Chapter 111 Meeting the Raccoon Beast
Jian Jian admires this Daoist Qi very much. It has been half an hour since he attacked fiercely, and the opponent is still alive and well, and the more he fights, the more courageous he is. Does she not need to replenish her spiritual power?
It's simple, but after half an hour of sparring, she found some rules. The flame whip condensed by spiritual power dissipated in an instant, and she activated her obsidian bracelet, and a lavender halo flashed between her fists. .

Real person Qi saw Jian Jian scattered the flame whip and thought she was about to admit defeat, so he swung the stick a little slower, but Jian Jian seized this opportunity and swung his fist to deflect the opponent's wishful stick, and hit her shoulder directly with another punch.

After all, the other party has no body training. Although they are both Jindan real people, they can't stand the special material of the obsidian bracelet. With the blessing of spiritual power, they knocked real Qi away, and the stick in his hand almost fell out of his hand, so he didn't let it go This is a good opportunity, he walked closely to Qi Zhenren who flew out, and punched her in the stomach again.

This time, Qi Zhenren took a lot of effort to get up from the ground, looked up just in time to see Jian Jian put an ordinary flying sword on her neck, so he gritted his teeth bitterly and said: "I lost."

The rest of the people saw that Jindan Daoist had already decided the winner, and it was hard to continue the fight, so they all stopped. Zhang Xuefeng was supported by Wei Zhengrong, and his body was stained, and the other three were also a little bit smart. His strength was exhausted, and his robes were all messed up.

Since the opponent had already admitted defeat, Jian Jian took back the flying sword, but at the moment she retracted the flying sword, a disciple in the opponent's team at the late stage of foundation establishment suddenly threw a middle-grade flying sword talisman, attacking Cao Chenfeng and his party.

Cao Chenfeng frowned slightly, and his reaction was the quickest. He drew his sword and slashed at the flying sword talisman, but the talisman had already been activated, and a huge flying sword fell from the sky, pointing directly at the simple group of people. Cao Chenfeng's sword energy just made the falling speed It's just a slow breath.

Jian Jian frowned, injected the spiritual power of chaos into the ordinary flying sword in his hand, and raised his hand to throw the flying sword at the falling sword shadow, only to see the flying sword's five-color aura flickering, colliding with the sword shadow and making a muffled sound, and the simple The flying sword has been shattered piece by piece.

The bursting prestige caused a group of people to fall back and forth, and the trees and shrubs next to them were all seedlings. Simple and angry, it was not a surprise attack by the other party. The seal character has the meaning of killing fellow disciples.

Jian Jian punched the ground this time, and a hole was opened in the ground, which extended to the mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator who had just thrown the talisman, and alone fell him into the gap.

He briefly greeted the four of them, and rushed to the other side of the col as fast as he could. He left quickly without notifying Daoist Qi Hua of his name, nor intercepting their mission.

Daoist Qi Hua is not stupid, knowing that this disciple violated the taboo of Daoist Jindan, she didn't catch him immediately, let him hang around for a while, and reflect on himself, but she soon found out that something was wrong, because at the same time Two teams approached them quickly.

Jian Jian led the team to quickly evacuate from the scene, then bypassed the mountain pass, and came to a green bamboo forest. With his consciousness spread, only a few small animals were found, and there was no major threat. He temporarily adjusted and healed his injuries.

"Hurry up and heal your wounds, after tonight we have to go down the mountain tomorrow."

"Shan Zhenren, we still have an interception task that has not been completed!" Jin Liuli reminded.

"On the way down the mountain, we will follow the stream to see if we can meet the mission object."

The four of them had no objection, they had simple guardians, and they all started resting and healing with peace of mind. Zhang Xuefeng was seriously injured, so he took out the healing elixir that Jian Jian had given him, and poured out the last pill carefully.

The medicinal property traveled through the whole body with the spiritual power, repairing Zhang Xuefeng's injuries, and the arm split by the sword energy also slowly healed, leaving only a light pink mark.

With a simple sweep of consciousness, she knew that Zhang Xuefeng still had unhealed internal injuries, but the pills were insufficient. At this time, as the captain of the team, she was not stingy, and gave Zhang Xuefeng another bottle of healing medicine, just saying:

"It's not free anymore. Give me an equivalent bottle of medicine or spirit stone in the future."

"Thank you Shan Zhenren."

Zhang Xuefeng saluted Jian Jian gratefully, swallowed another pill, carefully put the remaining eight pills back into the storage bag, and started the second round of healing.

An hour and a half later, everyone recovered their spiritual power, got up and started to move towards the stream, preparing to go down the mountain.

Just after walking for a mile, Jian Jian suddenly turned around, waved to the four people following him, looked at the edge of the green bamboo forest, and said with a smile:

"Where are you going to follow? Show up soon."

There was no movement for a while, Cao Chenfeng and the others thought someone was following them, and they all clenched their swords vigilantly.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the other party was still unwilling to show up, he turned around and led everyone on their way.

But when she raised her leg, she found that a little raccoon with two black eyes was already hanging on her leg.

"This is a raccoon beast. It is as fast as lightning. Its chirping sound can attack people's sea of ​​consciousness. It is born at the third level."

 The prototype of the raccoon beast is the raccoon doll on my bedside. It was almost donated, but because of the dark eyes, I liked it very much. In the end, I kept it. Now I sleep with me every day, and sometimes I will talk to him when I feel nervous. talk.

(End of this chapter)

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