She is Jianxiu

Chapter 803 Chapter 33 Another plan

Chapter 803 Chapter Sansan Has Another Plan
Zhao Chun doesn't care what other people think, she puts Chang Jin away with her hands, and with a sweep of her consciousness, she has a comprehensive view of the surrounding situation.

Just like what Shen Lie said, the disciples of the sect said that this place is remote and bitterly cold, probably because Jiuwangling is far away from the northern land where Zhaoyan is located. The Gang factions crossed the strait again, passed through the Yinxian Valley, and even saw the Juyue Valley where the Fenghuang clan lived, and then they reached the boundary of Jiuwangling.

Among them, the journey can be said to have spanned half of the Great Thousand World, and it took a full three years to travel on the Guangxing Road!

From it, we can see the vastness of the Great Thousand World, and Zhao Chun deeply admires Zhaoyan's strength. In the past, the Zhenqi Army conquered all the way to this place, beheading the Phoenix God and gaining a reputation. , have now become Zhaoyan's territory.

The Taoism of the Immortal Family originates from the Northland, and most of the ten sects of the Righteous Way have set up mountain gates in the Northland. The ascetics take this as a prosperous and orthodox place, and the rest of the world is subordinate. Like Jiuwangling, it is located in the corner of the world. It is also far away from the Northland, so it naturally becomes a desolate and withered place.

But in the Great Thousand World, no matter how remote the land boundary is, the inspiration between heaven and earth is much greater than that of the lower realm. Even if it cannot be compared with the northern land, it will not hinder the cultivation of monks.

"The vision is high, and the heart is naturally high. Compared with Chongxiao, this place can be said to be a fertile land. If it is compared with the Northland, it will be unbearable." Zhao Chun smiled and shook his head, looking at the scenery outside, but it is also A little complacent, "If people keep looking up, they will ignore the things under their feet. The Nishan faction and the sect's territory have been facing each other across the river for so many years, and it is only now that people find out that they are the remnants of the rebel party. It seems that they are also stationed here The reason why the disciples at the office don’t think much of these Xiaozong cultivators.”

Since he used to be a member of Zhaoyan Middle School, even if he intentionally concealed the Taoism taught by him, he must have obtained it from the Seven Books and Six Classics. Over the years, I don't know how many disciples stationed in Jiuwang Ridge, but they failed to detect the clues from the Nishan Sect, and it would be ridiculous to spread the word.

As for the Nixian Party, after being chased and suppressed by the two generations of Zhaoyan, the vast majority have been wiped out. What is left now is either too low in cultivation level and hard to find among all living beings, or it is right. Zongmen is almost not a threat, and there is no need to spend energy to do it, and these two situations are often related.In the world of comprehension, the weaker the strength, the lesser the threat. These weak people probably don't dare to have any hatred when they see the towering fairy gate like a mountain.

Although the Nani Mountain Sect is related to Nixian Meng Congde, they have been fleeing all the way so far, and there is not even a foreigner cultivator found in the mountain gate, so they have never entered the human rank sect, it is just a small sect that is not popular.Zhao Chun thought to himself, so he gave the Nishan faction 1 courage, they would not dare to go against Zhaoyan, so the Nishan faction is really not a threat, let alone a hidden danger.

The mountains are rich in mineral deposits and various types, so there is not only one mine, and most of the mines are dusty, and there is a danger of land subsidence and mountain collapse. Therefore, the people and monks who work in the mine, They all settled in the area around the mine, and over time, many towns and villages of different sizes formed around the mine.

In other words, the head of the sect wanted her to blame Wang Ling, but he had to make others think that this matter was forced by the situation of the sect.

Since she didn't have to kill the remnants of the rebel party, nor did she have to take the treasures of the sect.

They got the news a few hours ago, and they knew the name of the new supervisor. They lamented that this Jiuwangling is extremely far away from the fairy mountains in the North. Knowing the temperament of the new supervisor and whether his methods are strong or not, if he can know more, he will be able to do what he likes and not step on each other's painful feet.

This is really, really weird.

Shen Lie replied "That's the reason", and the people in the car changed the subject and talked about how to deal with the Nani Mountain faction.

And if what is really important is the treasure given by the so-called Nixian Meng Congde at the door of the sect, a treasure from the fairy family that was left outside and is very important to the sect, how can she be asked to take it?

Jiuwangling, Yuantang City.

Zhao Chun didn't think that the matter would go as others said, it was because she was rewarded with a spiritual acupoint, and the head of the sect sent her to blame Wangling to appease everyone.It was originally the idea of ​​the head of the sect to use the spiritual acupoint to cross the catastrophe and become a baby. Since then, there have been many rumors and gossip, and it may have been in his calculations.

On the tall and rich gate, there is a sandalwood plaque hanging on it, with the words "Governor's Office" written on it, and silver hooks painted on iron, which is daunting!
No matter how arrogant or powerful the cultivators walking in the Jiuwang Ridge are, they dare not provoke the people who live in the governor's mansion, so since the mansion was built, it has been reserved for the emperor who is stationed here. The place where the disciple lives is the emissary from the fairy mountains in the north, like ordinary people in Jiuwangling, they can be crushed to death with one finger!

Yuantang City is the largest city in Jiuwangling, a huge courtyard is built in the middle of it, covering an area as large as half a city!


At the moment, in the governor's mansion, several stewards in red and purple clothes are also sweating profusely from work.

After Zhao Chun made up his mind to let them go together, he also told about the remnants of the treason for the follow-up.With Shen Lie as an externalized monk, it's not that she can't directly join the Nishan faction, but if she acts like this, she won't be able to understand the real intention of the head of the sect to ask her to blame Wang Ling. She has to figure out the matter. One hit hits the mark.

That's the place called Jiuwang Ridge, she must come here.

Wu Zheng worked in the mine when he was young, he worked his way up and got into the position of steward of Xiansha others, and he held a lot of power in his hands. Many monks in the mine wanted to flatter him when they saw him.Even so, he didn't dare to treat Shang Zong's people slowly, lest he offend him and lose his position in charge.

As for why there are such scruples, it is also because of the precedent, so I have to worry.

Jiuwangling is extremely remote, and most of the law enforcement disciples who were sent to garrison here did not want to, or were relegated here, or had to come here to avoid the limelight, all of them were full of depression and resentment , if the stewards don't pay attention, it's easy to offend them.

Wu Zheng thought he was lucky enough to meet the gentle and gentle envoy of the sect, but the other party's term of office had expired and he had to return to the sect. It's that easy.

(End of this chapter)

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