Chapter 436
It can be said that Wang Xuemei's words cost a lot of money. Not only did people cry until they cried, but also kowtowed to Wang Erzhu from time to time during the crying, so that his forehead was bruised. The people at the scene couldn't help but couldn't bear it.

Not to mention Wang Erzhu, although Wang Xuemei deceived herself and her wife by doing that, but the starting point when she bought medicine for them was indeed for their husband and wife, and she lied to them later because she was afraid of losing their love, so this motive also Can't help but make him a little sad.

"Sister Mei, are so confused!" Finally, Wang Erzhu said with a bit of heartache as he tossed his sleeves.

However, Wang Xuemei was relieved when she saw it. The other party's willingness to call her sister Mei again meant that things had turned around.

It's just that the property of Wang Erzhu and his wife may not be worth it for her to despise herself like this, but she must not let her plot that Wang Erzhu and his wife drugged the Guo family before being exposed to the nobles of Yefu, so she can only fight for this today. up!

At present, she is being plotted step by step by that bitch Shen Jianwan, and the current situation is very bad, and even now there are scars on her face and she has to wear a veil, so she must grab Mrs. Ye, the big tree, or Said that this is her only life-saving straw now.

As long as she can get Mrs. Ye's blue eyes, all her current difficulties will be a piece of cake, and it will be time for her to turn against the wind.

So no matter what happened today, she couldn't let it explode!
Fortunately, she made the right bet. Her strategy of retreating to advance and decisively cut off her tail to survive really saved herself from a desperate situation.

When Wang Xuemei heard Wang Erzhu's words while her mind was turning, she couldn't help but buckled her head more vigorously, and sincerely begged Wang Erzhu's forgiveness.

Sure enough, Wang Erzhu's heart softened after seeing her acting like this, he finally said with a long sigh: "Okay, sister Mei, you..."

However, before he could finish his words, Laicai behind him interrupted his next words, "Oh, isn't it, brother, you plan to forgive the child who killed your husband and wife back then. The murderer who made you childless all these years?

People just make up a random story and you believe it. Then the child you and your wife died in those years and the hard work of these years are too cheap, and the most important thing is that you are playing with our master and boss. We have agreed to host it for you. To be fair, you would listen to the murderer's lies. You wouldn't do such a thing. "

Wang Xuemei's trick could fool Wang Erzhu and the villagers, but he could not fool Wang Erzhu and the villagers who had seen countless ghosts and snakes, so he didn't believe the story Wang Xuemei made up at all, even though it sounded flawless.

Wang Xuemei, who thought she was about to solve the immediate crisis, was ready to get up after Wang Erzhu said forgiving her, but now she heard Laicai's words and almost blacked out before fainting.

She never imagined that she could handle Wang Erzhu, and even the villagers believed her, but this servant from Ye Mansion didn't believe her!
Wang Xuemei was originally afraid that what she did to Wang Erzhu and his wife would be exposed to people in the Ye residence and destroy her connection with Mrs. Ye, so she was willing to make up such a story, and even admitted that she was jealous of Shen Jianwan before doing this. It's a foolish thing, and he intended to get Wang Erzhu's forgiveness and not pursue the matter with the intention of retreating to advance, but now it's the young man from Ye's mansion who doesn't believe in him, what's the matter.

For a while, Wang Xuemei heard Laicai keep saying that she was a murderer, but she didn't believe what she said just now, she almost fainted in the dark!
But Wang Erzhu and the villagers couldn't help being excited when they heard Laicai's words, and they all came back to their senses.

Especially when Wang Erzhu heard what Laicai said, he immediately swallowed the words to forgive Wang Xuemei later, and couldn't help asking Laicai: "Brother, do you mean that Sister Mei is lying?"

"That's for sure. Have you ever seen a criminal who is willing to admit her crimes? She must be sophistrying for what she did. I've seen this kind of person over the years. There are at least one hundred and eighty, and I can't be wrong.

And taking a step back, even if I'm not sure what she said is false, but she has no evidence to prove that what she said is the truth, right?

Hmph, it's all about her mouth, who knows whether what she said is true or not, it's not too easy for her to make up a story to deceive us. "

Wang Xuemei almost died of anger when she heard Laicai's words, but she still didn't dare to speak out against this dog slave of Ye Mansion. There is a saying that the King of Hades is so good that the little ghost is difficult to deal with. It is possible to destroy her friendship with Mrs. Ye.

So she didn't dare to complain about Lai Cai, so she could only grab Wang Erzhu's words and cry in a hurry: "No, no, I really don't, second uncle, you have to believe me, what I just said is really all the truth, you must Trust Mel!"

"Hmph, what you say is the truth is the truth. If you want to prove that what you said is true, unless you come up with evidence, I will never believe you, a vicious woman with a vicious heart." Lai Cai Resentment Road.

"That's right, Sister Mei, do you have any evidence to prove that what you just said is true, otherwise the matter is so important that Second Uncle really can't easily believe you." At this time, Wang Erzhu also remembered Shen Jianwan and the old man's treatment of Guo Shi. As for the physical diagnosis, it is almost certain that Guo's body had been drugged back then, which made him feel that Laicai was right, so at this time he also hoped that Wang Xuemei would give him evidence.

When Wang Xuemei heard that Wang Erzhu believed Lai Cai's words and asked for evidence, she couldn't help feeling anxious, and without thinking, she raised her hand and swore, "Mei'er swears that everything I just said is true, otherwise, if there is a lie, it will be true." Let me be struck by lightning and die, and go to the [-]th floor of hell after death, I beg Second Uncle to believe in Meier!"

Sure enough, seeing Wang Xuemei dare to make such a poisonous oath, Wang Erzhu hesitated again in his heart, but at this time Laicai said again: "Hehe, who would not make such a poisonous oath, swearing may be useful for good people, but it is not for you This kind of femme fatale may even kill his own family members.

In short, in the past few years, I have seen eight villains who dared to swear poisonous oaths to prove that they have not done bad things. If it is effective to swear poisonous oaths, it will be easy for the government to handle the case. "

"You..." Quantity is Wang Xuemei's best skill in nourishing Qi. At this time, seeing Laicai ruining her again, she almost didn't scold him!
Seeing Wang Xuemei staring at him angrily, Laicai didn't like her even more, so he couldn't help shouting very arrogantly, "Look, look, you're so annoyed by my young master's right words, aren't you?" "

【Ask for a ticket~】

(End of this chapter)

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