Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 354 The wedding banquet is yellow and Liu Fengying is pregnant before marriage

Chapter 354 The wedding banquet is yellow and Liu Fengying is pregnant before marriage

And at this time Shitou wiping away his tears wittily rushed up and hugged Shen Jie, "Wuuu...Cousin Jie, Shitou was so scared just now, he almost thought you were going to die, Cousin Jie.

Huh... Grandpa the village chief, you won't let them kill Cousin Jie, will you? "

Seeing the two cousins ​​huddling pitifully together, and Shitou crying so much that his eyes were red and looking so pitiful, Village Chief Yang hurriedly promised: "Don't be afraid Shitou, of course the village chief's grandpa will not let you go." Don't worry Liu Zhiming won't dare to commit murder in broad daylight."

Shitou: "Really? Grandpa Village Chief, you are so kind!"

Seeing Shi Shi selling cuteness and pitifulness to Village Chief Yang without any pressure, Shen Jie, who finally made himself cry, suddenly felt that he was weak, and quickly sold it to Village Chief Yang with tears and snot. Pitiful.

Village head Yang, and even Mrs. Ye behind him were overwhelmed with a sense of justice when they saw the pitiful appearance of the two brothers.

Then, Village Chief Yang didn't listen to the explanations of Liu Zhiming and the members of the old Liu's family at all, and justly reprimanded Liu Zhiming for his behavior of raising a knife to beat and kill.

Liu Zhiming was not convinced when he saw it, and hurriedly complained to Village Chief Yang about Shen Jie destroying the belongings of the guests at their old Liu's house for a while.

Hearing this, Shen Jie quickly defended, "Uncle Liu, I can't be blamed for this, who told you to chase me first and shout to kill me, if I don't run away, why don't I wait for you to catch up and kill me?

I'm also throwing things to protect myself, if you don't chase me, I don't need to throw things to stop you.

So it is very unreasonable for you to ask me to pay you back. "

"You... you little bastard, if you hadn't insulted me first, how could I have taught you a lesson?"

For a while, the two sides quarreled fiercely, but because everyone saw the scene where Liu Zhiming was about to slash Shen Jie with a knife, and the people at the scene could indeed prove that it was Liu Zhiming who did it to Shen Jie first.

So, soon Village Chief Yang and the village elders who came later came to a conclusion that Liu Zhiming and the others should stop pursuing the matter of Shen Jie smashing their things, apologize to Shen Jie, and report to the authorities if they are not satisfied.

No, no matter how much Liu Zhiming and the others refuse to accept it, they will have to suffer this loss, because how dare they go to the yamen of the town because today, if the whole town knows that Liu Fengying was pregnant before marriage, it may even involve her before. Everyone in such an old Liu family dared not commit adultery with Guan Tianyu.

So in the end Liu Zhiming had no choice but to apologize to Shen Jie, and then watched Shen Jie and his cousin Shitou leave the old Liu's house "high-spirited".

Even when he was leaving, Shen Jie secretly turned his head back and gave Liu Zhiming a provocative look, and Liu Zhiming, who had just been forced to apologize to Shen Jie just now, couldn't take the blow any longer and passed out.

With such a fuss, the engagement banquet at the old Liu's family became even more of a joke.

Because Shen Jie smashed things into a mess, the noon running water banquet was postponed for more than an hour and the banquet was not started, so the guests couldn't wait patiently, and all of them went home to eat after being too hungry.

At the end of the afternoon, the old Liu's engagement banquet started.

At this time, except for the villagers who had given gifts before, went to the banquet to get food and then left, no one actually ate at the banquet.

And the students who came with Guan Tianyu were so hungry that they left early.

As a result, the engagement banquet that the old Liu's family paid a lot of money turned out to be a mess and ended early.

And none of their expected effects were achieved.

Not only did it not make people envious of Liu Fengying and Guan Tianyu's grand engagement banquet, but it also failed to make people feel that it was normal for Liu Fengying and Guan Tianyu to commit adultery when they saw such a high-profile engagement banquet.

Even because the new son-in-law Guan Tianyu came to the door with those tattered betrothal gifts, and it was revealed on the spot that Liu Fengying was pregnant out of wedlock, the reputation of their old Liu family became even more notorious.

And the adulterous relationship between Liu Fengying and Guan Tianyu, a pair of scumbags and sluts, is even more relished by people.

In the end, before the engagement banquet was over, the Liu family's family left the Liu family's mansion in a hurry and panic, and went back to the town.

When the carriage arrived at Nansheng Street, when she passed by Shen Jianwan and their Shen Ji fast food restaurant, Liu Fengying saw that the fast food restaurant was full of people, and even people queuing up to eat on the street, she couldn't hold back and wanted to rush down to meet Shen Jian Desperately late.

At this time, Liu Fengying and the others already knew why there were so few guests at their engagement banquet because Shen Jianwan was beckoning to the guys in the village today, and they also believed that Shen Jie and Shitou's trouble at the engagement banquet was also arranged by Shen Jianwan.

No, now that Liu Fengying saw Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant, she immediately yelled to make Tie Dan, who was driving the car, stop. Fortunately, in the end, Liu Fengyue reacted quickly and together with the He family, she stopped Liu Fengying, so that she didn't let her go down to embarrass herself again.

Shen Jianwan and the others almost knew what happened at Liu Fengying's engagement banquet after lunch time.

Because the group of scholars who went to Lao Liu's house with Guan Tianyu to attend the engagement banquet came back from Qinghe Village to eat at Shen Jianwan's fast food restaurant.

Then, one of the scholars in this group was particularly talkative. During the meal, he told a few classmates who came to the store to eat together what happened at the old Liu's wedding banquet.

At that time, the scholar said it so vividly, and then there were people who went with him to add from time to time. For a while, everyone in the store knew all kinds of farces at Liu Fengying's engagement banquet.

Next, the news that Guan Tianyu, a dignified scholar, brought coarse linen, green vegetables and radishes, and even rice bran to firewood, spread like wind throughout the town.

It was also spread that Liu Fengying became pregnant out of wedlock, and also robbed Shen Min's fiancé, Guan Tianyu, and then the two committed adultery before marriage.

For a while, after Liu Ergou's great achievements as a soft rice boy were mentioned again on the opening day, the old Liu's family became famous again in their Qiushui town.

It can be said that Shen Jianwan and their fast food restaurant are so famous in the town in the past two days, and the bad things that the old Liu's family did are so well known in the town.

It's just that their fast food restaurant has a good reputation, while the old Liu's family has a notorious reputation.

Knowing that he had inadvertently left Liu Fengying's engagement banquet with few guests, Shen Jie and Shitou made a big fuss at the engagement banquet, Shen Jianwan just smiled and stopped talking.

Well, she didn't personally take care of Liu Fengying and Guan Tianyu's engagement banquet because there was no time for it, and because she kept her from beating the dog in the water so hard.

However, if this is to make the other party look good inadvertently, and someone will help clean them up, Shen Jianwan said that he is still very happy to see the result.

She even planned to pack a lot of their favorite dishes for Shen Jie and Shitou today, and reward them for their behavior today!
(End of this chapter)

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