Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 408 Killing the Carbine and Stealing Things

Chapter 408 Killing the Carbine and Stealing Things

At this time, the king continued: "Then I'll go and get his Gu worms now!"

Seeing that the king said that he was about to set off, Shen Zhan stretched out his hand and hugged the kitty, "Forget it, I don't know if that person has other means in his hands. It's safer for us to hide from him."

Shen Zhan said that even if he doesn't get rid of this trouble, he can't let the little cat have an accident by his side, otherwise how can he explain to his little girl, and he can't pass the test in his heart.

"What are you afraid of? With my current speed and mental strength, no matter how many tricks that ugly old man has, I won't be able to beat him and escape."

The word "Dawang" was written out, and the cat had already galloped several miles away, and Shen Zhan couldn't catch up if he came back to his senses.

Shen Zhan once again saw the inhuman speed of the kitten, and while he was stunned, he was no longer so worried about its safety, but he still chased it at full speed to see if he could help.

And when Shen Zhan caught up, the king had almost reached the forest where the weird ancient martial arts master was.

Sure enough, the other party was desperately looking for a way out, and the Gu worm who was cursing at him all the way suddenly seemed stupid.

Seeing that the king missed the opportunity, he rushed out like a whirlwind and swept away everything on the old man before running away.

The weird old man in gray clothes, a master of ancient martial arts, only felt a flash of yellow afterimage, and then his body was lightened. When he came back to his senses, he didn't see anything, but everything he was carrying was gone, so he couldn't help but let out a sigh. There was an earth-shattering roar.

Just as Shen Zhan was about to reach the forest where the weird ancient martial arts master lost his way, he met the king who had returned. While he was relieved, he couldn't help but be more determined to improve his speed again.

Ahem, is it shameless for him to be compared by a kitten!
And the king obviously couldn't know Shen Zhan's thoughts at this time, and seeing him excitedly took out the things he took from the old man to show Shen Zhan.

That's right, in addition to taking the Gu worm from the old man's body, the king also took the old man's sword and a package on his body.

"Not good! The old man's support is here, let's run quickly!"

As soon as the king took out the things, he "saw" a group of masters entering the forest where the gray-clothed old man in front was and joined the old man. After observing the force value of that group of people, it was obvious that it was no match for Shen Zhan. Fearing being discovered, it couldn't help saying in surprise, Then, belatedly, he discovered that Shen Zhan couldn't hear its thought transmission at all.

For a while, the king felt that the cat was dying of anxiety, and the person who didn't understand the language was cheating. He vowed to go back to Shen Zhan to improve his mental strength, and then they could use their thoughts to transmit sound.

Fortunately, Shen Zhan saw that the king had just taken out the things, put them back, turned around and ran away. Although he didn't know why, he could still see its anxiety and chased after him. The king was greatly relieved to see it.

Then one person and one beast galloped for a while, and they stopped after returning to the forest before, making sure that there were really no pursuers behind.

At this time, the king also had time to take a pen and paper to tell Shen Zhan what happened just now. After learning that the other party had come to respond, Shen Zhan, a master, also dismissed him. next thought.

Then he also checked the things that Da Wang Shun had brought back.

Apart from the jar of Gu worms, Shen Zhan found that the sword that came along was also a rare and good sword, but the aura emanating from it was very strange, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Then the king told Shen Zhan what kind of potion he should have used to soak the sword. Once it hurts someone, there may be unpredictable consequences. As for the specifics, it said that it will take a while to find out.

After carefully putting the sword away, Shen Zhan and the king opened the last bag again.

It is said to be a burden, but it is actually just a small cloth bag, and there are only two thick scrolls inside.

When Shen Zhan opened one of the volumes, he found that it actually recorded the process of that weird ancient martial arts master raising Gu worms. The most important thing recorded in it was the kind of Gu worms among them that could affect people's consciousness and actions.

Even what his sword was soaked in and what effect it had were all recorded.

Shen Zhan was extremely shocked by the content of the other volume, which actually recorded the process of the weird ancient martial arts expert old man's master using Gu worms to experiment with living people in the southwest!

Seeing this content, Shen Zhan thought of an order in the army, and as keen as he was, he immediately sensed why the court and Lord Zhen Guo asked them to come to the Southwest this time.

But the king uses consciousness to read, so it reads the scroll faster than Shen Zhan, and it has already read all the scrolls while Shen Zhan is still reading the second volume.

Then when Shen Zhan's heart was turbulent, it suddenly told Shen Zhan pleasantly that it had found a way to deal with the old man.

It turns out that because the first volume is too thick, Shen Zhan just read it roughly, so he didn't find that the Gu worm refining that controls people's consciousness and actions has one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, the control of Gu worms when they are dead. people are also mentally impaired.

Because the weird old man, an ancient martial arts master, actually helped his master do such immoral things, so Shen Zhan and the king strangled the Gu worm king in the jar without any pressure.

And when the Gu worm king was strangled to death, the king also used his mental power to observe the old man's situation at the same time. Sure enough, he saw the old man who was leading people to look for them suddenly let out an earth-shattering scream, and then he was stupid.

Seeing that the group of masters he found couldn't wake up the old man no matter what, the king couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth and cursed that he deserved it.

Next, the king found that besides the Gu worm king, the old man also let the old man put a lot of worms in it to make food for it. He swept it away with mental power and found that there was a mutated worm among the remaining worms. The worm has the ability to become the next generation Gu worm king.

So with a thought, it thought that this bug might be useful to Shen Jianwan, so it asked Shen Zhan to keep the bug.

And Shen Zhan, who was going to destroy this jar of disgusting bugs, heard that the bug might be useful to Shen Jianwan, so he kept the bug without saying a word.

Seeing that Shen Zhan heard that the worm might be useful to Shen Jianwan, he agreed to keep the worm without asking, and couldn't help feeling that he was stuffed with dog food again.

After finishing the things that came along, the king's stomach suddenly let out a loud noise, followed by a loud bang...

Shen Zhan saw the little cat's frozen expression, subconsciously he knew that he couldn't show that he heard it, and it was absolutely impossible to make fun of the other party.

So pretending that it was dinner time, Shen Zhan offered to hunt some prey or something to fill his stomach.

[Ask for a ticket ~ the kind that screams loudly ~ it’s the end of the month again, it’s urgently needed, everyone who still has a monthly pass in their pockets should also vote for one, don’t waste it.

And here I would like to thank all the cuties who have been voting for the stupid author and supporting in various ways, bow down and thank you! 】

(End of this chapter)

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