Chapter 855 Farewell
Then it couldn't help reminding that if Shen Jianwan was afraid that Dabai wouldn't be able to take the long journey and couldn't run that far, he could exchange it for a spirit beast bag in the system, and then Dabai could go with Shen Zhan in the spirit beast bag The border is closed.

There are tens of thousands of things in the system mall. Shen Jianwan really didn't look at the spirit beast bag or something carefully. After hearing the words and confirming to the king that the spirit beast bag in the world of cultivating immortals can also hold Dabai, and there will be no problem, She couldn't help rushing to the system mall excitedly.

The first thing Shen Jianwan has to do is to draw a lottery!
Yes, after upgrading to level five, they will have six chances to draw a lottery. Shen Jianwan decides to draw a lottery first to see what he can get. If there is a spirit animal bag, they don't need to spend points to buy it. Then this time, Shen Zhan and Dabai will go They also had to bring some protective items to the border, so it would be even better if they could get other useful items for them.

It has to be said that Shen Jianwan's luck is still very good in this system mall.

After the six lottery draws, although she didn't get a spirit beast bag, she also got a space storage bag with very valuable points, an earth-level amulet, and [-]ml of high-level spiritual liquid.

Although she got a "Thank you for participating" in the other three lucky draw opportunities, these three items in her hand are worth tens of millions of points.

Among them, the space storage bag is worth 2000 million points!

Yes, this space storage bag that only has one cubic meter and can only hold dead objects is sold for 2000 million points in the mall!
In Dawang's words, this space technology has always been very expensive, especially this storage bag has traveled through time and space to be exchanged in this system, and the price of this space stacked with time and space is even higher.

Seeing that a mere storage bag that can only hold dead objects in one cubic meter needs 2000 million points, Shen Jianwan immediately had a bad feeling about the price of the spirit beast bag that he was going to buy next!

Sure enough, I clicked on the product column and saw that the price of a low-level spirit animal bag was 5000 million points. The only thing that made Shen Jianwan feel that it was not too bad was that it had a full ten cubic meters of space, which was completely enough to understand that the size of the bag at any time was not too bad. I can stay inside.

Although his heart ached, in the end Shen Jianwan bought the spirit animal bag without hesitation, because no matter whether Dabai went to the border or not, having this spirit animal bag was very convenient for Dabai.

And after "losing" 5000 million of the points that had just reached [-] million, Shen Jianwan didn't stop her shopping.

Because she still had to exchange some healing pills and weapons for Shen Zhan, Shen Jianwan said that she was never generous with spending points, and was even a bit stingy, but she was very willing to spend the points that must be spent.

In short, Shen Jianwan thinks that she can be stingy about money and points, but she is absolutely generous when it comes to necessities. As long as things are used wisely, they are not wasted, but buying unnecessary things with a penny or a point is a waste .

When the lottery draw and shopping were over, the king reminded Shen Jianwan that Shen Zhan was coming to their room, so Shen Jianwan hurried out of the space, and as soon as she stood still in the room, Shen Zhan's footsteps came from outside.

It was another night of parting, so the reluctance of the young couple Shen Jianwan and Shen Zhan needn't be mentioned.

In the past few months when Shen Zhan came back, although the husband and wife still couldn't get along day and night, they were already used to parting, even if it was only a short period of time. The reluctance of the two of them can be imagined.

In the end, Master Shen had an idea and suggested that the little girl go to Fucheng together with him to hand over the security work of digging the canal to Qingfeng County King, so that the couple can get along for two more days, and they will wait for Shen Zhan and him to set foot on the road to the border. will separate.

Hearing the words, Shen Jianwan's eyes brightened immediately, and there was no disagreement, so knowing that there was no need to say goodbye tonight, the atmosphere in the room became cheerful.

In the blink of an eye, it was the next day. Knowing that Shen Jianwan was going to Fucheng to inspect the business, and planned to go to Fucheng with Shen Zhan, Shen's mother and the others naturally had no objection, and were even happy that the young couple could spend more time together.

In the early morning, Second Aunt Shen and the others, Second Aunt Yang, and Xu Dahe all came to help Shen Jianwan and the others clean up the mess from yesterday's banquet.

Because yesterday's banquet lasted until midnight at the Shen family, there was no time to clean up the banquet tables and chopsticks, and then the banquet was huge and packed with things, so Second Aunt Shen and the others agreed to come this morning to help clean things up.

Even besides Second Aunt Shen and the others, many people from the village came to help clean up early in the morning.

I didn't know that Shen Zhan would leave home today to go to Fucheng to hand over the work to Qingfeng County King, and then set foot on the road to the border. Everyone was very surprised and moved.

Although it was known yesterday that Shen Zhan had to go to the border, he never thought that he would have to leave today.

Especially Second Aunt Shen and the others felt that Shen Zhan was leaving for the border because he failed to attend their family's housewarming banquet.

Yes, what is worth mentioning here is that Second Aunt Shen and his family built the new house together with Zheng Xiuwen this time, but Second Aunt Shen and his family have not yet completed the construction because they were built half a month later than Zheng Xiuwen. So at this time, it is too late for Shen Zhan to hold a housewarming banquet at home.

Originally, Second Aunt Shen and the others had no plans to build a new house for the time being, otherwise they would have done it together when Shen Jianwan and the others built a new house or Zheng Xiuwen, but this time they had to build a new house The reason for the house.

That is, the house they used to live in was burned down by Ma Laidi and her concubine.

This matter started more than a month ago when Ma Laidi, who had remarried to an old widower, suddenly went to Aunt Shen's family and said that she would not be able to survive in her current husband's house, and begged Second Aunt Shen and the others to accept her again.

Second Aunt Shen and the others are not fools, how could they possibly accept her?

Later, Ma Laidi held a grudge against Aunt Shen and the others after many entanglements with no results, and then she unexpectedly resurfaced with an old lover before she married Shen Yuan.

Their affair was discovered by her old widower husband, and they accidentally killed her. When they saw this, they were so frightened that they hid the body and wanted to run away.

At this time, Ma Laidi's old lover reminded Ma Laidi and the two of them that they could not flee empty-handed, so they discussed a poisonous plan to plot against Aunt Shen and their family.

They first squatted down to find Second Aunt Shen, and when there was no one in their family except Shen Caiyue and Shen Caizhu, Ma Laidi appeared and tricked Shen Caiyue to let her out of the yard.

Then Ma Laidi took advantage of the unpreparedness of the sisters and poured sweat medicine into Aunt Shen's dinner.

This night, when Second Aunt Shen and the others passed out after dinner, Ma Laidi and her old lover, who were guarding nearby, climbed over the wall and entered Aunt Shen's house and ransacked it!
(End of this chapter)

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