Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 381 A bite back and Uncle Shen's anger

Chapter 381 Bite Back and Uncle Shen's Anger
The three members of the Jiang family still heard the answer they didn't want others to know from the mouths of the doctors, and all of them couldn't help but feel their eyes go dark!
Their hopes were in vain, the doctors all diagnosed that Jiang Shanchuan had indeed been drugged, and it had been half a day.

It can be said that such a diagnosis has completely cleared the innocence of Jiang Shanchuan and Shen Chunyu!

And at the same time, this also proves from the side that the Jiang family has indeed implemented the bridegroom Li Daitao stiff against Shen Chunyu, and they want to bite back her plot to steal someone!
Knowing the final confirmation from the mouths of the doctors, the scene was like boiling water for a while.

Before the old couple of the Jiang family were inconsistent, their repeated lying behavior, and the fact that Jiang Zhili was away from home on his wedding night to steal people had already made everyone almost sure that the Jiang family had indeed done these things, but now that they heard the doctor's diagnosis, this matter There is no doubt at all.

Among them, Jiang Dafu also tried to yell that Shen Jianwan and the others had bribed the doctors, but as soon as he said this, he saw Mayor Lu walking with a group of people, and there were doctors among them.

The doctor brought by the mayor Lu has diagnosed this again, and now the Jiang family is full of mouths and has not defended them.

But at this time, Shen Jianwan saw Wu Zhaodi's panicked expression, obviously lost her mind, so she immediately asked the king who was farming in the space to give her a spiritual hint.

Sure enough, Wu Zhaodi was caught in the trick all of a sudden, she only felt a burst of anger and impulsiveness in her heart, and then she couldn't help but babbled out what was in her heart.

"What's wrong with us changing the groom? She, Shen Chunyu, is a coward and doesn't even piss to take pictures of her appearance. Why should she, a wild girl who grew up playing with mud, marry our famous brother Li!

And you Shen family members, don't yell about how benevolent your family is here. If you are really benevolent, can you force our brother Li to marry her, Shen Chunyu?

Who doesn't know that getting married is the right family, do you think that Shen Chunyu, an illiterate local girl, is worthy of our family's rich brother Li?

So your old Shen family is nothing more than hypocrisy and hypocrisy. You talk so nicely but do those despicable things that wait for favors to be repaid. "

Speaking of which, Wu Zhaodi pointed to Uncle Shen with righteous indignation, "It's you, Shen Minghe. If you hadn't come to the door to repay your kindness based on what happened back then, and asked our brother Li to marry your broken-shoe girl who was divorced, how could our family have done it? Forced to come up with such a trick to change the groom?
Everything belongs to your Shen family, and all this happened because of your Shen family, so you can’t blame our Lao Jiang’s family for this matter, if you want to blame it, you can blame your old Shen family for first threatening to repay you with the intention of repaying no one. An unknown broken shoe daughter married our promising son, otherwise why would we be here today! "

Hearing Brother Wu Zhao's repeated accusations of accusing them of being the victim, as if the Shen family was responsible for the shameless things that the Jiang family did today, Second Aunt Shen and the others were suddenly very angry.

Second Uncle Shen was so angry that he pointed at Jiang Dafu and Wu Zhaodi who were speechless for a long time, " are fine!
Jiang Dafu, tell me a word of conscience. At that time, I, Shen Minghe, came to ask if you had any intention of getting married, but did I, Shen Minghe, force him, Jiang Zhili, to marry Sister Yu?

What I said at the time, I made it very clear at the time, we both have the intention to get married, otherwise we don’t force it, if you don’t have any intentions in this regard, then just pretend that I haven’t visited the door today, our old Shen’s family I won't talk about it outside.

But what did your family say at the time, you old couple, including him Jiang Zhili, nodded and agreed to this marriage at that time, otherwise I, Shen Minghe, would never rush to marry a daughter to your family. Our Shen family. "

Uncle Shen was so angry that he coughed again and again, "Ahem... If you are so unwilling to marry our sister Yu, why did you agree at that time, but after I agreed, you did such a despicable thing today.

And you, Jiang Zhili, Jiang Xiucai!How did you say it in front of me at that time, you promised repeatedly in front of me that you would treat Sister Yu well in the future, so I finally made up my mind to marry Sister Yu to you, but how do you do it now? Not to mention going out on the wedding night to steal people and mess around, and even doing such things as slandering my adoptive brother and blaming my sister Yu for stealing people on the wedding night.

Jiang Zhili, do you still remember how I, Shen Minghe, limped this leg back then?
Do you still remember the year of the famine nine years ago, when you came back from the exam in Pingyang County, our group in Qiushui Town encountered robbers, and it was me, Shen Minghe, who rescued your family from the robbers' knives? , and if my leg hadn't blocked the robber's knife for you, Jiang Zhili, would it have been injured and limped since then?
Now you tell me, Shen Minghe, to repay favors. If I, Shen Minghe, were really the one who repays favors, I wouldn’t have starved to death without going to your house to ask for food during the famine years.

At that time, if my elder brother’s eldest son, Brother Zhan, hadn’t encountered the passing army, he would have followed them for dozens of miles in exchange for money and food at a young age, and the two families of our old Shen family would have starved to death up.

Hmph, I, Shen Minghe, saw that my whole family was starving to death, so I didn’t go to your Lao Jiang’s house to ask for food, and I lived so poor all these years, and I also didn’t come to the door, but today, it’s for marrying my daughter, for the glory and wealth Come here to repay your kindness, feel your conscience, do you feel that you can say such a thing? "

When it came to the second uncle Shen's words, he was full of anger and sadness, and the people at the scene couldn't bear to hear what he said.

However, some people are destined not to be counted on to have a conscience. Jiang Dafu and Jiang Zhili are speechless when they see it, but only they know what they think in their hearts.

As for Wu Zhaodi, who was "successfully recruited", she directly said what was in the heart of their family, "Shen Minghe, you speak well! You are so benevolent and righteous in your mouth, no matter what, our old Jiang family is willing to have two families. I just got married, so it’s okay if I don’t want to, but can this really be the case? I think that as long as we don’t agree, your old Shen’s family can go around saying that our old Jiang’s family is too busy. How to continue to test for fame? The most important thing for scholars is reputation. With such a reputation, Li Geer, can he have a future in the future.

So our family was forced by you to not marry her, Shen Chunyu.

As for what you Shen Minghe said about encountering robbers during the famine years, who knows if you helped our family because you knew that our elder brother Li was good at studying, and you wanted to get a big backer in the future, after all At that time, our brother Li had just returned from the county examination, which was known to everyone at that time.

So my old lady told you, Shen Minghe, you should stop pretending to be benevolent and innocent here! "

【Ask for a ticket~】

(End of this chapter)

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