She is Jianxiu

Chapter 400 Chapter 399

Chapter 400 Three hundred ninety-nine
With Qi Bochong's help, the invisible shackles on Qu Yitang's body were only slightly loosened.

It's just that besides Su Ying, the master of Chishen Palace, there were nineteen other Fenxuans attacking together. Since the opponents had already come out, Chong Xiao and others and Dahu Jiuxiu didn't have any reason to hold back. In the mid-air, Dharma lights can be seen flickering everywhere, and all kinds of supernatural powers come and go, causing chaotic rocks to pass through the sky, gradually showing the appearance of landslides and ground cracks.

After all, Cultivator Fenxuan is the top fighting force in Xiaoqian World. He usually lives in seclusion and goes out of closed doors to practice. It is extremely difficult for the monks to meet each other. Today, dozens of them appeared at the same time at the same time, fighting in the sky. The ground subsidence can be summed up!
Lin Yiyi had to control the twelve black iron boats, so he couldn't make a move with all his strength, and Jin Gang Fa Temple had to sit on the ground and meditate to prevent the evil cultivators from escaping. Therefore, there are only eight people in Chongxiao Fenxuan who can attack the enemy.

Fortunately, there were many old Dahu cultivators who came together, seeing the critical situation, they escaped from the boat one after another, and each found an evil cultivator to fight.

Except for some exceptions such as Yingjie Tianjiao, good and evil monks of the same level are not equal in strength. The reason why the monks of the evil and evil ways fell into the devil is to seek faster and stronger methods of cultivation. What Jie summoned was a combat power much stronger than that of the orthodox monks.

The difficult road in the future is a matter of the future, as long as you can surpass others in front of you, it is not in vain to practice!
This is the idea held by most monks of the evil way, and it is also the reason why it is difficult to eradicate the evil cultivators in the world.

As soon as they fought, Dahu Jiuxiu felt bitterness in his heart. He used to be trapped in Mize Dahu and didn't know it. Now that he saw it, he knew the difference between the two. He used his true energy and mana to test him, but he was knocked down by the opponent with similar cultivation. Flying out, as long as Daoji is a little more vain, only two people can join forces to deal with one person.

As a result, the orthodox monks were not satisfied with the Nineteen Fenxuan on the one hand, and one of the elder Xiexiu escaped from the battle, rolled his eyes, and suddenly made a trick to kill in the direction of Zhao Chun!
He had just seen that this woman had a deep grievance with the Lord of the Red God Palace. If he could kill her here, he might be able to use this to claim credit for the Red God Palace.

And even if the Chishen palace master doesn't recognize it, it would be a beautiful thing to kill a genius from the old cultivator's side!
Right now, Fenxuan is on the battlefield, and Zhao Chun Yujian is on the deck of the big ship. She can easily dodge the attack of this evil cultivator, but if the opponent fails with a single blow, he will definitely target the other monks who are congealed. Obviously, she claims to have the sword intent in her body, and she is not afraid of these things, but Qi Yunrong and others are different, if they are really entangled by Fen Xuan, they will probably die.

In the blink of an eye, there was a battle between heaven and man in his mind, Zhao Chun looked at him intently, and with a flick of his hand, the sharp sword light split into several sections, slashing towards the sword light condensed by his formula, only to hear an explosion The buzzing sound rang in my ears, and the sword light was cut off by the sword light in response, the figure of the sword holder passed by, and the light flashed, and he had traveled tens of feet away!
Condensing Yuan and Dividing Mystery!
This is a real big realm leapfrog battle!
Chong Xiao Ningyuan on the boat couldn't help holding his breath and concentrating on the figures of both sides.

The matter of beheading Huijiu, Zhao Chun thinks that he borrowed the help of the storm, which is not considered his own strength, so Qu Yitang and others don't want to publicize it.

So the rest of the people didn't know that she had already fought against Fenxuan, they only felt that what Zhao Chun did today was quite risky.

Only Qi Yunrong's eyes were firm, and he said to Wu Hua and the others who were worried: "Junior Sister must have her confidence in doing this, and that person must not be her opponent!"

He is not.

