Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 905: The imperial reinforcements finally arrived, but Shen Jianwan discovered something was

Chapter 905: The imperial reinforcements finally arrived, but Shen Jianwan discovered something was wrong.

Seeing that someone finally remembered to eat, the cat on the desk couldn't help but complain:

"Hmph, I finally remembered that we should eat. Shen Jianwan, you are such a scumbag. I'm going to starve you to death."

After hearing this, Shen Jianwan realized that he had said this to Shen Zhan in front of the king and Dabai, and his face turned red for a moment.

It had been too long since the couple had seen each other again, and she had somewhat forgotten that the king and the others were still there.

Then Shen Zhan acted as if nothing was wrong. He gave a certain cat a warning look, and then told Shen Jianwan in a warm voice that he would go and have someone bring the food.

Finally sitting at the table for dinner, Shen Jianwan also regained her composure. Then, in addition to giving various dishes to Shen Zhan, she also brought various kinds of food to Dawang and Dabai respectively.

Then she kept saying words to please a certain cat, "My lord, you have really worked hard this time. Without you running errands for this war, we would definitely not have won.

And during the battle, if you hadn't stayed by Brother Shen Zhan's side and kept transmitting messages to me, Brother Shen Zhan and I wouldn't have been able to cooperate so seamlessly on the battlefield. All of this is due to you, my king.

Hey, why are our kittens so awesome! "

Because Shen Jianwan and the king have a contract, the two of them can communicate consciously within a certain distance, but the king and Shen Zhan cannot. They can only communicate when they are together.

Therefore, the king had to stay with Shen Zhan during the war so that he could communicate with Shen Jianwan.

This flattery slapped a certain cat so hard that its tail was almost wagging to the sky. The king was so flattered by Shen Jianwan that he waggled his tail and ate chicken drumsticks. How could he still remember the jealous things he had done before?

Although Shen Jianwan meant to please the king, she was telling the truth.

Speaking of this war, the king not only sent Shen Jian an evening report about where Shen Zhan and his reinforcements had arrived, but also how long it would take before they arrived at Beijiang City. After Shen Zhan and his reinforcements arrived at the battlefield last night, they had been waiting for Shen Zhan. With Shen Jianwan and Shen Zhan by their side as "mouthpieces", the couple could cooperate so well that they defeated the coalition forces.

For example, Shen Jianwan had the soybeans cooked in advance to prepare for the arrival of Shen Zhan's reinforcements. She had people scatter the soybeans among the coalition forces, and even yelled about running away to shake the morale of the coalition forces. This was all conveyed to her on the spot by the king. Hearing Shen Zhan's words.

Even Shen Jianwan's idea of ​​using soybeans to attract enemy war horses to eat so that they would no longer obey the coalition's command was inspired by Shen Zhan.

From the King's message, Shen Jianwan learned that Shen Zhan and the others had used the sled she had sent to deliver food last time. They used the sled to use the cavalry to transport infantry, which greatly increased the marching speed. At the same time, they also used the sled to transport enough food on the road. of military rations.

So Shen Jianwan contacted the situation that although the coalition forces under the city were large in number, their food supplies were not enough, especially because their horses were half-starved because there was not enough forage in winter, so she came up with the idea of ​​spreading soybeans.

Before that, she had asked Shen Zhan and the others to feed their horses, so their soybean talents only had an impact on the coalition's horses on the battlefield.

As for the two parties that later sent troops to fight in various ways and cooperated with the coalition forces who were defeated in front and back, it was even more inseparable from the fact that the king served as a "mouthpiece" for the couple.

It can be said that in this battle, Shen Zhan only brought 20,000 elite troops and defeated the coalition forces with a "front and rear attack" with Shen Jianwan overnight. The king made great contributions in this battle. Shen Jian It is no exaggeration to praise it at this time. After praising the kitten, Shen Jianwan caught Dabai and also praised him. The "reunion night" between the two animals was extremely warm.

However, the time of joyful gatherings is always short-lived. After Shen Zhan stayed in Beijiang City for another two days to deal with all the post-war matters, he had to go to the front line again, because he was still indispensable.

Although it is said that the situation on the front line has been greatly improved after Shen Zhan devised the plan of "surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao", Liang and other countries have used almost all their national strength to attack this time, and they will not be willing to retreat so easily, so the front line war Still stuck.

Of course, now that the crisis in Beijiang City has been resolved, the Liang Kingdom and their coalition forces want to withdraw, but Yamato will not agree to it!

So Shen Zhan left 10,000 elite troops to guard Beijiang City. After doing enough to defend the city, he took the remaining people and the captured horses to the front line.

In Shen Zhan's words, with the addition of more than 30,000 war horses confiscated in Beijiang City, their front-line combat power will be greatly increased this time.

Because the current battle between the Yamato army and the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces of Liang Kingdom is the most lacking of war horses. Their army also suffers from the lack of cavalry and has been fighting the coalition forces for so long without making much progress. Therefore, they have more than 30,000 war horses this time. This will greatly make up for their lack of cavalry and allow them to surge in fighter jets.

If this war is successful, then it will also be a tribute to Shen Jianwan and the others in Northern Xinjiang City Chronicles.

As for Shen Jianwan, she did not go to the front line with Shen Zhan because she had more important things to do in Beijiang City, which was to continue to provide logistical assistance to Shen Zhan and the others on the front line.

In addition, she has to continue to guard the northern city and wait for the court to deal with the sudden appearance of the secret road from Liguo to Yamato, so that Shen Zhan and he can fight on the front line without worries.

After Shen Zhan left, Shen Jianwan devoted himself to treating the wounded and helping rebuild Beijiang City. Three days later, the imperial reinforcements for Beijiang City finally arrived!

The imperial court sent 50,000 soldiers and horses, led by Ye Junlin, the eldest son of the third prince's maternal family, An Dingbo Mansion, to the Northern Xinjiang City. However, at this time, the Northern Xinjiang City had already defeated the coalition forces for five days, and their reinforcements had finally arrived. late.

Therefore, the imperial reinforcements did not need to participate in the war when they arrived, and Ye Junlin made the decision within the same day to continue going to the front line to support Shen Zhan and the others.

Because he said that Emperor Xuanping asked them to come to help Beijiang City defend the city, and to help Shen Zhan and the others win this battle.

Therefore, these 50,000 soldiers and horses only stayed in Beijiang City for an hour to rest and then continued to the front line.

But Shen Jianwan looked at the leaving army and fell into deep thought.

It stands to reason that the Duke of Laozhen's injury has recovered now, and it should be the other party who comes to lead the troops to support him at this time, but it is too strange that the person who comes is the third prince who has become the king.

As far as she knew, although Ye Junlin had some battlefield experience, he could only be regarded as a rookie in the army. However, this time he went to the battlefield in place of the Duke of Laozhen. It seemed that the battle in the court was worse than she had imagined. Even more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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