. Since the son and mother sitting on the divine drum are treasures sacrificed by the third hall of Yan Mo, it would be extremely easy for the master of the hall to destroy it. Observable sand table Shenguang, when the situation is irretrievable, it will collapse decisively!
And Su Ying just glanced at him, slapped his neutron drum, and led Chanxi out of the crypt.


This is the first time that Dahu Jiuxiu has seen Chong Xiao Twelve Fen Xuan make all his moves.

Different from Qi Huan and others who fought by stepping up the ranks, Qu Yitang is the real Fenxuan Dasifu, the strongest mana among the 12 people. She practiced "Qinghong Daming Daofa", one of the inherited exercises of the Taiyuan Taoist school. , is at the same level as Zhaoyan Xianzong's Seven Books and Six Classics. Open your mouth and exhale a breath of fresh air, open your arms, and transform that clear air into the appearance of Peacock King Ming. Like an egg hitting a rock, he was defeated in the blink of an eye.

After he swept his sleeves away, he saw several heads falling from mid-air one after another.

In addition, there is a golden body Buddha practicing Zen sitting on the ground in the void. Whenever a monk from the Chishen Palace touches the flying Buddha pattern, it will turn into a wisp of green smoke in the next moment, and his body and spirit will disappear!

There are no Buddhist cultivators in this world, and this is the first time they have seen monks with such methods. Even the Taoist Konggu, who claims to be well-informed, couldn't help but be dumbfounded, secretly remembering these capable people and strange people in his heart.

Compared with Buddhist cultivators and soul cultivators, Dharma cultivators and sword cultivators who are still extraordinary in supernatural powers are not so outstanding. Qi Huan and others have already solved their technical itching in the conquest of Raksha Mountain and Blood Crow Gate, and now they have to be called Chi Chi The fellow students who have never made a move show their special abilities.

When holding the sword to watch, in the middle of the majestic hall, there are many mysterious figures escaping!

The faces of the two of them are not unfamiliar, they are the Chishen Palace Master and his guardian who escaped from the Mize Great Lake. Qi Huan and her have not fought against her yet, but he knows in his heart that this woman is powerful, so he can't help but feel a little bit of fighting spirit. compete.

It's just that there are many people who are more excited than him. Taoist Fuxiang flew out of the black iron ship in three or two steps, and shouted loudly: "Monster! That day you broke my Zong Futian's ten thousand dharma lock, but someone taught you the secret ?”

According to her age, Taoist Fu Xiang has an unbelievable guess in his heart, and today he just wants to get a definite affirmation, to relieve the grudge of the master, and his own obsession!

 Second morning (sniffing)
(End of this chapter)

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