Zhao Chun scanned with his spiritual sense and found that his mana fluctuated much less than that of Huijiu. At best, he could only be said to be a mediocre person in the early stage of Fenxuan.

The higher the realm, the greater the gap in strength between the small ranks. As a rule, except for the heroes and geniuses, in the middle stage of Fenxuan, they can often be against three or four people or even more in the early stage. Huijiu beheading this person is nothing but a blow , Zhao Chun didn't feel any pressure when facing him.

Xiexiu Fenxuan saw that the light of the sword was broken, but instead felt angry about being humiliated by the younger generation. The thought of asking for credit just now turned into a resentment that he must kill her.

Seeing that Zhao Chun fled so far away, he thought she was going to escape to avoid the battle, Xie Xiufen sneered in his heart, stepped on the black and purple escape light, and chased after her without looking back.

For some reason, the closer he got to this woman, the more he felt something heavy in his heart, as if his every move was being watched by others, it was creepy.

Seeing him chasing him, Zhao Chun didn't dodge, he threw Chang Jin up in the air, and in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a hundred silver-white flying swords, intertwined and strangled away.

The evil cultivator Fenxuan fought head-on, he didn't know the power of Taiyigeng's golden sword, he just thought it was an ordinary method, he pinched the formula and wanted to crush the flying sword to restrain the enemy.

However, that flying sword is very nimble, and it can move freely under the palm of Zhenyuan. The magic power is completely unable to grasp the means used by monk Ning Yuan!
Zhao Chun didn't want to entangle with him for too long at first, after breaking the big palm of Zhenyuan, he immediately urged the flying sword to circle around the evil cultivator Fenxuan, bursting out the sword intent in an instant, even the two who were fighting in the higher airspace Fen Xuan on both sides couldn't help but tremble at the sharp sword intent.

The evil cultivator was startled and suspected that he wanted to leave, but the escape route had already been blocked, and a hundred flying swords suddenly merged around him, and the split and attached sword intent condensed on the long embers above his head.

The bystanders heard a groan and saw the golden light penetrating downwards, and a limp corpse fell from midair.

It was that evil cultivator Fen Xuan!
Zhao Chunfang showed her astonishing strength, and there were people who wanted to take her life, but after all, Zhongxiao Twelve Fenxuan was a hero of the upper world, when she fought and killed the enemy, she had already eliminated the enemy at hand, and looked back to help the other righteous monks.

In just two quarters of an hour, most of the nineteen Fenxuan on the side of Chishen Palace had been beheaded.

Qin Yunxiu picked it up with his sword light, and the head that slipped off his neck could be Chanxi, the protector of Qianhu Palace, who else could it be!

Su Ying, the master of Chishen Palace, may be able to face the enemy head-on with his son and mother sitting on a drum, but the rest of the evil cultivators are far from qualified!
"You're at the end of your battles. If you persist in the stalemate, we will win. If you don't let go, you will be captured!" Qi Bochong couldn't help but snorted coldly.

The earth energy essence used this time has already exceeded dozens of times in the past, and Su Ying's skin cracked like a dry field, because too much earth energy walked in the meridians and broke the flesh.

Blood clots clotted between the eyelids, her limbs became heavier and heavier, and the head of Dharma Guardian Chanxi fell to the ground with a bit of resentment, Su Ying knew that today was a fatal situation.

"Want to do it?" The son and mother drums are connected, of course she can feel something is wrong, it seems that the three people in the crypt have realized that the defeat is doomed, and they are about to collapse and leave, "Idiot.

"I agreed to let you see what a jade broken tile is. How can there be a reason for slipping!"

Qu Yitang and the two suddenly leaned forward, and the crimson magic light in front of them suddenly flowed back like an ebb tide, and saw the Chishen palace master laughing, and the shocking waves rose from the small drum in his hand, she opened her eyes angrily, and a red silk came out Probe to Zhao Chun in the distance!

"Burning jade and stone together, it is better to die together!"

Suddenly, the ground shook, the flat-topped mountain split from its base, the rocks collapsed, and the layers of loess filled with smoke, sweeping in all directions!
 After the second watch (or tomorrow morning)

(End of this chapter)

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