Nongmen's elder sister-in-law is the richest in the world

Chapter 909 Meeting a spy at the banquet

Chapter 909 Meeting a spy at the banquet

The dishes, fruits and vegetables at the banquet did not disappoint everyone. All kinds of exquisite dishes were served by the attendants like water, and everyone was dizzy.

Among them, Mrs. He greeted the female family members with great enthusiasm, especially Shen Jianwan and Ye Yeyu. She was extremely attentive.

As a princess of the second rank, Shen Jianwan was also a princess with a fiefdom who was awarded a series of titles by Emperor Xuanping. Her status was naturally the highest in this banquet.

Ye Yeyu is the eldest daughter of the third prince's maternal family, Anning Bo Mansion, and the third prince's cousin. The third prince is currently the most powerful prince in the court, and has the greatest chance of ascending to that position in the future, so the people present have no doubts about her. She was also extremely flattering.

In particular, Ye Yeyu specifically stated in front of Emperor Xuanping last year that she would give up her red makeup and join the army, and follow her brother to the battlefield. She was also a noble girl who gained face in front of Emperor Xuanping, so the big guy was even more flattering to her. .

It can be said that for these two people, Mrs. He is the wife of a third-grade general, and her natal family is also a wealthy family in the North. She cannot afford to offend them.

At this banquet, Mrs. He greeted Shen Jianwan and Shen Jianwan with great enthusiasm, and all the ladies also fawned over them.

Shen Jianwan didn't like Mrs. He and the others' flattery, but she didn't resent it either, because she knew it was just a human touch.

It's just that she was confused by the hostile looks Ye Yeyu cast at her from time to time at the banquet.

This person, who didn't know yet that they had discovered their conspiracy, was trying to win over the couple in various ways in the Upper City Lord's Mansion, where Ye Junlin had been seen in Northern Xinjiang City for the past few days. Shen Jianwan really didn't understand Ye Yeyu's treatment of her. Where does the hostility come from.

But was Shen Jianwan afraid of this kind of look? Not only did she dare to stare back at him whenever he dared to cast a hostile look at her, but after doing this several times, Ye Yeyu really didn't dare to do it again.

Because Mrs. He was extremely enthusiastic, everyone at the banquet was also in a lively atmosphere. Everyone was making witty remarks and joking with each other. The eyebrow "lawsuit" between Shen Jianwan and Ye Yeyu was only carried out secretly, so The banquet went well and the guests and host were enjoying themselves.

However, while everyone was talking happily, shouts of arresting people suddenly came from outside.

The banquet was held in the garden. When she heard the news, Mrs. He was giving drinks to the ladies in the last row closest to the courtyard door.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but apologize to everyone and then came out with her skirt in hand to see what was going on.

Who knew that as soon as she stepped out, she was kidnapped by a man in black who jumped towards her, and she only had time to scream.

As soon as Mrs. He was kidnapped by black clothes, Ye Junlin led a group of soldiers and immediately followed her. It was obviously the man in black they were chasing. Then the man in black rushed into the banquet and kidnapped Mrs. He.

Suddenly the scene was in chaos, and the servants of the He family couldn't help but shout loudly to the guards outside to chase them.

It was also Mrs. He's bad luck. Shen Jianwan was at the front of the banquet and was too late to save her.

When Shen Jianwan saw someone being robbed, she didn't just sit idly by. Seeing this scene, she immediately used her Qinggong skills to chase him out.

Who would have thought that as soon as she stood up, she was stopped by Ye Yeyu who was at the table next to her, "Princess Jinxiu, people outside are catching spies, you'd better not go out and cause trouble."

Shen Jianwan chased him out because he heard Ye Junlin and the others shouting about catching spies. The figure of the man in black just now was indeed not from Yamato. Mrs. He is the wife of General He, the number one general under Shen Zhan. , her unusual identity cannot fall into the hands of enemy spies, otherwise it may cause trouble for the situation that was finally settled.

"I know this well." So Shen Jianwan refused to be polite to Ye Yeyu, pushed him away and chased him out. Although Shen Jianwan's Qinggong was excellent, it had been some time since Mrs. He was robbed, so when she chased her out, she could no longer see the shadow of the man in black, but she could still see Ye Junlin and the others who were lagging behind. Soldier.

However, she didn't give up. When she saw him, she jumped onto the roof and passed over the soldiers to continue chasing outside the courtyard.

Now Shen Jianwan's hearing was extraordinary. Although the man in black was nearly a hundred feet away from her, she could still hear his movements and chased after him.

And with the opponent's speed, Shen Jianwan believed that it would only take some time for her to catch up.

Next, Shen Jianwan quickly surpassed Ye Junlin and others in front, and took the lead to catch up to the front.

Then, as Shen Jianwan expected, she chased less than a mile before catching up with the man in black who was holding Mrs. He captive.

But what's bad is that the other party has now reached a cliff.

When the man in black saw Shen Jianwan chasing after him, he pushed Mrs. He in front of him, then put a big knife on Mrs. He's neck and shouted at her to stay away, otherwise he would kill the hostage with one knife.

Seeing this, Shen Jianwan immediately stopped and did not dare to come any closer.

So the two sides came to a stalemate.

After a while, Ye Junlin and others also caught up, but their arrival obviously couldn't do anything about the situation at hand. However, Shen Jianwan handed the negotiating power back to Ye Junlin and let the other party negotiate with the man in black.

But the man in black, who was obviously at the end of his rope, was not that easy to deal with, and the other party was still extremely alert. For a while, both sides were unable to do anything to each other.

But at this time, Shen Jianwan saw something was wrong with Mrs. He's state, and couldn't help but hurriedly told the man in black that Mrs. He was ill, and if he continued like this, he would die.

It's a pity that the other party obviously didn't care about Mrs. He's life or death at all, and only insisted on Ye Junlin and the others to retreat. However, Ye Junlin and the others refused to let the man in black go or retreat.

Seeing that if the stalemate continued like this, Mrs. He would definitely die, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but come up with a plan and told the black clothes to let her and Mrs. He exchange places, otherwise he would be dead soon and he would not be able to escape without the hostage.

The man in black didn't agree at first, but seeing that Mrs. He's face was getting worse and worse and she was about to die, he finally agreed.

However, the policeman felt very bad. Although he agreed to exchange the hostages, he asked Ye Junlin and the others to tie Shen Jianwan's hands before exchanging them with Mrs. He.

At this time, Ye Yeyu happened to arrive with someone. When she saw her, she, who was also a woman, tied Shen Jianwan's hands and exchanged the hostages.

When Shen Jianwan saw that Ye Yeyu had indeed tied her up and asked her to change people, Shen Jianwan couldn't help but gave the other party a meaningful smile, and then turned around to change people.

Shen Jianwan said that Ye Yeyu's tricks were not difficult for her. As she walked towards the man in black, she secretly moved her wrists. Just waiting for Mrs. He to be safe, she broke away and exploded in the uniform of the man in black!

(End of this chapter)

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