Chapter 816 The real master

"Bitch, when is it your turn to be my master? If I say please, please have another word, and you should immediately get the hell out of your poor family." Liu Ergou continued to curse.

Chen Cuihua was caught off guard first, and then frightened by such merciless reprimand, she couldn't help covering her face in a daze.

Then Liu Ergou didn't care about her at all, and then told Liu Zhiming: "Boss, you can borrow 100 taels of silver from your eldest sister's house to invite that expert. If you can't invite me, don't come back. She, Liu Baoqin, won't have to go back to our old Liu's natal family anymore."

Seeing Liu Ergou so furious, Liu Zhiming dared to show no disobedience, so he hurriedly got up from the ground and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, my son will go now, my son will go here!"

Seeing that Liu Zhiming really asked Liu Baokai and his son to go out to invite an expert together, Liu Ergou's outburst finally got a little bit of relief.

Speaking of which, the reason why Liu Ergou went to Shen's house early in the morning to find Uncle Shen, and he couldn't even wait for the opportunity to talk to Uncle Shen alone, was because of the fact that he was strangled by Shen's ghost last night terrified.

Before this, although Shen's ghost also came to him every night, he had never touched him, but last night he did, so Liu Ergou was extremely afraid of the coming of a night.

So he went to Shen's house early in the morning to try to get Second Uncle Shen's acknowledgment, so that he could be forgiven and accepted by Uncle Shen and the others again, so that the ghost of Shen's would not come to seek his life again.

But who knew that he was in a hurry, he didn't wait for Second Uncle Shen to come out alone, he was ridiculed by Shen Jie just as he said that to Uncle Shen, and then he was completely destroyed by that cunning Shen Jianwan All the calculations even made him so ugly and kneel down under the memorial archway bestowed by Emperor Xuanping.

The most frightening thing is that they still have to worry about whether their behavior today will really constitute disrespect to Emperor Xuanping and have opinions on Emperor Xuanping, so they kowtow without any effort.

And he came back from Shen's house in a fright. It is hopeless to get the acceptance of Shen's second uncle today, so he must find an expert to collect Shen's ghost no matter how much money it takes, otherwise he will be accepted today. It may be dead at night.

Next, Liu Zhiming and Liu Baokai did not disappoint Liu Ergou. In the evening, they invited the expert Liu Baokai said.

Seeing that the person who came was an old Taoist priest in his 50s, Liu Ergou felt calm subconsciously. He felt that the reason why the sorceress was useless last time was because the other party was a timid and ignorant woman. , how could this bitch learn something well, so the opponent was scared away by Shen's ghost in less than a round.

But now that he has invited this Taoist priest who can be said to be profound at first glance, he believes that tonight he will be able to take away Shen's ghost in one fell swoop and never have future troubles.

However, what surprised Liu Ergou next was that the other party heard that he was going to make Shen's ghost fly away and never be reborn forever, so he even asked him for money again.

It turns out that this person's 100 taels of silver is just a fee for collecting ghosts, and the ghosts collected will still go down to the underworld to be reincarnated. If he wants to make Shen's ghost immortal, he will have to pay the other party an additional 20 taels of silver." Zhede fee".

Because the Taoist priest said that to keep the ghost from being reborn forever is to kill his yin virtue and harm his lifespan, so it is not expensive to charge an extra 20 taels of silver. He charged some hard work fees to help him avenge him.

The 20 taels of silver is not much to Liu Ergou, but it is not too much to say less, but if this silver can make Shen's eternal life, then Liu Ergou only hesitated and decided to do it.

So he finally waited until the night fell, and then the old Liu's ghost collection formation was set up again. Originally, Liu Ergou planned to wait for the ghosts of the Shen family to come to him at night when he was sleeping. Who knew this Taoist priests, however, have the best time to collect ghosts in the evening, when the sun has just set and the power of ghosts is weakened by the sun to the greatest extent, and the night is good for ghosts, but it has not yet arrived, so this is the best time to collect ghosts. ghost time.

Then Liu Ergou questioned what to do if Shen's ghost hadn't come since he started doing it so early, and then he got an answer that made him and everyone in the Liu family extremely horrified.

Because the other party told them that Shen's ghost could come to Liu Ergou every night, so she had to live in this house, so she was here even during the day, but she just found a place to hide.

Hearing this, Liu Ergou and the others turned pale with fright, and then felt that there was no place in the house that was not gloomy, so they dared to have any objections, and quickly became respectful and asked the Taoist priest to collect ghosts for them.

No, then Liu Ergou and the others quickly prepared everything needed for the practice according to the requirements of the Taoist priest and placed them in the yard, and then the Taoist priest went to the incense table and raised his arms and shouted, "Heaven Lingling, Earth Lingling, The ghost harvesting ceremony begins!"

Liu Ergou and the others did this in secret, and they didn't dare to let the villagers know that their old Liu family was sought by Shen's ghost for revenge. The ghost of the Taoist priest made the other party unable to reincarnate forever. Didn’t they hear the Taoist priest yelled so loudly in the yard, their faces couldn’t help but changed, and the surrounding people wondered if the Taoist priest yelled so loudly. It is no longer possible to collect ghosts.

Seeing that Liu Ergou was the first to react, he quickly wanted to remind the Taoist priest to lighten his voice. Who knew that at this moment, he and everyone in the Liu family were surprised to see a few candles lit up with the Taoist priest's last word "Qi". And a stick of cigarettes rose from the basket on the ground out of thin air, and then flew to the incense burner of the incense table one after another, and then the unlit candles and incense were lit out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ergou and Liu's family couldn't help being stunned, and for a moment they deeply felt that this Taoist priest was really capable.

And Liu Ergou and the old Liu family who also came back to remind the Taoist priest to keep his voice down all gave up the idea of ​​making the other party keep his voice down, for fear that their interruption would affect the Taoist priest's ability to catch Shen. ghost.

Then the Taoist babbled a lot in front of the incense table, which Liu Ergou and the others couldn't understand. At the same time, he made some movements that dazzled them, as if he was holding some kind of ceremony!
[Ask for votes and encouragement, bow and thank the little cuties~]

(End of this chapter)

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