She is Jianxiu

Chapter 775 Chapter 5 Since it's a hint, why say it explicitly?

At that time, the Great God of the Golden Crow evolved into the three clans of the Golden Feathered Roc, the Chongming Divine Bird and the Six-winged Blue Bird, inheriting the supreme supernatural powers.

After the construction of the Triple Three Thousand Realms, the heaven and the earth were in chaos, and all kinds of immortals and monsters came out frequently, just to fight for the fate and become the new master of the world. At that time, the Golden Crow God turned into a great sun, and the three clans had nothing to rely on, so they dared not be inferior to each other. Thinking of luck, and seeing the Qi army in Zhaoyan Town conquering all directions, they were so powerful that they thought of avoiding the war again, so they moved to Yaori Island at the southern end of the East China Sea Sea Kingdom, and built the Sun Palace together.

The supernatural powers inherited by the three tribes are different. The Golden Feathered Dapeng has inherited the strongest body of the Golden Crow, and the clansmen are extremely brave and invincible. Zhi Lie can burn all things and never destroy them. The six-winged blue bird that was born last got the last ray of divine sense left by the Golden Crow God before he turned into a big day.

Because of the noble lineage and difficulty in reproduction, the three tribes have always had few descendants. In order to avoid internal disputes and make the tribes united as one, they cannot be easily separated. If there is any friction and conflict between them, they must always show their identity as the Sun Palace to others to show the respect of the descendants of the Golden Crow.

And people's hearts are partial, even the sky demon can't avoid it.

Even if Emperor Sun Palace must come from his own lineage and no longer be one of the three clans, his preference for his own clan will still become a hidden danger in the succession of the throne.Taking this into consideration, the first descendant of the Golden Crow to ascend the throne of the Great Emperor was also the first generation of clansmen derived from the Great God of the Golden Crow. The clan selects the sons and daughters of emperors, and makes the strongest of them ascend to the throne.

And in order to temper the emperor's sons and daughters, a rule was set for those who can live in the blood of the emperor. During the reign of the emperor, sons and daughters, as long as there are people from the three clans who can defeat them, they can be taken from their hands. Take the emperor's black blood and become the new emperor's son or emperor's daughter.

Although this method made the descendants of the three tribes fight endlessly for the throne, it also fostered the brave and martial atmosphere of the Sun Palace, making the descendants strong from generation to generation until now.

Qingzhi knows that there is no absolute balance in this world, although the ancestor emperor refined nine drops of emperor black blood, but now, not every clan can get three drops equally.The supernatural power of the six-winged blue bird clan lies in the uncertain nature, so their own strength is not stronger than the Jinyu Dapeng and Chongming Shenniao, and it is even more disadvantageous to their clan in the competition of strength and weakness.

Therefore, in this generation of the clan, only a drop of Emperor Crow's blood was allocated, and after the Emperor Crow's blood was handed over to the clansmen, it was very likely that it would be robbed by the other two clans who had already been eyeing it. After all, the six-winged blue bird clan was not good at fighting. , is well known in the Sun Palace.

In order to protect the only drop of emperor's black blood, the elders of the clan were very cautious in selecting the emperor's children and daughters, and could not tolerate any negligence. She managed to convince the elders not to give up on Liu Xuan because of her blood, but It was for the sake of her pure demon soul, but just when the big event was about to happen, another clansman with no less aptitude than Liu Xuan appeared.

Over the years, the elders of the clan must have put a lot of effort into cultivating him and putting so much energy into it. It would be very difficult for Liu Xuan to pry her in the other party's position, and it would be almost impossible!

Just like what Feng Shijing said, in order to prevent Liu Xuan from becoming an obstacle to the clan, the elders of the clan might even take action to suppress her and prevent her from growing up. After all, Liu Xuan was reincarnated as a human, and only her soul can be regarded as a descendant of the Golden Crow!
It's better to let her and Zhao Chun enter Zhaoyan, Liu Xuan may grow faster in that fairy gate, and then return to the Sun Palace to compete for Emperor Wu's blood, even the clan elders can't stop it!
Thinking about the importance of this, Qing Zhi felt a lot more relieved, and said: "Thank you, Master Feng, for your guidance, it's Xiao Yao who didn't think carefully."

Feng Shi nodded slightly, his expression didn't change much, he just said: "With your intelligence, it won't take long for you to understand this after taking Liu Xuan back to the Sun Palace, it's just that the elders of the Sun Palace clan saw it at that time. Given Liu Xuan's aptitude, I'm afraid she won't be easily let into Zhaoyan, so it's better to join the sect directly with me, so as to avoid the entanglement in it."

A genius with a pure demon soul, even if he doesn't become a great emperor in the future, he may become a powerful clan elder. The six-winged blue bird clan suppressed Liu Xuan, but they didn't want her to stand in the way of the clan's sons and daughters. , but if she is to be handed over to others, it is even more impossible for the rest of the forces to get a promising talent, and that force is still Zhaoyan.

Maybe after the genius of the six-winged blue bird tribe has full wings, they will also start to train Liu Xuan, so that she can compete for the blood of the other two tribes, but many missed opportunities will never come back after all.

Only now that you enter Zhaoyan, can you take advantage of the power of the Immortal Gate to make the clan elders feel miserable. After all, it is the person who was brought back by Feng Shi, and unless the Emperor Sun Palace comes forward in person, you can discuss important people with him. It depends on whether Feng Shi is willing to let him go, let alone the clan elders below.

This is to use her name to ward off Liu Xuan's misfortune...

Is it to thank her for taking care of Zhao Chun for so many years?

Suddenly, Qingzhi's heart moved, and she opened her mouth to ask: "Master Feng hinted at the little demon back then that Liu Xuan's reincarnation could be fixed in Hengyun's small world... Is this matter related to Zhao Chun?"

She had received the favor of Feng Shijing in the past, and along the way, besides the guidance of Tianji, she also acted under his guidance.But Feng Shi rarely mentioned Zhao Chun, only when she asked what could relieve the disaster caused by the mutual invasion of gold, fire and spirit roots, she unhurriedly brought out the Jingmu lotus flower, and it happened to be an extremely rare thing , there is a flower in the Chongxiao Realm.

In retrospect, the Tiandi Furnace in Zhao Chun's hand was also obtained when he was looking for Jingmu Lotus.

She used to think that Feng Shi actually helped her because of the Sun Palace Emperor's throne, but now that she thinks about it carefully, she feels that there is another meaning.

"Since it's a hint, why do you need to say it explicitly?" Feng Shi shook his head and didn't answer, "The day of the upper realm is coming, you should prepare yourself first!"

After saying that, he turned around, and disappeared like a handful of white smoke before Qing Zhi's eyes.

What the two said was unknown to Zhao Chun.

She hid her spiritual body in the furnace of heaven and earth, and returned to Chongxiao through the gap left by Feng Shi.

The term of office of Shi Xiangyuan, head of the branch sect, has long since ended, but it was postponed for many years because of the devil's calamity. It can be considered complete.In addition, the followers who followed him to the lower realm, as well as the disciples and boys he received in Chongxiao, should also return to the main sect together with him.

At that time, you can leave from this gap, and when everything is over, there will be no more sources of Gu Rong's encroachment, and the gap will gradually be filled.

after the second watch

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