Chapter 362 Threats and Bickering

It was only now that Mrs. Qian realized that she was impatient just now, and she lacked respect in her words. She was so frightened that she hastily saluted, "Song...Mr. Stop asking more."

Hearing what Mrs. Qian said, Song Shiyuan's complexion improved a lot, "Now that we know we're fine, let's go quickly."

"Yes! Yes! Does Miss Shen still need this old slave to take you out of the house?" Mrs. Qian said and looked at Shen Min. At this moment, how could she have the guts to investigate who screamed just now?

"No need, this Mr. Song will send this girl out, Mrs. Qian, go and do your work."

Hearing what Shen Min said, Mrs. Qian couldn't help feeling like she was being pardoned. She couldn't be happier to be able to shirk the errand without taking responsibility.

So Mrs. Qian hurriedly thanked Shen Min repeatedly, and then bid farewell to Song Shiyuan before leading the people she brought back to work.

Seeing that Mrs. Qian and the others left Shen Min without mentioning the fact that he was unable to climb down the tree, Song Shiyuan finally heaved a sigh of relief, then he turned back to Shen Min in a good mood and said, "Let's go, the stinky girl will send you out!" government."

Originally, seeing Mrs. Qian and the others really knew Song Shiyuan, Shen Min finally confirmed that Song Shiyuan was really a person from the county government and not a bad person from outside. She had a better feeling for Song Shiyuan because of her good impression of the county magistrate, but now When she heard the other party call her a stinky girl, her expression immediately fell again.

So, hearing this, she immediately choked back, "Who is a stinky girl, if my aunt is a stinky girl, then you are a dead duck.

A dead duck with a stubborn mouth, the kind of dead duck who wants to save face and suffer. "

"You... I'm a good man and don't fight women, so do you still want to go out, or if you don't, the young master can leave."

"Yes, why don't you stay and invite me to dinner?"

"Hehe, then you can stay and see if I will treat you to dinner tonight." Song Shiyuan couldn't help but sneered as he walked towards the backyard.

Shen Min, a road idiot, was in a hurry, "Go, try another walk, believe it or not, the moment you left, I'll tell you about the embarrassment that you couldn't get down from climbing a tree just now, and let the big guys see what they said What a wretched young master Song is.

By the way, I also want to tell you about the sight of you begging for help from a little girl like me, and the last princess hug..."

Before Shen Min finished speaking, Song Shiyuan couldn't help turning his head to stop him anxiously, "Shut up! don't keep your word. I'll add 1000 taels of silver to you. If you don't talk about what just happened, Tell the third person."

"Yes, there is such a thing."

Hearing Shen Min's confession, Song Shiyuan was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she continued: "But I'm not telling the third person, I'm telling a group of people. Before I shout out, I absolutely guarantee that there are more than three people present Can't you?

And the most important thing is that I haven't taken your 1000 taels of silver yet. At most, if I tell a third person that I won't accept your money, but you still have your thousand taels of silver in front of me. have to give. "

"You..." Song Shiyuan said that he had never met such a rascal and shameless person when he fought against all invincible opponents in the capital, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

He found that since he met this stinky girl, he had never gained the upper hand, and in this short quarter of an hour, he was more angry than in the previous 12 years!

"What are you, so why don't you take me out? If you don't take me, call someone now." Shen Min didn't pay attention to Song Shiyuan's fury at all.

"Take it! Why don't you take it!" Song Shiyuan felt that he was squeezed out of his teeth, and he jumped forward to lead the way angrily.

Shen Min saw that the other party took several steps against her, and she said that she was not the poor little one who was submissive, so she couldn't help shouting to the front: "Hey! You are in a hurry to reincarnate, you dead duck, why are you walking so fast?" , don’t walk slowly, be careful, grandma, I yelled again.”

Song Shiyuan turned his head when he heard the words, and it took him a long time to show his stiffness, and he smiled angrily at the sight, "Okay, then auntie, go slowly, don't worry, the young master will move slowly to take care of your old arm. legs."

Seeing it, Shen Min still complained nervously, "You're so ugly, has no one ever said that you're so ugly laughing like this?
Hmph, you don't have to smile if you don't want to, and my aunt didn't ask you to serve me with a smile, as long as you honestly send me to the back door, is it difficult? "

Song Shiyuan said that he was the one who was threatened and wronged, why the stinky girl in front of him seemed even more wronged than himself, for a moment he didn't even know if he had gone too far.

Heh, I must have been dizzy by this stinky girl, mad, Song Shiyuan turned around and left while comforting himself, but the next step slowed down a lot, and then he comforted himself that he was afraid that the stinky girl would grow up again. Shout and threaten yourself.

When we got to the gate, Ping An was still waiting for Shen Min at the same place. Seeing that Shen Min came out with his master, the smile on his face couldn't help but paused, and then showed a puzzled expression, "Master, why are you together with Miss Shen?" Out?"

When Shen Min heard that Ping'an actually called Mr. Song Shiyuan, it was obvious that the person in front of her was Ping'an's master. For a moment, she was so shocked that she could stuff a goose egg into her mouth, ""

"What are you, get out as soon as you get there, I don't want to see you again!" Song Shiyuan couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw Shen Min so stupid, but in fact he was a little nervous, thinking of Shen Min Did he guess his identity through Ping An's name?

For a moment, Song Shiyuan didn't know whether he wanted Shen Min to guess that he was her savior, or whether he didn't want her to know.

Song Shiyuan said what is a needle in a woman's heart, he, a big man, has such a fucking mind that he can't even guess it!
And Shen Min also reacted at this time, and confirmed to Pingan a little cowardly, "Brother Pingan, he...he is your son?"

"Yes, Miss Shen, what's the problem?" Ping'an couldn't imagine that Shen Min didn't know Song Shiyuan's identity yet, so he couldn't help being a little puzzled for a while.

And hearing Ping An's affirmative answer, the worst guess in Shen Min's heart was confirmed. Don't ask her how she feels at this time, just ask her because she really wants to die.

She was a little unwilling and continued to ask, "Then he asked Qingfeng to save me last time on the official road in Qiushui Town?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, Miss Shen, you and my young master are..." Ping An didn't dare to finish the rest of the sentence, because he remembered that when his young master came out just now, he spoke to Shen Min in a bad tone.

"Hehe..., no... nothing, just... just... quite shocked."

Shen Min laughed awkwardly, and unexpectedly got stuck on a sentence several times, which showed that she was not at peace in her heart.

[Ask for a ticket ~ Bow and thank you all, thank you very much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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