Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 431 Surprise to hear that the master is Shen Jianwan

Chapter 431 Surprise to hear that the master is Shen Jianwan

Seeing that everyone was nervously waiting for his answer, the old man laughed heartily, "Wonderful, wonderful!"

Seeing it, Wang Erzhu finally couldn't stand it and asked, "Su... Miracle doctor Su, is... is this wife really pregnant?"

Fortunately, the old man finally stopped laughing, and then nodded under the nervous eyes of the big guy, "Yes, this lady is indeed pregnant with a child, but..."

"But what?" Wang Erzhu immediately became nervous when he heard this turning point, and even Mrs. Guo looked up at the old man worriedly.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. Your wife is fine, and the fetus has no major problems at present. The old man is just amazed that this lady's pregnancy is much shorter than I thought. It is only about ten days far less than one month. Old man This time I almost overturned here and it was not diagnosed.

Speaking of which, if I didn't know that your wife is pregnant in advance, I might not find out if I really asked the old man to see a doctor.

Oh, what a shame!But boy, did someone in your village really diagnose your wife's pregnancy in such a short period of time? "

The old man still couldn't believe it and reconfirmed, for fear that he had heard it wrong before.

When Wang Erzhu and Guo heard this, they seemed to be more powerful than Dr. He, and the person who was called Master Su by the shopkeeper Chen said so was even more disturbed. Hearing what the other party said, Shen Jianwan's medical skills were even better than him... …

"It's absolutely true." After realizing it, Wang Erzhu hurried back to the old man's words.

The old man became excited when he got an affirmative answer, "If that's the case, it seems that this is indeed a master hidden among the people, I didn't expect that there are such capable people in this small Pingyang County besides the official Yang Lao!

By the way, I don't know who is the expert who diagnosed your wife's happy pulse. I will definitely come to ask for advice when I have time. "

After the old man said this, he thought that Wang Erzhu would tell him the answer soon, but who knew that Wang Erzhu and even Guo Shi's expression was a little strange. He couldn't help wondering, "Is there any problem here?"

"No... no problem, but I'm afraid you won't believe this person's words." Wang Erzhu said cautiously.

Seeing Wang Erzhu and his wife's expressions and reactions, Dr. He somehow thought of someone in his heart, and couldn't help but blurted out, "Is it the chief Shen who diagnosed you with the pulse?"

Seeing that Dr. He guessed that it was Shen Jianwan, both Wang Erzhu and Guo Shi were surprised, and Dr. He knew that he had guessed right without them talking, and he couldn't help but feel very complicated for a while.

For Shen Jianwan who diagnosed the pregnancy in just ten days, Dr. He felt that it was reasonable and surprised, and couldn't help sighing: "It really is the case, this... this is really... "

For a moment, Dr. He couldn't find the words to continue.

When the old man saw the people around him and many people around him heard that it was the case chief Shen who was diagnosed, the faces of the big guys became more and more shocked, and he couldn't help but asked curiously, "Who is the case chief Shen? Is there something wrong?"

Hearing the old man's question, Dr. He hurriedly cupped his hands and said respectfully: "Returning to Senior Su, there's nothing wrong with this... there is nothing wrong with this.

The first case of Shen, surnamed Shen Jianwan, is from Qinghe Village, Qiushui Town, Pingyang County. "

Hearing this, the old man was also a little shocked, "So this tall man is actually a woman, and she is also very knowledgeable?

Then I don't know how old she is this year and where did she learn from? "

The old man was really curious, but who would have thought that the expressions of Dr. He and the people around him became even more strange when he asked these questions.

Fortunately, Dr. He didn't lose the chain this time and quickly replied, "This chief case officer Shen is really talented, I heard that he passed the exam for the chief case officer in our Pingyang County in the first time.

As for... As for her age, she just turned [-] this year, but she hasn't announced who it is from. "

Hearing what Dr. He said, the old man almost thought he was deaf, " mean that the head of the Shen case is not only a woman, but also a girl who is just 15 years old?"

Seeing the unbelievable look of the old man, Dr. He inexplicably felt a little comforted. It seemed that it wasn't just him, a "famous doctor", who marveled at the evildoer who was the head of the case.

Well, it feels good to have company, and the most comfortable thing is that this person is even better at medicine than me!
So, he transferred his thoughts to Dr. He, and he couldn't help nodding his head a little viciously, "That's right, she is indeed only 15 years old, but she got married in the second half of this year, and it will be more than two months from now."

Confirming that Shen Jianwan's age is really younger than his granddaughter, the old man was so shocked that he couldn't speak, " is this possible?"

However, Dr. He nodded again, "Students dare not lie in front of Senior Su..." The implication is that it is true.

"My God, this is the patriarch's meal, old man... I have never seen such a talented seedling in my life.

To be able to have such means at such an age, this... this is really a genius, a genius! "

Dr. He was excited for a long time before he digested the fact that the expert who diagnosed Guo's happy pulse was not only a woman, but also a 15-year-old girl.

Then he couldn't help asking Wang Erzhu and his wife, "Then, the chief case officer, apart from diagnosing that the lady is pregnant, and that the medicine is harmful, did she say anything else?"

Before Wang Erzhu and his wife asked Dr. He to check whether Guo Shi was pregnant, and then asked Dr. He to see if there was really a problem with those magic medicines. During the period, it was mentioned that someone in their village had diagnosed Guo Shi was pregnant. There are problems with these medicines.

As for asking Dr. He to see if Guo's body has been manipulated many years ago, and he took medicine that shouldn't be taken, there is no time to mention it.

So at this time, hearing the old man's question, Wang Erzhu hurriedly said: "In addition to saying that my wife is pregnant for less than a month and that these medicines are poisonous for pregnant women, she...she also said that my wife's body has been in the body for many years. In addition to having a miscarriage before, I also took medicine that I shouldn't have taken, so I was pregnant again after more than ten years."

Affected by the atmosphere of the scene, and the admiration for Shen Jianwan in his heart at this time, Wang Erzhu couldn't help calling Shen Jianwan from "Sister Wan" to "Sister Wan" in his speech this time. "Shen case first".

I heard that Shen Jianwan also diagnosed Guo's body not only had a miscarriage, but also took wrong medicines that led to infertility for many years. The old man couldn't help but immediately became interested in this, "Oh? The chief of the Shen case said this In addition to having a miscarriage ten years ago, the lady also took medicine that shouldn't be taken, which led to her infertility for so many years?"

(End of this chapter)

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