Chapter 439 Suspicious Bullock Cart

Whether it was in the previous life or in this life, she had done countless bad things, and what she did to Wang Erzhu and his wife was just a trivial one of them. Why was she punished for this incident?
If it was because of the oath, she had made a lot of false oaths in her previous life and this life, so why didn't she suffer retribution at that time.

So could the thunderstorm today really be just an accident?
As for the voice of God she heard later, could it be an auditory hallucination caused by her panic?
The more Wang Xuemei thinks about it, the more she feels like this!
So, after thinking about it for a while, Wang Xuemei made a decision in her heart. It was impossible for her to calm down and accept her fate because of the so-called karma, so she decided to act according to her own will as before!
As for the retribution, let's wait until it really happens, and she doesn't think there is really a so-called karma, otherwise the things she has done in her past and present lives are enough for her to die many times. Haven't you been reborn yet?

Thinking of this, Wang Xuemei's eyes couldn't help becoming more and more fierce, and then she began to think about her current situation.

No, Wang Xuemei didn't close her eyes all night to think about the next countermeasures. When the sky broke, a piercing smile finally appeared on the corner of her mouth, obviously thinking of a way to solve her current predicament.

In the next two days, Shen Jianwan went to the back mountain to watch the big guys open up wasteland as usual and recorded the amount of wasteland cleared by everyone. Today, besides her, there are Muxiu's Shen Jie and Shitou.

At noon, they went to the fast food restaurant in the town to have lunch with the big guys as usual, and then took a short rest and went back to the village to watch the big guys open up wasteland.

And along the way, they competed back and forth in lightness kung fu. It was planned that Shen Jie and Shitou were competing, and Shen Jianwan was just guiding them from the sidelines.

Although it is obviously much more difficult for my family to learn "Teleportation and Flying Steps" than myself, and they don't have "Spiritual Medicine Mind Method" as a supplement, and they don't have the spiritual energy to provide them with advanced skills outside, but Shen Jianwan still uses the previous family's The parts that people can learn are all written down for everyone to practice.

Mother Shen and Second Aunt Shen don't care how well they study, but the young ones from Shen Jie to Shen Jianwan always ask the big guys to study hard.

So now the Shen family will use lightness skills to travel if they have the conditions, and only take transportation unless they need to take a bullock cart or something.

At this time, Shen Jianwan followed Shen Jie and Shitou from time to time to give them a few words, and it took them a quarter of an hour to reach Qingming in just over a quarter of an hour from the town to the village. The village entrance of Hecun.

However, when approaching the entrance of the village, a strange bullock cart drove out of the village. What caught Shen Jianwan's attention was that besides a middle-aged man who looked like a driver, there was also a man in red and green sitting behind him. mother-in-law.

And Shen Jie was walking in front of them. When the bullock cart passed by him, he suddenly shouted, "Stop, the bullock cart in front will stop for me!"

Shen Jianwan and Shitou were talking, and they couldn't help but look forward when they heard the words.

They were probably more than 50 meters behind Shen Jie. Although they didn't know what was going on ahead, seeing that Shen Jie was so anxious, Shen Jianwan couldn't help telling Shitou to wait for her by the side of the road, so she jumped forward with all her strength.

And the bullock cart that Shen Jie shouted at was ignored when Shen Jie scolded him at the beginning, but although Shen Jie's current speed is not as late as Shen Jian, it is still very easy to catch up with a bullock cart. He caught up with him within ten meters.

Seeing Shen Jie blocking the middle of the road, the driver finally had to stop the car.

The old woman in the car saw him and shouted: "Where did you come from, a country boy, dare to block the old woman's car, I think you are tired of living, if you don't let me be careful, I will send you to prison!"

I saw that this woman was not only wearing red and green, but also wearing gold jewelry all over her body. There were five or six pieces of gold buds and golden hairpins inserted on her head, which looked very rich, and with her domineering tone It doesn't look like a farmer's family at first glance, not to mention that after drinking this drink, many people may have the idea of ​​retreating because of this, and this woman has indeed scared away many people who meddle in her business.

However, this is a bit difficult for Shen Jie, a "loafer", especially these days he has seen a lot of gold and silver things with Shen Jianwan, and his vision is not comparable to that of ordinary farmers, so at this time He wasn't frightened at all by what the mother-in-law said.

"I don't know if I'm alive or not, but I'm afraid it will be you two human traffickers who will go to jail next time."

Hearing Shen Jie's words, both the woman and the coachman's expressions changed drastically, and Shen Jianwan, who had arrived at this time, couldn't help but look at the three big sacks behind the woman after hearing the words, and as expected, they immediately found out. Weird!
The person in the bag was obviously a living person, but his hands and feet were bound and his mouth was covered, so the movement was very small, but it couldn't be hidden from people who saw it at a close distance.

But at this moment, the woman saw that there was such a beautiful little girl rushing up, she was stunned for a moment when she saw Shen Jianwan, and she didn't notice the speed of Shen Jianwan's approach at all.

The woman said that based on her career in these years, she is very sure that the little girl in front of her will definitely be a stunning beauty when she grows up!
Although Shen Jianwan was wearing very simple clothes at this time, and even had bangs to cover his forehead, but this did not affect the vicious-eyed woman in the slightest to discover that she was a beauty.

And what made this woman envious most was that the little girl in front of her was not only stunningly beautiful, but also exuded a very fresh and noble temperament, and her whole body exuded a sense of immortality and agility.

This is not the mother-in-law, the more she looks at Shen Jianwan, the more greedy she becomes!
Looking at the little girl in front of her who not only has excellent appearance, but also has excellent bones, and even has a fairy air in her temperament, she can't help but her eyes sparkle.

If this little girl can be taken down, then she probably won't have to work and worry for the rest of her life. With this thought, the woman looked at Shen Jianwan with even more eager eyes.

"What are you looking at, look at my cousin's sister-in-law, be careful I'll dig out your eyeballs!" Shen Jie also noticed the mother-in-law's explicit gaze, and he couldn't help yelling immediately.

Hearing Shen Jie's words, the woman's expression changed. Seeing that Shen Jie was dressed like an ordinary peasant boy, Shen Jianwan's clothes were not bad, but they were not expensive. Then Shen Jie called Shen Jianwan's sister-in-law It can be seen that Shen Jianwan is really just a girl married in a farm family, and she couldn't help but lose her fear for a while!
So the mother-in-law was not angry when she heard Shen Jie's words, but suddenly smiled enthusiastically, "This little brother shouldn't be so tempered, the old woman just saw that your sister-in-law is so good-looking and couldn't help looking at it for a while." shocked.

By the way, you are from Qinghe Village in front of you. I don't know why you stopped the old woman? "

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(End of this chapter)

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