Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 417 The Hugely Profitable Glass Business and the Outstanding Results of Ready-to-Wear

Chapter 417 The Hugely Profitable Glass Business and the Outstanding Results of Ready-to-Wear

After all, earning money is important, but upgrading the spiritual doctor's space is even more important. No matter how much money you have, you can't get points. Points can only be earned by farming in the space every day and gaining merit, so it sounds reasonable to exchange points for silver. not so good.

However, Shen Jianwan had to admit that the sale of the glass mirror moved her heart!
Now she can earn 1000 points a day from growing medicinal materials, which is [-] glass mirrors, and [-] taels each is a full [-] taels!

What is the concept of earning [-] taels a day?
You must know that her most profitable business, Jinxiu Xinyi Furniture Store, has an average daily turnover of more than 1000 taels, and the cost has to be subtracted in this period.

It can be seen from this that exchanging points for mirrors and selling them for silver is an attractive business.

So Shen Jianwan was really tempted for a while, and then suppressed the urge to change out the mirror, but this couldn't dispel her desire to do this glass mirror business!
Shen Jianwan wished she could immediately take out the recipe for making glass to start a huge profit business of glass, but thinking that with the current lintel of their family, she could not keep such a huge profit business, so she had to reluctantly let go of this business first.

At this moment, she is extremely looking forward to the arrival of next year. As long as her family can pass the scientific research and contribute to agriculture next year, she will not have to worry about doing these hugely profitable businesses without a background!

Besides, when Shen Jianwan said that the glass mirror was not for sale at this time, the woman who asked for the price couldn't help but a look of disappointment flashed across her face, but she also knew that this thing was not easy to come by, so she didn't insist on it.

At that time, Shen Jianwan took the opportunity to emphasize once again that in order to thank everyone for coming today, all clothes in the store will be 20% off, and after spending more than [-] taels, they will also get free styling and makeup designs.

After tomorrow, everything will return to the original price. As for the free styling and makeup design, it will cost more than 100 taels of silver.

Shen Jianwan had already written these contents on paper and pasted them outside and inside the shop, but most of the big guys only understood the [-]% discount, and they didn't quite understand the styling and makeup design.

So, Shen Jianwan once again explained this to everyone while apologizing to the woman who wanted to buy a mirror.

Sure enough, after hearing her more detailed explanation, several people became excited, and then began to choose clothes in the store, and then everyone discovered that the store also provides a service of trying on clothes, that is, you have taken a fancy to a piece of clothing You can try it on to see the effect.

I didn't know that the clothes in the store could be tried on, and everyone was even more excited. After a while, five or six selected clothes were put into the fitting room in the backyard to try on the clothes.

The first person who came out to try on the clothes was Shen Jianwan and their half acquaintance, the wife of Chen Dayou, a wealthy family.

Like Chen Dayou, Mrs. Chen is a wide, fat woman who looks very cheerful and amiable. Of course, her figure is far from Chen Dayou's fat, but she looks very approachable with some middle-aged fat.

Everyone in Qiushui Town knows that Mrs. Chen's biggest hobby is shopping. She can always be seen shopping in various shops in the town. shop.

However, for the wealthy Chen family, it is a piece of cake to bear her consumption, not to mention that her son Chen Weiye has also been admitted to Juren this year, and the status of the Chen family has risen sharply in the town. It's not even a problem.

I saw that she chose a set this time. Shen Jianwan and the others specially prepared it for overweight women. One of the few styles of clothes was the brown double-breasted high-waist floral dress that was most suitable for her.

The biggest feature of this dress is that Shen Jianwan made a high-waisted design, and it is covered with a coat of the same color, which can well conceal the wearer's small belly, and is most suitable for Mrs. Chen's overweight figure , women who are relatively short and have no waist.

And when Shen Jianwan saw that the other party picked this set of clothes right away, he couldn't help but sigh that Mrs. Chen is indeed a seasoned shopper, her gaze is vicious.

Sure enough, when she put on this set of clothes, she looked a whole circle thinner than before, and she also looked taller.

In addition, the workmanship on the clothes is all exquisite, and every embroidery on it is very three-dimensional and lifelike, which makes Mrs. Chen's temperament even more uplifted, as if she has changed herself.

No, as soon as she came out of the lobby, the people at the scene were stunned, because no one knew better than them what Mrs. Chen looked like in her own clothes before, so how did she change when she put on this clothes? Very big impact.

And Mrs. Chen also noticed the change in the big guy's expression, but she couldn't be sure whether it was stunning or she thought she was dressed ugly. When she was wondering, she heard the maid she brought excitedly yelled Madam to look good. His heart fell to the ground, and he immediately went straight to the glass full-length mirror to see the effect.

When she saw herself in the mirror, Mrs. Chen herself was stunned. She swore she had never seen herself so thin and tall. She couldn't help asking Shen Jianwan who came over in disbelief, " Chief Shen, there is nothing wrong with your mirror, will it make people look thinner, taller and more beautiful?"

Shen Jianwan burst out laughing when he heard the words, "Mrs. Chen was joking, there are actually quite a few of these glass mirrors in those big places near the capital, and they are famous for clearly showing people and restoring people's true appearance, so it The photo shows your real appearance, Mrs. Chen, if you don't believe me, you can ask the big guys."

Undoubtedly, when Shen Jianwan said this, the crowd, headed by Mrs. Chen's maid, echoed.

At this time, Mrs. Chen also realized what stupid things she said. After all, she had looked in this mirror before, and she was still very fat at that time. It makes people thinner.

After trying to understand this, Mrs. Chen couldn't help laughing heartily, "Haha... Don't mind Chief Shen, I was just talking nonsense because I was too excited and surprised. I'm really sorry."

"Ms. Chen is polite, it's not a big deal. By the way, your clothes are priced at 100 taels of silver. Now we will only charge you 80 taels with a 20% discount on the first day of opening. This is equivalent to the [-] taels of silver we bought in our store For the above clothes, the condition of styling and makeup will be free, so would you like to let Ah Wan design your styling and makeup?"

Hearing Shen Jianwan's words, Mrs. Chen waved her hand without hesitation and said, "Hua! I've heard that Chief Shen has superb makeup skills. Today I have to see and see!"

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(End of this chapter)

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