Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 839 The king spoils the Liu family's wedding banquet!

Chapter 839 The king spoils the Liu family's wedding banquet!

Speaking of this, the king suddenly couldn't help but excitedly suggested:

"Wanwan, do you want me to go to Lao Liu's house now to find an opportunity to do some small damage, so that they can make their wedding banquet even more enjoyable for the guests and hosts?"

When the little cat talked about the two words of making a little damage and having fun with the guests, it was very meaningful. Shen Jianwan knew it was holding back just by hearing it.

However, she loves it! ! !

Hearing this, Shen Jianwan nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, but we have to take it easy, my lord, after all, it is not easy to explain whether this loyal king is a prince or grandson, and there is a big problem in our Qinghe village.

And the most important thing is that we can't leave any handles when we do things, and we must do bad things without any traces. "

After the end, Shen Jianwan is still a little uneasy. Although the kitten is very smart, it is still a child's heart. It is about King Zhong and the others. They still have to be careful. Of course, Shen Jianwan will not admit that she also wants to participate in this tricky King Zhong And ruining the old Liu's wedding banquet!

So she continued to say: "Why don't you broadcast the situation there to me when you arrive at the old Liu's house later, my lord, and then we can discuss how to destroy it together."

The king felt that there was more bad water in Shen Jianwan's stomach than it was and he was more considerate. Hearing this, he agreed without hesitation, "Okay, I'll go first that night!" Said and disappeared in front of Shen Jianwan's eyes !
Then when the little cat arrived at the Liu's house, the Liu's house had just started a banquet, King Zhong was at the VIP table at the top of the main room accompanied by Liu Fengyue, and then Liu Baokai and a group of officials below were flattering King Zhong to drink.

Seeing that the little cat's eyes lit up, he subconsciously wanted to put some laxatives in Zhong Wang's drink, so he couldn't help but send a message to Shen Jianwan with his thoughts.

Who knew that this proposal was immediately rejected by Shen Jianwan. The reason was that the laxative had some kind of lethal effect, but doing so could easily hurt the innocent. It must be to find out the person who gave the drug, and it would be bad if he accidentally injured an innocent person.

Although the little cat likes to be lively, it also knows that it will be fatal for someone to carry the laxative for King Zhong, so when he heard the words, he immediately knew that he was impulsive and didn't think carefully, so he gave up asking, "Then What should we do tonight?"

"let me see……"

After Shen Jianwan thought for a while, he felt blessed, "My lord, did you say that Liu Fengyue is sitting next to King Zhong, and Liu Fengyue is still serving him for dinner?"

Speaking of which, the Liu family specially prepared an extremely luxurious table for King Zhong, and the food on it seemed to be the same as everyone else's, but it was much more refined, and there were several delicacies that other guests did not have.

And King Zhong's VIP table only sat him and Liu Fengyue, and then Liu Baokai and the others were all accompanying him.

So the king replied, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Shen Jianwan: "My lord, then use your mental strength to let the wine spill on Liu Fengyue when he is pouring wine for Zhong Wang, it is best to pour the whole pot of wine on Zhong Wang, and then he must change it. Clothes, when people get up from their chairs, our opportunity will come.

What if he falls on the flat ground, falls like a dog eating mud, and then falls across the threshold, in short, let him make a good embarrassment in front of everyone.

When it's over, wait for him to go back to the room to change clothes. Your Majesty, you can play by ear. "

The king's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Good idea, my king will do it now."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Fengyue happened to see Liu Fengyue pouring wine for King Zhong, so Liu Fengyue, who was standing up to fill up the wine for King Zhong, trembled with a heartbeat, and then poured the whole pot of wine on King Zhong.

And the location of the shower is very awkward...

Seeing that she poured more than half a catty of wine on King Zhong's body, Liu Fengyue was frightened and subconsciously wiped it with the handkerchief in her hand, and then she didn't know why she didn't stand still, and the strength in her hand was too strong. Then he didn't control it well, so King Zhong let out a scream!
Immediately, the scene became even more embarrassing. No one dared to speak.

Finally, the followers around King Zhong reacted first and asked Liu Baokai and the others to prepare a room for King Zhong to change. Upon hearing this, Liu Baokai and the others quickly nodded and asked King Zhong to go with them and go to the lounge they specially prepared for him to change. King Zhong was rescued from an unspeakable part of the man who was injured by Liu Fengyue on the spot.

Who knew that just as he walked out of the main room under the leadership of Liu Baokai and the others, he was thrown into mud by the threshold again.

Immediately, all the guests at the scene: ... This majestic Longzi, who is still a man in his thirties, can't even walk well? !

When he was lifted up by the people around him, King Zhong's face was already as dark as ink, but he still had to ask someone to set him up so he didn't get angry and was led by someone to change his clothes.

Then when he walked into the yard, he staggered again and... fell to the ground!
Being lifted up again, King Zhong was already on the verge of going berserk.

The frightening thing is that before he stood up and took a few steps, he had just arrived in front of the lounge specially prepared for him by Liu Baokai and the others. When he crossed the threshold, he obviously paid special attention to the threshold. Who knew that he took one step too long? Suddenly, he slipped again and fell again.

All the guests: this a three-in-a-row throw? !

This time, King Zhong has the heart to eat people, but he still has to stabilize his character, so he still has to break his teeth and swallow blood, pretending to be nothing, and continue to get up and enter the door.

The wind and rain came to the room to change clothes, and after changing clothes, he picked up the tea on the table and drank it, because he had to reduce the fire!

Who knew that this time he was too strong, and even ate the cup...

Yes, because the tea cups of the Liu family are very small to show nobility, and the cup can only hold a sip of tea, so when King Zhong drank tea vigorously, the king "helped" him. Then he confiscated his strength and ate the cup.

The confidantes around him were quite surprised to see their master "eating" the cup. They were so frightened that they almost knelt on the spot, and hurriedly called out to the King Zhong to appease his anger, and then rushed to the savior.

So Liu Baokai outside waited anxiously for King Zhong to change his clothes, but what they received was that King Zhong was tired from the long journey and needed to rest, so Liu Baokai and the others continued the banquet by themselves.

Fortunately, what relieved Liu Baokai and the others was that Liu Fengyue asked King Zhong to call in to serve and rest.

When the banquet resumed again, the atmosphere became more relaxed without King Zhong. Then Liu Baokai and the others, especially Liu Baokai, the groom, received compliments from all the guests.

Liu Baokai was complimented by the crowd, so he drank a few more glasses, and then he got a little drunk, but he was still very sober and excited about today's scenery.

Shen Jianwan heard that the king continued to broadcast the live broadcast, and heard that Liu Baokai was drunk too much due to the compliments from everyone, and then people talked a little more frivolously than usual, so she had an idea to tell the king again her idea of ​​blessing to the heart!

[Ask for votes and encouragement ~ Bow and thank you little cuties ~]

(End of this chapter)

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