Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 425 Wang Xuemei gave Wang Erzhu and his wife the "magic medicine"

Chapter 425 Wang Xuemei gave Wang Erzhu and his wife "miracle medicine"

Hearing this, Wang Erzhu cried out anxiously, "Then what should I do? No, I have to go and beg Miss Wan. If she is willing to see a doctor for Aying, I can just kneel down for her."

"Second Uncle, why bother? I blame Meier and me for this matter. If Sister Wan hadn't had a misunderstanding with me, it would not be so difficult for Second Uncle and Aunt to seek medical treatment." Wang Xuemei couldn't help wiping With tears all over his face, he blamed himself.

If it was normal to see Wang Xuemei like this, Wang Erzhu would definitely have comforted her, but at this moment, she lost her mind and said anxiously: "I have to try this anyway, in case Miss Wan doesn't blame Aying for this. , so we still have to go.”

Mrs. Guo, who had been silent all this time, also agreed at this moment, "That's right, I don't think Miss Wan's eyes are so clear and stingy, she must have misunderstood what you did, Miss Mei, and now I and Mrs. Go and see, and if she doesn't want us to think of another way."

Wang Xuemei saw that Wang Erzhu and his wife, who usually pretended to treat her as their own daughter, encountered the opportunity that they might have another child. At this moment, she didn't even buy her usual trick of pretending to be pitiful. She didn't even think about comforting herself. She couldn't help but secretly resent Shen Jianwan for treating her.

At the same time, I don't regret that I instigated that stupid Wang Yougen to get rid of Guo's child!

According to the memory of the previous life, Guo Shi should have conceived the second child again at this time, and it was a boy, so she might have been pregnant at this time.

Thinking of Wang Xuemei's downcast eyes, she couldn't help narrowing her eyes slightly dangerously. With her in this life, she would never let Guo Shi give birth to this child!
As long as Wang Erzhu and Guo have no children of their own, then all the wealth they earn will belong to her. As for Wang Yougen, so what if he is a leader? Let him inherit, and then her sensible and promising niece will be the one to inherit their money.

Wang Xuemei is very proud that she thought of using Wang Yougen's hands to get rid of the child in Guo's stomach. Seeing that the couple has no children these years, it's because they raised her niece as their own daughter, and the financial help they gave her was even better than that of their own father. There are more mothers, and her life is much more nourishing than that stupid Wang Yougen.

Although Wang Erzhu earns a limited amount of money as a blacksmith, she will not look down on this money in the future, but he earns a lot more than her worthless parents. The most important thing is that now she needs the money of this stupid couple to pay for herself. Overcome the temporary difficulties!
It was exasperating to say that last time she got the 500 taels of silver from the big house of the Liu family and went to Fucheng herself, but she couldn't buy the jade skin ointment, because the price has increased and now it costs 600 taels a bottle.

Pity that she didn't have enough money and she had to come back in despair, but the big house of the Liu family who failed to buy an official with the remaining 100 taels of silver after she came back refused to give it to her anyway, even if she said that she would surrender to the government, the other party even refused to give it to her. A look of listening and respecting.

To put it bluntly, the current big house of the Liu family is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water, so they are no longer threatened by her at all.

And how could she really surrender to the police!
So she was always as smart as she was, only she was calculating others, but this time, she was put on by the dog winter clothes of Mrs. Liu's family.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuemei couldn't help but get angry!
Seeing that the day to rescue Mrs. Ye is getting closer, she can't delay any longer, so she must get the remaining 100 taels of silver from Wang Erzhu and his wife this time.

I can't guarantee anything else, but for a mere 100 taels of silver, Wang Xuemei still believes that Wang Erzhu, who has been a blacksmith for more than ten years, still exists.

So she must not let them spend this money on asking a doctor or asking that bitch Shen Jianwan to treat Guo Shi.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Guo Shi's words here, Wang Xuemei couldn't help but blinked a few times again to make sure that she looked pitiful enough, so she raised her head and wiped her tears and said, "'s Mei Er who killed the second uncle and second aunt You are in such a difficult situation now, this... This makes you come to the door to kneel down and ask for medical treatment for a junior like Sister Wan, how can Meier bear it in her heart.

In fact, Meier has been paying attention to your second aunt these years, and the famous doctor treats you. This time when I went to Fucheng, I found out that there is a genius doctor in Fucheng. It only needs to prescribe three days of medicine to the patient to make the other party conceive a child.

The most amazing thing is that I heard that the women who went to him to treat the infertility of their children finally conceived all of them within a short month.

A classmate of mine knew that I had been inquiring about the miraculous doctor who treated my second aunt. This time, he told me the news when he came back from Fucheng to visit relatives. After hearing this, I was afraid that the miraculous doctor would leave. Second uncle and second aunt, you were so happy that you immediately rushed to Fucheng to buy medicine for your second aunt, and you were going to buy the medicine before sending it to you.

Fortunately, Mei Er really bought this magical medicine, and she planned to send it to your second uncle and aunt when she was free in a few days, and it is a coincidence that you are back now. "

Zhu who was on the side heard Wang Xuemei's words, she couldn't help being very pleasantly surprised but at the same time couldn't help being a little puzzled, "Sister Mei, there is really such a magical medicine that can be eaten and conceived without using it, why? You bought this medicine and didn't tell me these few days?"

When Wang Xuemei went to Fucheng this time, she thought of Guo Shi's upcoming child. In order to avoid the birth of this child and robbing her of resources, she did buy a few packets of magic medicine for Guo Shi!
But it was bought from the place where she bought medicine for these girls in the building when she was a prostitute in Fucheng in her previous life. She promised that if Mrs. Guo drank this medicine, not only would the child in her belly be lost, but she would not be able to keep it in this life. If you want to conceive another child, even if you conceive, you will not be able to survive. The freak is stillborn!

And the most important thing is that on the surface, the medicine does seem to promote pregnancy. Without a good doctor, the few local doctors with three-legged cat skills in the town will not be able to tell, so she is not afraid at all.

The reason why I didn't tell Mrs. Zhu in advance was because I was afraid that Mrs. Zhu would go around and talk about this magic medicine, and the doctors around me who were doing good things would find out that if something went wrong, it would be a bad thing.

As for what to do if something happened to Mrs. Guo after drinking it, that was after drinking it too!

What's more, drinking this medicine really won't make people have a miscarriage, it just makes people give birth to a freak that won't survive.

Moreover, the fetus in Guo's stomach is less than a month old, and the doctors around him will only think that it is a child conceived after drinking these magic medicines!

(End of this chapter)

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