Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 828 Shen Zhan's reputation for suppressing bandits!

Chapter 828 Shen Zhan's reputation for suppressing bandits!
And this worry was also the reason why Shen Xuan agreed to go home with Shen Ershu and the others immediately to discuss countermeasures with Shen Jianwan and the others.

Shen Min and the others first breathed a sigh of relief when they heard from Shen Xuan that King Zhong would not become their local emperor, and then they heard that King Zhong's person might still influence Liu Ergou's case, their hearts arose again, so Shen Xuan After finishing the words, they couldn't help looking at Shen Jianwan to listen to what she had to say!
Under the enthusiastic eyes of the big guys, Shen Jianwan nodded and praised Shen Xuan: "Yes, yes, Brother Xuan, you have analyzed every word well. Now His Majesty is in good health. Even if King Zhong is rebellious, it depends on whether anyone is willing to follow him. Therefore, he will not confront the imperial court openly in the short term.

It's just that Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua's luck is really good this time. When they meet King Zhong who wants to come to the land to establish his prestige, Brother Dong and other officials will treat King Zhong a little bit less anyway. If the people of King Zhong really want to take The case of Liu Ergou and the others came to stand out.Then I think Big Brother Dong and the others will give in. After all, this case is considered a trivial matter and does not involve politics at all. "

Hearing this, Shen Min and the others became anxious.

Shen Min couldn't help asking anxiously, "Sister-in-law, you mean Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua will be fine this time?"

Shen Jianwan: "You have to read on to find out. It's just that according to the attitude of those who are loyal to the king, they probably want to use this case to create trouble."

Shen Jie was unconvinced when he heard this, "Sister-in-law Wantang, are we going to let Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua go like this? It's rare that they don't know what wrong they have committed this time and surrender themselves. If they can't let it go this time They got the punishment they deserved, and it will be difficult for us to deal with them in the future."

Second Aunt Shen also echoed, "That's right, Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua have both confessed their crimes and surrendered themselves. Could it be possible that this could be false, so the government can let them go?"

Shen Jianwan: "The difference is that it has been too long since they poisoned their grandmother, and there is nowhere to find witnesses.

So if the loyal king's people wanted to use this incident to scare the chickens and monkeys, as long as they insisted that Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua were threatened to confess their crimes, the case would probably not come to a conclusion. "

Hearing Shen Jianwan's words, the room fell silent, because Shen Jianwan's analysis was very reasonable.

Seeing that, Shen Jie suddenly punched the table with his fist, "It's a good couple, Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua!"

Then Second Uncle Shen asked Shen Jianwan unwillingly, "Sister Wan, do we really have no other way to do this?"

Seeing the unwillingness and anger on Uncle Shen's face, Shen Jianwan could also understand the feeling that her mother's great revenge could not be avenged, so she couldn't help thinking:

"For the time being, it seems that we really have no way to do it, because this matter of having a loyal king's ginseng leg is no longer a simple life lawsuit, but involves a court struggle, and then this court struggle is based on the current lintel of our Shen family. Once you get involved, you will end up being cannon fodder.

In addition, Liu Ergou and the others turned themselves in. It was very difficult to judge, because after many years, except Liu Ergou himself turned himself in, all the witnesses and evidences of the year no longer exist, so even if there are no loyal kings involved in the case It is difficult to punish Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua severely, and it is even more difficult now that there are people who are loyal to the king. "

Speaking of this, seeing that Uncle Shen's expression became more and more ugly, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but change the subject hastily: "But it's not useless for Liu Ergou to surrender himself this time, at least we now know that they poisoned grandma back then. The truth about him, and his surrender, everyone knows what happened back then.

So even though the government didn't convict Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua this time, there are some things that the big guys don't just accept the government's verdict. After this surrender, I believe Liu Ergou and the others will have difficulty moving an inch in Qiushui Town or even Pingyang County.

And sometimes imprisonment, exile, or even beheading is nothing compared to this, which cannot be tolerated in the world, unless they move, but Ah Wan promises that second uncle no matter where they move, what they have done is done, and I will let them People go to the places where they live and continue to spread their deeds. I want them to avoid the contempt and condemnation from the world no matter where they move. "

After listening to Shen Jianwan's words, although the big guy is still a little bit uneasy, it can be regarded as slowly accepting this fact.

After all, the Shen family definitely can't do stupid things like hitting a stone with a pebble, and what Shen Jianwan said was right, that is, Liu Ergou and Chen Cuihua were not convicted this time, and they can continue to take revenge privately when they come back, and let them enjoy the experience from the outside world. condemnation.

After this incident, the Shen family couldn't help feeling that they were still not strong enough. For a while, they couldn't help but clenched their fists and decided to work harder to become a stronger Shen family.

Especially the three of them, Shen Jie, Shen Xuan, and Shen Dong, who were taking the imperial examination, felt a heavy burden on them at this moment.

Shen Jianwan saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't say anything about it. Maybe the King Zhong's accident was not a bad thing for them. It is said that people live in sorrow and die in peace. If Liu Ergou and the others exist If she can make the Shen family work harder and be more united, then she will allow them to dance around for a few more days, and of course she won't make them feel better during the period!
But as soon as he finished talking about this terrible thing, there was movement outside the yard. It turned out that Shen Zhan, who led the day laborer to grow sweet potatoes, had returned.

Then when he saw Shen Zhan, Second Uncle Shen slapped his thigh and remembered another thing that Shen Jianwan and the others told them they heard in the county.

And this one is a big deal!
This is the story of Shen Zhan's suppression of bandits in the north and south of Ding'an Mansion that was reported back to their Pingyang County. To be precise, the story of Shen Zhan's suppression of bandits spread throughout their entire Ding'an Mansion, and then spread back to their Pingyang County today!
Now people outside are talking about how brave Shen Zhan was in this bandit suppression operation in Ding'an Mansion. It is said that these words first came from the Fubing barracks.

According to the officers and soldiers of the military camps, this time their Ding'an Mansion was able to wipe out all the bandits in the territory in an instant, and became the first of several nearby states to complete the task of clearing up the bandits. Among them, they were transferred from the border to assist Shen Zhan has made great contributions.

Especially after a few bandit leaders were captured and returned, they all treated Shen Zhan well, saying that Shen Zhan must have been sent by heaven to pay them off so that they could not continue to be bandits, otherwise he wouldn't leave them alone. Wherever you go, you can find them no matter how well you hide in the deep mountains.

Then these bandit leaders pleaded guilty in the courtroom, and the rest of the captured bandit shrimps also submissively stopped making any resistance, and said that everything obeyed the will of heaven, so Shen Zhan's suppression The name of the bandit spread in their Ding'an mansion! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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