Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 434 Urge Wang Xuemei to go to the Fucheng

Chapter 434 Urge Wang Xuemei to go to the Fucheng
Speaking of Wang Xuemei, after sending Wang Erzhu and his wife away, she found that Mrs. Zhu left and no one was cooking lunch, so she simply went back to her room to eat the good things she bought from outside, and then took a rest for a while before taking a nap.

As for the rest of the family who came back and found that they hadn't cooked, Wang Xuemei wasn't afraid at all. She just had to say that she wasn't feeling well. If she didn't believe it, she would have to rely on her own trash to have any opinions on it.

So when she heard such a hasty knock on the door at this time, Wang Xuemei thought that Mrs. Li was angry, so she put on her clothes and opened the door fiercely without even thinking about it!
"Second...Second Uncle, why are you back?" Wang Xuemei couldn't help feeling flustered for a moment when she opened the door and saw that the person outside was Wang Erzhu who looked very unwell.

Youdao is a guilty conscience, Wang Xuemei is like this now, she gave Wang Erzhu and his wife that kind of medicine, so seeing Wang Erzhu returning so soon and looking not very good, Wang Xuemei subconsciously couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

And Wang Erzhu also got straight to the point: "Sister Mei, go to Fucheng with your second uncle, and then you can identify for me who bought those medicines for you, and those who told you that they died because of taking those medicines. We have to find the pregnant families one by one."

Hearing what Wang Erzhu said, Wang Xuemei's face changed drastically, and she felt even worse. Seeing Wang Erzhu sizing her up, she quickly restrained her expression and asked, "Second Uncle, what did you find?"

"Hmph, it's a serious matter. Those so-called magical medicines are not magic medicines that make women pregnant [-]% of the time, but poisons that harm people. Not to mention pregnant women, even normal people will suffer from health damage if they eat them.

So sister Mei, hurry up and go to Fucheng with your second uncle to find people who sell you medicine, and those you interviewed told you that they took these medicines to conceive a child, and none of us can let them go. They should all be the same guys.

By the way, maybe that classmate of yours is also an accomplice of these people. If you bring her here, let the magistrate know what happened at the first trial. "

Wang Erzhu's words completely dispelled the last trace of luck in Wang Xuemei's heart, no matter how scheming she was, she couldn't help but take a step back when she heard these words at this moment.

"Sister Mei, what's the matter with you?" Wang Erzhu has been paying attention to Wang Xuemei's expression from the beginning, trying to see something from it, so seeing the other party's guilty look, his heart sank more and more !

Hearing Wang Erzhu's skeptical voice, Wang Xuemei quickly regained consciousness, "'s nothing, it's just that Mei Er was shocked when I heard you say that, Second Uncle."

"Then if you're fine, let's leave now, there are noble people waiting for us in the town." Wang Erzhu temporarily suppressed the suspicion in his heart after hearing this, and then continued to urge Wang Xuemei to follow him to Fucheng.

Seeing Wang Erzhu turning around as he spoke, Wang Xuemei hurriedly said, "Second Uncle, wait!"

"What's wrong?" Wang Erzhu turned around and stopped.

"Second Uncle, do you have any misunderstandings here? It is true that Meier bought those medicines at a high price after inquiring and confirming that they can make people pregnant. How could they be harmful poisons? So, Second Uncle, you Whoever said those medicines were poisonous, could you have been deceived by others?"

At this time, seeing that Wang Erzhu hadn't come out for a long time, Laicai, the young man of the old man who was about to come in to urge him, had just entered the courtyard of Wang's house when he heard Wang Xuemei's words and couldn't help retorting, "You girl, what nonsense are you talking about?" Well, that medicine was personally tested by our master, how could it be wrong.

Do you know who our master is? Our master used to be a well-known doctor in the capital. He can see through this little trick at a glance, so don't talk nonsense if you don't know.

And why did our master lie to you about this? Why are you okay when you are full? "

Wang Xuemei couldn't help being startled when she saw Fa Cai, who was dressed in a luxurious dress and dressed as a noble slave, walk in. When she heard what the other person said, she couldn't help being even more frightened, so she forced a smile and asked , "Mei... Meier didn't mean that, this little brother, don't be angry.

I just... I just heard that those magical medicines are poisons, and I still can't accept them. I didn't intend to doubt you. I don't know if your master is..."

"You don't need to inquire who our master is, and if you know, you won't be able to climb high.

Hmph, if you are sensible, hurry up and follow us, you can't afford to delay our master and the master's family, you, a peasant girl! "Fat Cai has not seen too many clinging people like Wang Xuemei in recent years, so he can see through the other party's intentions at a glance and said angrily.

It has to be said that for Wang Xuemei, a vicious woman who almost certainly used poison to kill her own uncle, Laicai said that even a slave who has never been a good person can look down on her dirty behavior.

Wang Xuemei couldn't help but look even uglier after being so stunned. Finally, she also remembered what noble person Wang Erzhu had said before, and when she thought of what Wang Erzhu said before asking the magistrate to settle the case, she couldn't help but panicked even more!
Wang Erzhu saw Wang Xuemei's embarrassing face, she was her niece who had been doting on her for many years, and couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted to help her out, "Sister Mei, this little brother is right, it is impossible for a nobleman to lie to us, and He Chuntang Dr. He and Chief Shen also affirmed that those magical medicines are medicines for tigers and wolves, so hurry up and go to Fucheng with us to find out those vicious liars and send them to prison."

"Case chief Shen? Second uncle, are you talking about Sister Wan?" Wang Xuemei immediately grasped the three sensitive words "Case chief Shen".

"Yes, apart from the nobleman, Dr. He and Case Chief Shen have also affirmed that those medicines are harmful poisons, so there is no doubt about it. Sister Mei, hurry up and go to Fucheng with us, and delay the nobleman and their time. Oh no."

After receiving the affirmative answer from Wang Erzhu, Wang Xuemei couldn't help but feel great hatred in her heart. It turns out that Shen Jianwan had a hand in this matter.

But at this time, Wang Xuemei had no time to get angry, because at this time, facing Wang Erzhu's repeated urging, and the servant who made a fortune next to her was eyeing her, she had to find a way to get out of the current predicament first.

It is absolutely impossible for her to go to this prefecture!

Because there is no such so-called classmate who gave her news, and the so-called pregnant women she visited who took the magic medicine did not exist!
As for the person who sold her medicine, there was such a person, but that person was a notorious wandering doctor, and he was best at prescribing various abortion drugs and poisons that would prevent women from conceiving. She likes to patronize, so she absolutely dare not take Wang Erzhu and the others to see this person!
(End of this chapter)

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