Chapter 412

And 60 points, more than three times the points that Shen Jianwan earned these days!

Shen Jianwan now earns about [-] points a day by planting medicinal materials on a thousand acres of land in this third-level space every day, and she has to plant for almost half a year to get this point!
From this we can see what a big surprise it is to drop 60 points from the sky. For a while, Shen Jianwan was stunned by this huge surprise.

After counting the zeros behind her points displayed by the system again and again, to confirm that there were really five zeros, Shen Jianwan finally believed that there were really 60 extra points in her space.

When she came back to her senses, she couldn't help but quickly click to view the details to see how the 60 points came from, and why she suddenly got so many points.

Praying that the system would not make a mistake, and would take it back after discovering it, Shen Jianwan tremblingly pointed to the icon to view the details of the source of the points.

After seeing the explanation above, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then became very puzzled.

Because it says that she indirectly rescued 20 people in the Southwest, she got the 60 merit points.

But when did she make a contribution to the people in the Southwest? These days, she has been running around to make her family rich.

But with Shen Jianwan's astuteness, she was only puzzled for a moment and immediately thought of the possibility of this matter.

Because it was the rescued people in the southwest, Shen Jianwan immediately thought of the king and Shen Zhan who were in the southwest at this time.

They are the only ones who are related to her and are in the Southwest, so if there is nothing unexpected about the huge 60 points, it should be their credit.

After roughly guessing the source of the points, Shen Jianwan finally felt completely relieved this time and celebrated the sudden 60 taels of points.

She couldn't help but danced in circles on the spot, then hugged Dabai and cheered for a while before slowly calming down from the joy of the sudden addition of such a huge amount of 60 points.

No wonder she was so excited, because with these 60 points, plus the 79 points that were exchanged for medicinal materials just now, she now has a full [-] and [-] points!
This is only 20 and 20 points away from upgrading the space to level four, and Shen Jianwan said that it is just around the corner to earn the remaining [-] points, and the space can be upgraded to level four years ago.

For a moment, Shen Jianwan couldn't help being overjoyed by the surprise that the space was about to be upgraded to level four!
At the fourth level, her space will be ten times larger than the current one thousand acres of land for her to plant. She can also earn [-] points a day.

And the most important thing is that the land in the space will be upgraded to half-spiritual soil at that time, and the crops grown at that time will grow better than the current ones, and the most surprising thing is that it may also get mutated "half-spiritual soil" plant".

Semi-spiritual plants are mutated from ordinary plants, between ordinary plants and spiritual plants. Its efficacy is somewhat better than ordinary plants, but it is not as good as real spiritual plants.

But although this half-spiritual plant is not yet a spiritual plant, its efficacy is much better than that of ordinary plants, and unlike the medicinal power of a spiritual plant that is too powerful to be tolerated by mortals, the medicinal power of this half-spiritual plant can also be absorbed by mortals .

So for mortals like Shen Jianwan and the others, half-lingual plants are much better for them than spiritual plants that can be seen but not enjoyed.

And she is very looking forward to the "half spiritual plant" medicinal materials planted, how much more effective the medicinal materials will be than ordinary medicinal materials, and whether there will be effects that ordinary medicinal materials do not have.

Maybe with these semi-spiritual medicinal herbs, she will be able to cure more diseases that she was helpless in the future.

This is a great temptation for a doctor!
Shen Jianwan was quite excited for a while before recovering from the huge amount of points that fell from the sky. At the same time, thinking that the points might come from Shen Zhan and the king who are in the southwest at the moment, she couldn't help but miss this distant place. One man and one beast.

Shen Jianwan really wanted to know what they did in the southwest to get him so many points, and he hoped that they would be safe and sound before he started doing other things.

And Shen Jianwan's analysis is correct, the reason why her system has a huge extra 60 points is because of Shen Zhan and the king.

These days, since their side ordered the attack on the enemy camp, under the reminder of the king, a kitty who knows the past, Shen Zhan not only discovered many details that the big guy couldn't discover many times, but even It also revealed many things in advance that everyone did not know at this time.

So after these eight days, one man and one beast can be said to have made countless contributions in this southwest battlefield!
Especially in the front there are the enemy's defense map provided by Shen Zhan and the king, as well as the scrolls and antidote prescriptions about the enemy's experiment with living people as Gu insects. These made their battle go smoothly and saved countless victims in several cities The people in the southwest poisoned by the enemy Gu insects.

The reason why Shen Jianwan got the 60 points was because the antidote calculated by the king rescued more than 20 people who were poisoned by the Gu insect experiment!

Your Majesty is the space spirit of Shen Jianwan's psychic bracelet, the psychic doctor's space spirit, and Shen Jianwan bears half of the karma for what it does, so its antidote recipe saved the 20 people in the southwest of Shen Jian You can also get merit points directly at night.

Having said that, at this time, Shen Zhan and Dawang didn't know that Shen Jianwan had won a huge amount of points because of their feat in the southwest, and now they had just returned to the camp after the last battle.

Because the next finishing work will naturally have the southwest garrison, so Shen Zhan and his group of elite troops dispatched from the border are considered to have temporarily ended their mission. They only wait for the leader, General Lin, and the leader of the southwest garrison to complete the handover. After everything, they can set off to return to the border!

At this time, when he just returned to the camp and heard that Shen Zhan would be able to move freely for the next few days, the king finally couldn't help being excited and said, "Shen Zhan, let's go to a good place now, shall we?"

"Where are you going?" After getting along these days, Shen Zhan is now used to the king calling him by his first name, so he didn't care about the address when he saw the little cat writing this sentence.

"Oh, you'll know it when you get there. It's a good place anyway. You won't regret it when you go."

"Let's listen first." Shen Zhan was unmoved.

The king was in a hurry to set off and couldn't help but rolled his eyes speechlessly when he heard Shen Zhan's words, and then sneered: "I said that you really don't see rabbits or scatter eagles as always, so I will tell you , let's go to a good place to find a good thing, this thing is very good for little Ah Wan, will you go?"

[Thank you very much for the votes cast by the cuties today, I am very touched, the stupid author howled, the cuties really saw it, love you~]

(End of this chapter)

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