Chapter 201 Wonderful Malay Di
At first, some people thought that it was a bit too much for Shen Jianwan to throw him out twice when they met each other, but now that he heard such vicious words from He Mu, they suddenly didn't think so.

When Shen Jianwan saw those unbearable eyes disappearing from the scene, she couldn't help but twitched her lips and decided not to act with He Mu and the others.

However, just as she sneered and was about to speak, she didn't expect that there would be that strange person standing by He Mu and the others.

Ma Laidi asked Shen Jianwan to repair it by the river yesterday, and now she still holds a grudge,
Now that Mother He said that they would put their entire Shen family in prison, I don't know if it was because of fear, or if they finally found a reason to vent their anger.

Hearing this, she actually persuaded Shen Jianwan timidly with a worried face: "Wan... Sister Wan, you... It's really wrong for you to hit someone when we meet, and it's even more wrong to beat him so hard. ..."

"Sister-in-law Laidi, you said that Ah Wan hits people when they meet?" Shen Jianwan couldn't help but interrupted with a sneer when he heard this, and bit the words "beat people when they meet" very hard.

Hearing this, Ma Laidi seemed to be frightened even more tremblingly, but still forced a wry smile and said, "Sister Wan, this...isn't this obvious, I...we all have seen it."

Shen Jianwan: "Really? Could it be that this old woman rushed over to beat me first, and then I fought back. How come in your eyes, Mrs. Laidi, it's me, Shen Jianwan, who went up and beat people when we met?"

Hearing Shen Jianwan's words, Ma Laidi finally really panicked, and it took a while to find a reason to reply, but in the panic, she forgot to pretend to be weak, and she spoke very smoothly this time, "This is the old man's first move, As juniors, we just need to avoid it, we shouldn’t fight back.”

"So Laidi's sister-in-law thinks what Ah Wan should do now?"

"I...I don't know, how about apologize to her old man..."

"If she still refuses to let Ah Wan go, will she then have to kowtow to her to admit her mistake, and then let the other party slap her and disfigure her?"

Hearing what Shen Jianwan said, Ma Laidi seemed to be forced to do nothing, her eyes were red and she cried: "That... that is something that can't be helped, we can't make our Shen family ten or so tired because of Miss Wan Everyone will go to jail.

It's okay for my sister-in-law to go to jail, but my sister-in-law and the others are still young, and my parents are too old to bear this crime, so I wronged you, sister-in-law Wan. "

Hearing this, Second Aunt Shen who was signaled by Shen Jianwan to stop talking just now couldn't help it anymore, "Well, you Malay! It's fine if your own people don't help your own people, and let your younger siblings confess to others for the sake of outsiders, I don't care. Xiuhe doesn't have a daughter-in-law like you!

Boss, boss!Go to the village chief, we're going to divorce this bitch! "

When the people at the scene heard Ma Laidi's shocking remarks, they also talked about her at this time.

That's right, let outsiders hit the door and don't help your own people, and even help outsiders beat your own people, they really have seen each other for a long time.

It's just that some of them didn't get along well with the Shen family, and they didn't stand up to help He's mother at this time. As a member of the Shen family, Ma Laidi was even worse than them in the same village.

What a contempt!

Seeing that Second Aunt Shen was so angry that she wanted to divorce her, Ma Laidi couldn't help being startled, and she wanted to understand why her prudent words of protecting herself would make her mother-in-law so angry that she was about to divorce herself.

She couldn't help arguing bitterly for herself, "Mother, no, I... I didn't mean it.

It's really Sister Wan who can cause trouble too much. My daughter-in-law, I can't watch our whole family get involved because of her. Everything my daughter-in-law does is for the good of our family! "

Second Aunt Shen didn't give up on her at all, "How did you know that our Shen family would let this damn old woman go to jail? Hehe, it's just her?"

As he spoke, he pointed disdainfully at He Mu and the others who were also a little confused at this time.

Shen Jianwan saw that Second Aunt Shen and everyone recognized Ma Laidi's vicious intentions, so she also took up the conversation, "Okay, Second Aunt, we will talk about Laidi's sister-in-law later, and now let's get rid of the He family first. "

Talking to He's mother, "Hehe, this old woman, Ah Wan is so scared to put our entire Shen family in prison! Are you going to sue me for hurting others? Who saw me beat you, do I have one?"

Seeing that Shen Jianwan was so thick-skinned that he didn't admit that he had just hit someone, He's mother couldn't help but rolled her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Could it be that the two falls that the old lady just fell were fake? The injuries on this face are also fake? "

Shen Jianwan waved his hand, "No, no, Ah Wan didn't say that, it's true that you fell, and it's even more true that you were injured, but it wasn't Ah Wan who caused me.

The first time I just dodged it. Who told you to beat me up so eagerly? It's no wonder that I fell on Ah Wan's head. "

When everyone heard Shen Jianwan's description of He's mother beating people, thinking of He's mother's ruthlessness at that time, they couldn't help showing mocking eyes.

"That's not right, Miss Wan is just avoiding, you old lady don't blackmail people here!"

"That's right, if you strike so hard, you won't be able to hold back. The harder you fall, the more it proves that you are vicious."

"It's, it's..."

Hearing Qing Yise's voice helping Shen Jianwan, He's mother turned blue with anger. Hearing what they said, did she fall emotionally or did she deserve it? !

The hateful thing is that I can't find a reason to refute it!

"As for the second time, Ah Wan didn't just kick him reflexively when he saw someone was about to jump over and hit him.

Everyone knows that I have a frightened physique, that is, when I see someone trying to hit me, I will counterattack reflexively.

This problem is not a big problem, after all, if you don't have the intention of harming others, you won't be hurt by this reaction.

And this reaction is also called self-defense. I believe that even if you sue the government to go to the government, they will not think that my behavior is wrong.

After all, this can't be beaten on the head, why don't people resist and let others stand and let others beat them.

Hey, this old lady, you are going to hit me for the first time. I have already restrained my conditioned reflex to dodge you once, who knows that you will rush to me again? ? "

Second Aunt Shen was the first to agree when she heard the words, "That's right, you old woman, you beat my sister-in-law first and don't let people resist, are you the emperor?"

"That's right, you're called the first to flirt, and it's always a joy to be beaten when you hit someone yourself!" Shen Min also came out of the room at this time.

"It's, it's..."

Then there was an unanimous echo from the surroundings.

Of course, hearing Shen Jianwan's frightened physique again, the villagers couldn't help thinking that Liu Fengying was also kicked away by her frightened physique before.

For a while, they took this matter to heart, and decided that they must not have the intention of attacking Shen Jianwan in the future, after all, they couldn't afford to provoke this frightened physique.

Seeing this, Mother He became even more angry, pointing at Shen Jianwan and they scolded, " are all in the same group!"

Shen Jianwan: "This matter has nothing to do with the gang, old woman, Ah Wan, let me tell you the truth, on your body, except for a bit of lip scratch and two broken teeth, there is really no injury.

Besides, you hit someone first and I defended myself. If you want to sue me, then I can tell you that you have no chance of winning.

Also, it is impossible for me to withdraw the charges against your son, not even in this life! "

(End of this chapter)

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