Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 689 Disagreeing with the results of the competition

Chapter 689 Disagreeing with the results of the competition
The turnover of the Jinxiu Xinyi Furniture Store branch also reached a full 5000 taels, which is more than 1000 taels more than the previous maximum turnover of their furniture store in a day, and Shen Jianwan also said that the furniture store still has a lot of business. There is a lot of room for improvement. When more people in Fucheng know the benefits of their furniture, more people will come to buy it.

Sure enough, as expected by Shen Jianwan, the business of Jinxiu Xinyi Tianyifang and Jinxiu Xinyi Furniture Store continued to boom, and the business of the furniture store doubled within a few days. One day also exceeded the turnover of Tianyifang.

For a while, Shen Jianwan, the two shops in Fucheng, can be said to have flourishing business, making money every day.

And at this time, the embroidery competition that lasted for more than half a month finally came to an end and the results came out!
On the last day of the competition, Shen Jianwan also put down his work and went to the scene with his family to cheer for Shen Wan and Shen Min.

From the final to the final round of this embroidery competition, the competition is to embroider an embroidery with the theme of beautiful mountains and rivers. It took nearly 20 days to embroider, and today is the last day to submit the work.

When it was almost noon, the embroidery contest hosted by Zhao Fucheng Zhao Lide finally rang the bell for the submission of works, and the [-] finalists all submitted their works.

According to the original plan, Zhifu Li would host the finals of the embroidery competition in person on the spot, but it seemed that something happened to the political affairs, so he was not able to come in person today.

Because these twenty women almost represent the highest level of embroidery skills of young girls in Ding'an Prefecture, so every piece of work they handed in is a high-quality work. The top three are here.

So the more than 20 most famous xiuniang judges in the entire Ding'an Prefecture studied for a long time before they began to anonymously vote for the top three favorites. Part of the score and the embroidered mother's judges each account for half.

When the final result was delivered to Zhao Fucheng, the scene fell silent!

Because the top three means that whoever will represent them in Ding'an Mansion will go to the capital to participate in the finals of the Dahe Shengshi Embroidery Competition in the entire Yamato Dynasty!

And once they win the top ten in the finals in Beijing, they will have the opportunity to show their embroidery to the most powerful circles of the Yamato Dynasty and ambassadors from various countries at the Wanshou Festival state banquet next spring.

It can be said that this is definitely an excellent opportunity to honor the ancestors and improve their status.

Seeing the top three lists appear in Zhao Fucheng's hands, everyone present couldn't help but hold their breath.

"The following official announces that our Ding'an Mansion has won the first place in the Ding'an Mansion Finals of the Dahe Shengshi Embroidery Competition. She is Shen Wan from Qinghe Village, Qiushui Town, Pingyang County!"

Hearing Zhao Fucheng pronounce the name Shen Wan, the scene immediately exploded.

"Sure enough, it's Shen Wan from the Shen family. My God, the Shen family is smoked from the ancestral grave. It seems that the case of the previous government test belonged to their family, but now the women's embroidery competition belongs to their Shen family again." People won the first place, which is really unimpressive."

"Brother, let's get rid of it, they are a family, and this Shen Wan is the eldest sister of Shen Xuan, the head of the trial case."

"Speaking of Shen Wan's embroidery level, we guys have seen it for so long and are indeed the most powerful among this group of women. It is also expected that she will get this name."


In people's words, they were amazed that Shen Wanzuo was from the Shen family, but they also believed that it was normal for her to get No. 1 at her level.

Then Zhao Fucheng announced No.2. This time the winner is Xie Xiangqin, the eldest lady of Xiejia Fenghua Cloth Village, a family of embroidery in Fucheng.

Xie Xiangqin is twenty-five this year, and she left Heli from her husband’s house not long before the embroidery competition started. Many people said that Xie’s family specially let Heli away so that Xie Xiangqin could participate in this embroidery competition, but Xie Xiangqin’s embroidery skills are indeed It is well known that she is very powerful, so no one has pursued too much about whether she got the opportunity to compete with Li Hao on purpose. After all, she did not violate the requirements of the embroidery competition for contestants.

This is not when Zhao Fucheng announced that Xie Xiangqin won the No.2 embroidery competition, and the Xie family members present were all excited.

And then Zhao Fucheng announced the last name who could go to the capital to participate in the finals of the Dahe Shengshi Embroidery Competition.

"Next, I will announce No.3. She is Liu Fengyue from Qinghe Village, Qiushui Town, Pingyang County."

When Shen Wan was announced to win the first place, Shen Jianwan and the others were very excited, and then they heard that No.2 was Xie Xiangqin, and they also felt that the other party's level was indeed the best among all the contestants except Shen Wan, so they didn't Too much dissent.

And when Zhao Fucheng announced the last place to be promoted, especially when it was mentioned that his hometown was still in Qinghe Village, all the Shen family members including Shen Jianwan thought that this person would be Shen Min.

Because through these days of competition, Shen Min's level is probably around No.3, and this No.3 is also the last place to go to the capital, so when it was announced that this No.3 belongs to the Shen family, they were all very happy. Nervous and excited.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In the end, the name they heard was Liu Fengyue from the rival old Liu's family instead of Shen Min.

In particular, Song Shiyuan blurted out "I'll go" on the spot, and not only did he do that, but many people at the scene also raised doubts.

"This... this No.3 is not that Shen Min?"

"Yes, after watching the competition these days, Shen Min and No.1's Shen Wan's space embroidery technique has amazed all of us. It stands to reason that No.3 should be her."

"I think so too. Although Liu Fengyue's level is not bad, and her performance in many competitions is also amazing, but generally speaking, she should still be two points behind Shen Min."

"It's not..."

While everyone was discussing, Zhao Fucheng announced the promotion list, and then he seemed to have not heard the discussion of the people below and continued the following process to let the top three winners bring their works to the stage to show everyone.

At this moment, a slightly cold voice sounded, "Master Fucheng, the daughter of the people has objections to the result of the competition."

Everyone was just discussing in surprise, but no one could conclude that there was something wrong with the result of the game. At this time, they heard the same voice as they thought and raised objections to Zhao Fucheng. For a while, the eyes of the big guys couldn't help but focus on standing up and expressing On the woman who objected.

(End of this chapter)

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