Chapter 351
No, seeing that the Guan family had come in with nine dowries, Niu immediately stepped forward excitedly and rubbed his hands, and smiled flatteringly at Guan Tianyu: "My niece and son-in-law, you are very sincere. The nine-carrying betrothal gift that this Da Dao received is the first in our Qinghe Village."

Seeing Niu like this, Guan Tianyu usually just ignores it, but now many classmates looked at him and had to smile and answer respectfully, "Second aunt is polite, this is what a son-in-law should do.

It's just a little vulgar thing, and it's my son-in-law's honor to be able to use these to marry a good wife and beauty like Ying'er. "

Guan Tianyu's words were both respectful and pleasant. For a while, the guests who had some complaints about this engagement banquet all cast admiring glances when they saw this.

Finally, there is a decent son-in-law, this is the thinking of most normal guests at this time.

When Liu Baokai and the others saw Niu coming up to speak, they subconsciously wanted to stop them. Seeing Niu's words at this time gave Guan Tianyu a chance to say these words that would make the two families look good, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​stopping Niu for the time being. .

However, what they didn't expect was that they would regret it the moment they made this decision!
"Hey, the eldest niece and son-in-law can talk, and our sister Ying just has two eyes, one nose, one mouth, and two ears. If you praise her so much, she will become a fairy.

By the way, let Second Aunt take a look at your betrothal gift, so that I can see it too. "

After speaking, Niu started to look for the dowry gift closest to her.

The helper who carried the dowry gift couldn't help but hide subconsciously when he saw it, and Niu, who was anxious to see what the dowry gift had, didn't check any of it, and almost fell over.

Originally, Guan Tianyu felt that what Niu said before was very unpleasant, but it was hard for him to say anything because the other party was an elder.

When all the guests saw Niu on the spot, they went to look for the dowry gifts, and were shocked by her unruly behavior.

At this time, a flattering woman from the same family as the old Liu's family came forward to smooth things over, "Haha... Second Aunt Liu is concerned about the eldest niece, and is anxious to show the eldest niece the sincerity of the new uncle to the niece. .

Whoops, Aunt Liu, you see that Uncle Renxin has prepared nine dowry gifts for your eldest niece. It seems that sincerity has been added. Today, we also took advantage of your long-sightedness and insightful experience. The scholar gave the bride price to sister Ying. "

The woman's words were both reasonable and festive, and immediately resolved the embarrassment on the field again.

At this time, Guan Tianyu also moved his mind when he heard the words, and wanted to let the people present see the betrothal gift he gave Liu Fengying.

So, taking this opportunity, he bowed to Niu and the others again, "In this way, there will be Second Aunt Lao, although my son-in-law's family is not the most wealthy family, but the sincerity in asking Ying'er to marry is absolutely full.

Although these betrothal gifts are not priceless, they are worth some money. I hope my second aunt will not be disgusted by them. "

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Niu, who was almost dodged by the helper in the employment, finally felt better when he heard this, and waved his hands before asking for the dowry again.

However, at this moment, Guan's mother behind Guan Tianyu uttered another scream, "Brother Yu!"

"What's the matter, mother?" Guan Tianyu couldn't help but turn around and ask a little strangely when he heard his old mother's voice.

"I...I...this...the betrothal gift hasn't entered the house yet, it's a bit ugly to look through the betrothal gift here, why don't we go in the house and look at it."

Guan's mother searched her guts and found a reason. After she finished speaking, she frantically turned to Guan Tianyu, and she was so anxious that she almost fainted.

However, Guan Tianyu couldn't understand her impatience, and smiled indifferently when he heard the words: "It's okay, Ying'er's second aunt cares about Ying'er too much, we should be considerate of her."

Hearing what Guan Tianyu said, the people in the yard who were also curious about what the whole nine betrothal gifts contained, immediately echoed again and again.

"Yes, yes! We country people don't have so many rules, let's look at the long-term eyes when looking at the dowry here."

"that is……"

Hearing the echoes from all around, everyone's attitude wanted to see their betrothal gifts, Guan Tianyu's smile deepened, "Mother, the big guy is right, there is nothing wrong with looking here, we will just satisfy Ying'er and her second aunt." request."

"That's right. My mother said that Guan Xiucai is his mother. You are making too much fuss. I just checked and didn't take your betrothal gift. Why are you so nervous?"

As Niu said, he stretched out his hand and lifted the curtain on the dowry table in front of him, revealing the true face of the dowry inside!
And seeing the things here, it was hard to cause troubles between Chen Cuihua and Niu's mother-in-law, but now the festive atmosphere of the scene froze again in an instant...

Without it, because the curtain made of high-quality silk is covered with a few coarse cloth rulers, and there are even a few rolls of yellow linen inside!

This result was also far beyond Niu's expectations. Originally, she had planned to pick up something good and run away when she saw something good, but now that these coarse linens were inferior to the cotton clothes she was wearing, she screamed strangely. up.

"Oh, my nephew and son-in-law, what do you mean? The hired man even uses burlap as the dowry gift. No one has done that in these years.

Even before, the eldest son of Widow Luo’s family at the east end of the village didn’t use coarse cloth or linen for employment. My nephew and son-in-law have a reputation as a scholar, so you are considered a wealthy family, so how can you use these rags to hire you? You are not afraid of people. Read the joke. "

Guan Tianyu was also very surprised when he saw the box full of burlap, "This... this may be because I took other materials from the house by mistake when I came here. Second Aunt, let's take a look at the following."

Because he was in a hurry to get away from the embarrassment of carrying the sackcloth, Guan Tianyu quickly removed another material for the dowry gift beside him without even thinking about it.

As soon as the curtain was lifted, the scene became even quieter.

This second box of betrothal gifts turned out to be a box full of dishes!
At this time, there was a burst of loud laughter at the scene, "Hahaha... I am so ridiculous! I have seen rich people take antique vases and expensive porcelain as betrothal gifts, but I have never seen bowls and plates that are not worth it." A few pennies worth of rotten porcelain as a betrothal gift, I really learned a lot today."

Shen Jie leaned forward and backward laughing in the crowd, the strong sarcasm and schadenfreude in his words should not be too obvious.

And Shitou, who was always astute beside him, also exaggeratedly agreed upon hearing the words, "Cousin Jie, you are right, Shitou looks at the quality of these dishes, they are not even as good as those made by my sister-in-law for the fast food restaurant, I am sure they will be better." The whole box is not worth a few pennies.

Cousin Jie, this Guan Xiucai hired these tattered dishes because he was afraid that there would not be enough dishes for the Liu family to set up a wedding banquet today? "

The little guy still hated Guan Tianyu and Liu Fengying, the shameless pair who cheated on Shen Min, so it would be considered impolite to insert a knife at this time.

【Ask for a ticket~】

(End of this chapter)

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