Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 831 Happy Events Again and again!

Chapter 831 Happy Events Again and again!

And after this incident, Shen Jianwan and the others won not only the huge sum of 200 million taels of silver, but also their Tianfang Silver House, which suddenly became famous in their Ding'an Mansion, and everyone knew about them Tianfang Yinlou has the best jade and sells the most beautiful and novel jade jewelry.

So, just as Shen Jianwan predicted, their Tianfang Silver Building opened up quickly along with their jade mine in the surrounding area as soon as it opened.

And now, their Tianfang Yinlou is full of customers every day, and those who come to customize jewelry even wait half a year later!

It can be said that now Shen Jianwan and the others are earning a lot of money every day from the jade mine and the Tianfang Silver House, even the eldest son of the Song Dynasty can't help but personally check the money earned by the Silver House every day.

Of course, to put it simply, Prince Song counts the money they earn every day. In his words, today is another day when he is so overwhelmed by the money they earn!
It is worth mentioning that apart from the business of the jade mine and Tianfang Yinlou, the ice shop jointly opened by Shen Jianwan and Song Shiyuan also opened in the capital and various places one after another more than a month ago.

Sure enough, the weather this year is getting hotter and hotter every day. The demand for ice cubes from the rich and wealthy merchants has increased greatly. However, there is a lot of ice on the market, so the price of ice cubes has risen compared to last year in summer. It has more than doubled, and now it has risen to three times as high, and each ice shop still has a limited supply every day.

So Shen Jianwan and their ice shop opened at this time, and there was no shortage of customers from the beginning without any publicity, because their ice cubes were unlimited, but it took a while to pick up the goods one after another. Their ice shop business has never been It's been a blast since it opened.

As for the ice shop business, Shen Jianwan and Song Shiyuan made a lot of money.

But now the business of the ice shop is nothing compared to the business of the jade mine and the Tianfang Silver House.

In Song Dashizi's words, ever since he and Shen Jianwan started the business of selling strawberries and watermelons, their money came to them like a flood, and they couldn't stop it.

During the days when he was not living in Shen's house, Song Dashizi spent every day happily playing with Shitou and the others and counting silver, and it was a joy to spend it.

Then when their Jade Mine and Tianfang Silver Building also started to make a lot of money, another happy event happened.

That is, the Shen family's new residence is finally completed, and then they can choose a date to move in after Shen Zhan, who went to suppress the bandits, returns home!
And now Shen Jianwan and the others are busy arranging the new house.

Building a new house is definitely one of the major events in the life of the people. This does not mean that the decoration of the new house. From Shen's mother to the stone, the children of Shen's family are all very active, and everyone is vigorously decorating. This new home and their own room.

Yes, before the new house was completed, Shen Jianwan suggested to Shen's mother that she should draw up the design plan except for the public areas of the home, and then the whole family discussed and decided that the rest of the rooms should be designed by themselves.

It's unheard of that you can design your own room. Except for Shen's mother who is still calm, the rest of the family are all excited.

So Shen Xuan, Shen Dong, Shen Min, Shitou, Song Shiyuan, Baili Jingming and other children in the family were all designing their rooms with great enthusiasm, even Shen's mother didn't refuse and thought of what to do with her own room layout.

Of course, Shen Jianwan is also designing her and Shen Zhan's room and yard herself!
Yes, Shen Jianwan not only had to design the second room in the backyard with Shen's mother and the others, she also had to design the yard that belonged to her and Shen Zhan.

Because Shen Jianwan was the only one married to Shen Zhan in their lifetime, so in addition to arranging the room in the second entrance where she lived with her family, she also had to arrange the courtyard of her and Shen Zhan's couple.

In addition, Shen Wan, who is about to get married in the spring of next year, is also required to decorate the yard left for her now.

So at present, apart from the main house with the first and second entrances, the small courtyards are currently only the courtyards of Shen Jianwan and Shen Zhan, and these two courtyards of Shen Wan are being furnished, and the others are currently only decorating the main house first, The second went into their respective rooms.

As for their respective yards because they are afraid of keeping things for too long, everyone means that they will arrange them when they are about to get married in the future.

Because Shen Jianwan owns a furniture shop and a glass workshop, they can quickly fix the furniture and windows that are all glassed, and even spread mosquito nets, screens, curtains, and door curtains. Shen Jianwan's beautiful thoughts are perfect. There are also workshops, so as long as the plan for their new house arrangement is confirmed, it is called a quick one.

So only a few days after the completion of the new house, Shen Jianwan and the others' new house has been fully furnished, and they can make drinks and move in just waiting for Shen Zhan to return home!
And Shen Zhan did not disappoint Shen Jianwan and the others, and he also returned triumphantly not long after.

Yes, Shen Zhan returned triumphantly after he wiped out all the bandits all the way from the canal, and on the first day he returned safely, Mother Shen and Second Aunt Shen went to Lingshan Temple to thank the gods for Shen Zhan's safe return, and then begged The day of moving into the new house is five days later.

After confirming the date of moving into the new house, Shen Jianwan and the others were very happy, and immediately began to notify relatives and friends to come and drink the wine.

This time when they moved into the new house, Shen's mother meant to hold a big housewarming banquet, which was auspicious and it was also their custom here.

And Shen Jianwan and the others are naturally willing to fulfill Shen's mother's small request, and Shen Jianwan also has a small purpose, that is, she is going to promote their sweet potatoes at the housewarming party of their new house.

Yes, given that their Shen family is currently at the lintel of Ding'an Mansion, their housewarming banquet will definitely attract a lot of guests. Even Li Zhifu told Shen Jianwan before they left when Shen Jianwan received the imperial edict. In order to wait for their new house to move in, he must be notified to come and have a wedding banquet.

So Shen Jianwan planned to tell the big guys about planting sweet potatoes when all the "big bosses" in Ding'an Mansion gathered at their house for a wedding banquet, and once this was successful, those in Ding'an Mansion who wanted to grow sweet potatoes could catch up with the season It's all planted.

Sure enough, as soon as the news that Shen Jianwan's family invited everyone to the housewarming banquet was released, it immediately became a hot topic in the village.

Then the families who received their invitations, many of whom had their owners at home, expressed on the spot that they would definitely go there.

At this time, after living in many places, the old Liu family who finally returned to Qinghe Village also got the news that Shen Jianwan and the others were about to hold a housewarming wedding.

After hearing the news, Liu Baokai was immediately excited, and immediately mentioned his wedding on the same day!
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(End of this chapter)

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